AP® English Language and Composition Practice Test

Exam Format & Components
Section I: Multiple Choice
45 Questions | 1hr | 45% of Score
This section involves excerpts from nonfiction texts, each followed by a series of multiple-choice questions.
- Reading Analysis: 23–25 questions focused on reading and analyzing nonfiction texts.
- Writing Analysis: 20–22 questions aimed at evaluating the text from a writer’s perspective, considering potential revisions.
Section II: Free Response
3 Questions | 2hr 15mins | 55% of Score
In this section, you are required to provide written responses to three questions that assess your composition skills in three key areas:
- Synthesis: After reviewing 6 texts related to a topic—including visual and quantitative sources—you will craft an argument that synthesizes at least 3 of these sources to support your thesis.
- Rhetorical Analysis: Analyze the language choices of a nonfiction text to understand how they contribute to the text’s intended meaning and purpose.
- Argument: Construct an evidence-based argument in response to a provided topic.
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