AP® European History Practice Test

Exam Format & Components
Section 1A: Multiple Choice
55 Questions | 40% of Score
This section involves sets of questions that are typically grouped around 3–4 per stimulus. The questions will utilize a variety of sources, including primary and secondary texts, visual materials like artwork and photographs, and quantitative aids like charts and maps.
Key Tasks:
- Source Analysis: Examine and interpret the provided sources to extract meaningful insights.
- Historical Analysis: Analyze the historical developments and processes described within the sources, identifying patterns and drawing connections to broader historical contexts.
Section 1B: Short Answer
3 Questions | 20% of Score
- Question 1: Mandatory, based on 1 or 2 secondary sources, focusing on historical events from 1600 to 2001.
- Question 2: Mandatory, includes 1 primary source, also spanning 1600 to 2001.
- Question 3 or 4: Optional, with no sources provided, focusing on specific historical periods (1450 to 1648 and/or 1648 to 1815 for Question 3; 1815 to 1914 and/or 1914 to the present for Question 4).
Key Tasks:
- Source and Context Analysis: Engage with the provided materials to discuss and analyze historical contexts, developments, and processes.
- Historical Synthesis: Connect different historical events and processes to illustrate broader themes and developments.
Section 2: Free Response
2 Questions | 1hr 40mins | 40% of Score
- Document-Based Question (DBQ):
- Time: 60 minutes (including a 15-minute reading period)
- Score Contribution: 25%
- Task: Analyze seven documents to develop and support an argument related to historical developments or processes from 1600 to 2001 using both the provided sources and your own knowledge.
- Long Essay:
- Time: 40 minutes
- Score Contribution: 15%
- Task: Choose one of three essay questions to develop and support an argument using historical evidence. The questions cover different historical periods: 1450–1700, 1648–1914, or 1815–2001.
Preparation Tips:
- Develop Critical Skills: Focus on enhancing skills in source analysis, historical reasoning, and argumentative writing.
- Practice with Past Exams: Regularly practice with previous exam questions to build familiarity with the format and types of questions asked.
- Broaden Knowledge Base: Ensure a comprehensive understanding of European history across all outlined time periods to confidently tackle both the multiple-choice and free-response sections.
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