AP Biology


Factors Affecting Inheritance and Gene Expression

Factors Affecting Inheritance and Gene Expression, a key topic in AP Biology, involve complex interactions within the nucleus where DNA and RNA play critical roles in determining an organism’s genotype. These factors include genetic interactions, environmental influences, and epigenetic modifications, all contributing to the diversity of traits and how they are expressed. Understanding these influences is essential for comprehending the full complexity of genetic inheritance and gene regulation.

Learning Objectives

By studying Factors Affecting Inheritance and Gene Expression, students will understand how chromosomes and nucleic acids within the nucleus contribute to genetic diversity. They will explore the impact of mutations and environmental factors on gene expression. Students will learn about epigenetic modifications, genetic interactions, and the mechanisms by which genes are regulated, providing a comprehensive understanding of inheritance beyond Mendelian genetics.


Gene expression and inheritance are not solely governed by Mendelian genetics. Multiple internal and external factors, including environmental influences, genetic interactions, and epigenetic modifications, play significant roles.

Internal Factors

1. Genetic Interactions

  • Epistasis: One gene can mask or alter the expression of another gene. For example, in mice, the gene for coat color can be overridden by a gene that controls pigment production.
  • Pleiotropy: A single gene can affect multiple traits. For instance, the Marfan syndrome gene impacts connective tissue, affecting the skeleton, eyes, and cardiovascular system.

2. Genetic Modifiers

  • Modifier Genes: These genes influence the expression of other genes. They can enhance, suppress, or alter the effects of other genes.
  • Polygenic Inheritance: Traits controlled by multiple genes, such as skin color and height, show continuous variation within a population.

External Factors

1. Environmental Influences

  • Temperature: The temperature can affect the expression of certain genes. For example, the fur color in Himalayan rabbits is influenced by temperature, with cooler areas of the body developing darker fur.
  • Nutrition: Nutrient availability can impact gene expression and phenotypic traits. Poor nutrition during critical growth periods can alter growth patterns and development.

2. Chemical Exposure

  • Drugs and Toxins: Exposure to chemicals can modify gene expression and result in phenotypic changes. For example, exposure to teratogens during pregnancy can lead to congenital disabilities.

Epigenetic Factors

1. DNA Methylation

  • Definition: The addition of methyl groups to DNA, typically at CpG sites, can repress gene transcription.
  • Impact: Methylation patterns can be inherited and influence gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence.

2. Histone Modification

  • Definition: Chemical modifications to histone proteins around which DNA is wrapped can affect gene expression.
  • Impact: Modifications such as acetylation and methylation can either promote or repress transcription.

3. Non-Coding RNAs

  • MicroRNAs (miRNAs): Small RNA molecules that can bind to mRNA and inhibit translation or lead to mRNA degradation.
  • Long Non-Coding RNAs (lncRNAs): Longer RNA molecules that can regulate gene expression at various levels, including chromatin modification, transcription, and post-transcriptional processing.

Regulatory Mechanisms

1. Promoters and Enhancers

  • Promoters: DNA sequences where RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription.
  • Enhancers: DNA sequences that can increase the transcription of genes, often located far from the gene they regulate.

2. Transcription Factors

  • Definition: Proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences, controlling the transcription of genetic information from DNA to mRNA.
  • Role: They can activate or repress gene expression by interacting with promoters and enhancers.

Genetic Imprinting

  • Definition: An epigenetic phenomenon where certain genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner.
  • Example: In Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome, the same chromosomal deletion can lead to different disorders depending on whether the deletion is inherited from the mother or the father.

Practical Applications

  • Gene Therapy: Understanding factors affecting gene expression is crucial for developing gene therapy techniques.
  • Agriculture: Manipulating gene expression can lead to improved crop varieties and livestock.
  • Medicine: Knowledge of gene expression regulation can aid in the development of treatments for genetic disorders and cancers.