Types of Chemical Bonds

Learning Objectives

When studying the types of chemical bonds for the AP Chemistry exam, you should focus on understanding the following concepts: the definition and formation of ionic, covalent, polar covalent, metallic, hydrogen bonds, and Van der Waals forces; the characteristics and properties of each bond type, including melting and boiling points, electrical conductivity, solubility, and physical properties; the electron transfer or sharing mechanisms that lead to bond formation; and how bond type influences the behavior and interactions of molecules. Additionally, you should be able to identify examples of compounds for each bond type, predict the type of bonding in a given substance based on its elements, and explain the significance of these bonds in real-world applications and biological systems.

Introduction for Types of Chemical Bonds

Chemical bonds are the attractive forces that hold atoms together to form molecules and compounds. These bonds are essential for the structure and stability of matter. Understanding the different types of chemical bonds—ionic, covalent, polar covalent, metallic, hydrogen bonds, and Van der Waals forces—is crucial for comprehending how substances interact and behave. Each bond type has unique characteristics and properties that influence the physical and chemical properties of compounds.

What are Chemical Bonds?

Chemical bonds are the attractive forces that hold atoms or ions together in a molecule or compound. These bonds form as a result of the interactions between the electrons of the atoms involved, leading to the stability and formation of chemical substances. Chemical bonds can be classified into different types, such as ionic, covalent, polar covalent, metallic, hydrogen bonds, and Van der Waals forces, each with distinct properties and formation mechanisms.

Types of Chemical Bonds

Ionic Bonds

Definition: Ionic bonds form when one atom transfers electrons to another atom, resulting in the formation of positively and negatively charged ions. These opposite charges attract each other, creating a strong electrostatic force.

Formation: Typically occurs between metals (which lose electrons) and non-metals (which gain electrons).


  • Formation of Ions: Metal atoms lose electrons to form positive ions (cations), and non-metal atoms gain electrons to form negative ions (anions).
  • Electronegativity Difference: Significant difference in electronegativity between the atoms involved.
  • Crystal Lattice Structure: Ionic compounds form a regular repeating pattern of ions.


  • High Melting and Boiling Points: Due to strong electrostatic forces between ions.
  • Solubility in Water: Many ionic compounds dissolve in water.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water due to the movement of ions.


  1. Sodium Chloride (NaCl): Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions.
  2. Magnesium Oxide (MgO): Mg²⁺ and O²⁻ ions.
  3. Calcium Fluoride (CaF₂): Ca²⁺ and F⁻ ions.
  4. Potassium Bromide (KBr): K⁺ and Br⁻ ions.
  5. Aluminum Sulfide (Al₂S₃): Al³⁺ and S²⁻ ions.

Covalent Bonds

Definition: Covalent bonds form when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons. This bond typically occurs between non-metal atoms with similar electronegativities.

Formation: Between non-metals.


  • Electron Sharing: Electrons are shared between atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration.
  • Bond Strength: Can vary depending on the number of shared electron pairs (single, double, or triple bonds).


  • Lower Melting and Boiling Points: Compared to ionic compounds.
  • Variable Solubility: Solubility in water can vary; many covalent compounds are not soluble.
  • Poor Electrical Conductivity: Do not conduct electricity in solid or liquid states.


  1. Water (H₂O): Two hydrogen atoms share electrons with one oxygen atom.
  2. Carbon Dioxide (CO₂): One carbon atom shares electrons with two oxygen atoms.
  3. Methane (CH₄): One carbon atom shares electrons with four hydrogen atoms.
  4. Oxygen (O₂): Two oxygen atoms share two pairs of electrons (double bond).
  5. Nitrogen (N₂): Two nitrogen atoms share three pairs of electrons (triple bond).

Polar Covalent Bonds

Definition: A type of covalent bond where the electrons are shared unequally between the two atoms, resulting in a molecule with a partial positive charge on one end and a partial negative charge on the other.

Formation: Between atoms with different electronegativities.


  • Unequal Electron Sharing: Electrons are more attracted to the atom with higher electronegativity.
  • Dipole Moment: Creates a partial charge difference within the molecule.


  • Dipole-Dipole Interactions: Intermolecular forces between polar molecules.
  • Solubility in Polar Solvents: Often soluble in water and other polar solvents.
  • Higher Melting and Boiling Points: Compared to nonpolar covalent compounds.


  1. Water (H₂O): Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, creating partial charges.
  2. Hydrogen Chloride (HCl): Chlorine is more electronegative than hydrogen.
  3. Ammonia (NH₃): Nitrogen is more electronegative than hydrogen.
  4. Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂): Oxygen is more electronegative than sulfur.
  5. Ethanol (C₂H₅OH): Oxygen is more electronegative than carbon and hydrogen.

Metallic Bonds

Definition: Metallic bonds form between metal atoms, where electrons are free to move throughout the structure, often described as a “sea of electrons.”

Formation: Between metal atoms.


  • Delocalized Electrons: Electrons are not associated with any specific atom and can move freely.
  • Conductivity: Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat due to free-moving electrons.


  • Malleability and Ductility: Metals can be hammered into sheets and drawn into wires.
  • Luster: Metals have a shiny appearance.
  • High Melting and Boiling Points: Due to strong metallic bonding.


  1. Iron (Fe): Iron atoms share a pool of electrons.
  2. Copper (Cu): Copper atoms share a sea of electrons.
  3. Aluminum (Al): Aluminum atoms share a pool of electrons.
  4. Gold (Au): Gold atoms share a sea of electrons.
  5. Silver (Ag): Silver atoms share a pool of electrons.

Hydrogen Bonds

Definition: Hydrogen bonds are a type of weak intermolecular force that occurs between a hydrogen atom bonded to a highly electronegative atom (such as nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine) and another electronegative atom.

Formation: Between molecules, not within a molecule.


  • Intermolecular Force: Weaker than ionic or covalent bonds but stronger than Van der Waals forces.
  • Specific Conditions: Hydrogen must be bonded to N, O, or F.


  • Higher Melting and Boiling Points: Compared to molecules without hydrogen bonds.
  • Solubility in Water: Often soluble in water.
  • Biological Importance: Stabilizes structures like DNA and proteins.


  1. Water (H₂O): Hydrogen bonds between hydrogen of one water molecule and oxygen of another.
  2. Ammonia (NH₃): Hydrogen bonds between hydrogen of one ammonia molecule and nitrogen of another.
  3. Hydrogen Fluoride (HF): Hydrogen bonds between hydrogen of one HF molecule and fluorine of another.
  4. Ethanol (C₂H₅OH): Hydrogen bonds between hydrogen of one ethanol molecule and oxygen of another.
  5. Proteins: Hydrogen bonds between amino acids stabilize protein structures.

Van der Waals Forces

Definition: Van der Waals forces are weak intermolecular forces that include attractions between temporary dipoles in nonpolar molecules and permanent dipoles in polar molecules.

Formation: Between all molecules, but more noticeable in nonpolar substances.


  • Weak Interactions: Weaker than ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds.
  • Types: Includes London dispersion forces (temporary dipoles) and dipole-dipole interactions (permanent dipoles).


  • Low Melting and Boiling Points: Substances held together by Van der Waals forces have low melting and boiling points.
  • Significance: Important in gases and nonpolar compounds.


  1. Helium (He): Weak forces between helium atoms in the gaseous state.
  2. Neon (Ne): Weak forces between neon atoms in the gaseous state.
  3. Methane (CH₄): Weak forces between nonpolar methane molecules.
  4. Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl₄): Weak forces between nonpolar CCl₄ molecules.
  5. Benzene (C₆H₆): Weak forces between benzene molecules.