Access our Add or Subtract Percentage Calculator at, expertly designed to quickly modify values by percentages. It’s ideal for students handling mathematical tasks, professionals adjusting financial projections, or anyone needing exact percentage changes. This tool makes calculations straightforward and accurate.

How to Use Add or Substract Percentage Calculator

To use the “Add or Subtract Percentage” calculator as shown in the image, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Original Value: In the first input box, type in the original numerical value to which you want to add or subtract a percentage. This is the baseline number from which calculations will be performed.
  2. Enter the Percentage: In the second input box, input the percentage that you want to either add to or subtract from the original value. This is the percentage that will be calculated and then added or subtracted from the original value.
  3. Choose to Add or Subtract:
    • Add: If you want to increase the original value by the given percentage, click the “Add” button. This uses the formula:
      New Value=Original Value×(1+Percentage/100)
    • Subtract: If you want to decrease the original value by the given percentage, click the “Subtract” button. This uses the formula:
      New Value=Original Value×(1−Percentage/100)
  4. View the Result: After clicking either “Add” or “Subtract”, the new value will be displayed in the calculator. This is the original value adjusted by the specified percentage.
  5. Clear Values (if necessary): If you need to perform another calculation, click the “Clear” button to reset all input fields and start over with new values.

This tool is useful for quickly modifying values by percentages, making it ideal for applications in finance, statistics, and general calculations where such adjustments are needed.

How to Calculate Add or Substract Percentage Calculator

To calculate the addition or subtraction of a percentage from a base value, follow these steps:

Steps to Add a Percentage

  1. Determine the Original Value: This is the base value from which you will calculate the addition.
  2. Determine the Percentage to Add: Decide the percentage rate you want to add to the original value.
  3. Convert the Percentage to a Decimal: Divide the percentage by 100 to convert it into a decimal form. For example, 15% becomes 0.15.
  4. Multiply the Original Value by the Decimal: Multiply the original value by the decimal you obtained in the previous step to find the amount to add. For example, if the original value is 100 and the percentage is 15%, you calculate 100×0.15=15
  5. Add the Amount to the Original Value: Add the amount calculated in the previous step to the original value to get the new value. Continuing the example, 100+15=115.

Steps to Subtract a Percentage

  1. Determine the Original Value: This is the base value from which you will calculate the subtraction.
  2. Determine the Percentage to Subtract: Decide the percentage rate you want to subtract from the original value.
  3. Convert the Percentage to a Decimal: Divide the percentage by 100 to convert it into a decimal form. For example, 20% becomes 0.20.
  4. Multiply the Original Value by the Decimal: Multiply the original value by the decimal to find the amount to subtract. For example, if the original value is 100 and the percentage is 20%, you calculate 100×0.20=20
  5. Subtract the Amount from the Original Value: Subtract the amount calculated in the previous step from the original value to get the new value. Continuing the example, 100−20=80.

Add or Substract Percentage Formula Calculator

When using a formula calculator to add or subtract a percentage from a base value, you generally use these formulas:

Formula to Add a Percentage

To add a percentage to a number, you use the formula:

New Value=Original Value×(1+Percentage/100)

This formula increases the original value by a percentage of itself. The percentage is divided by 100 to convert it from a percent to a decimal, and then 1 is added to include the original value in the new total.

Formula to Subtract a Percentage

To subtract a percentage from a number, use the formula:

New Value=Original Value×(1−Percentage/100)

This formula decreases the original value by a percentage of itself. Similar to addition, the percentage is converted to a decimal, but this time it is subtracted from 1 to determine what fraction of the original value will remain.

Examples of Add or Substract Percentage Calculator

Here are five examples to demonstrate how to use the formulas for adding and subtracting percentages from a base value:

Example 1: Adding a Sales Tax

  • Original Price: $50.00
  • Tax Rate: 8%
  • Calculation:New Price=50×(1+8/100)=50×1.08=$54.00
  • Result: The total price with tax is $54.00.

Example 2: Subtracting a Discount

  • Original Price: $120.00
  • Discount Rate: 15%
  • Calculation:Discounted Price=120×(1−15/100)=120×0.85=$102.00
  • Result: The price after a 15% discount is $102.00.

Example 3: Increasing an Employee’s Salary

  • Original Salary: $40,000 per year
  • Raise Percentage: 5%
  • Calculation:New Salary=40,000×(1+5/100)=40,000×1.05=$42,000
  • Result: The new salary after a 5% raise is $42,000 per year.

Example 4: Decreasing a Budget Allocation

  • Original Budget: $10,000
  • Reduction Rate: 10%
  • Calculation:Reduced Budget=10,000×(1−10/100)=10,000×0.90=$9,000
  • Result: The budget after a 10% cut is $9,000.

Example 5: Adjusting Recipe Ingredients

  • Original Amount of Flour: 300 grams
  • Increase by: 25%
  • Calculation:New Amount of Flour=300×(1+25/100)=300×1.25=375 grams
  • Result: The new amount of flour needed is 375 grams.

Is there a limit to the percentage I can add or subtract?

No, there is no inherent limit to the percentage you can add or subtract. You can use any percentage, including values greater than 100% or negative percentages, depending on your needs.

How accurate is an Add or Subtract Percentage Calculator?

The accuracy of the calculator depends on the precision of the input values. Generally, these calculators are highly accurate for typical use cases, assuming correct input values are provided.

What happens if I enter a negative percentage in an Add or Subtract Percentage Calculator?

Entering a negative percentage while choosing to add will effectively subtract that percentage from the value, and entering a negative percentage while choosing to subtract will add that percentage. The sign of the percentage affects the operation inversely.

Can I use an Add or Subtract Percentage Calculator for tax calculations?

Yes, this calculator is perfect for tax calculations where you need to add a specific percentage to a price or salary to determine the total amount including tax.

How do I ensure accuracy with an Add or Subtract Percentage Calculator?

To ensure accuracy, always double-check your inputs and understand the math behind the operation. Verifying the calculations manually or with another tool can help confirm the results.

How do you add or subtract percentages?

To add or subtract percentages, convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100, then add or subtract this decimal from the original number. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it back to a percentage if needed.