AP® Calculus BC Practice Test

Exam Format & Components
Section I: Multiple Choice
45 Questions | 1hr 45mins | 50% of Score
Detailed Breakdown:
- Part A: No graphing calculator permitted. This section includes 30 questions (33.3% of the score), focusing on your ability to manually solve problems involving algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and other types of functions.
- Part B: Graphing calculator required. Comprises 15 questions (16.7% of the score), where you’re expected to solve more complex problems that may involve higher-level calculations and interpretations using graphical, tabular, and verbal forms of data.
Section II: Free Response
6 Questions | 1hr 30mins | 50% of Score
Detailed Breakdown:
- Part A: Graphing calculator required. Consists of 2 problems (16.7% of the score) that typically require computational solutions with graphical representations, often integrating real-world applications to assess both procedural and conceptual understanding.
- Part B: No graphing calculator permitted. Includes 4 problems (33.3% of the score), focusing on a variety of functions and function representations. This part emphasizes a balance between procedural tasks and conceptual questions, including at least two scenarios that involve real-world contexts to demonstrate practical applications of calculus concepts.
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