Scientific Names of Plants

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Created by: Team Biology at, Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Scientific Names of Plants

Dive into the verdant world of botany with our all-encompassing guide to the scientific names of plants. This meticulously crafted resource unveils the essence of plant taxonomy, offering insights into the naming conventions that underpin the botanical universe. From the majestic Sequoiadendron giganteum (Giant Sequoia) to the delicate Rosa chinensis (Chinese Rose), our guide is brimming with examples that illuminate the intricate relationships within the plant kingdom. Perfect for enthusiasts and scholars alike, explore the foundational language of botany and discover the stories behind the scientific names of your favorite flora.

What is Nomenclature?Nomenclature of plants


Nomenclature in plants refers to the systematic approach to naming plant species and groups according to a set of agreed-upon rules and standards. This ensures consistent and universal identification and classification of plants worldwide, facilitating clear communication among botanists, researchers, and enthusiasts. The primary system used for plant nomenclature is governed by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN), formerly known as the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN).

The ICN sets out principles for naming plants, fungi, and algae, including how names are to be chosen, published, and applied to taxonomic groups. A fundamental aspect of plant nomenclature is the use of binomial nomenclature (two-part names), which was popularized by Carl Linnaeus. Each plant species is given a unique Latin name consisting of two parts: the genus name (capitalized) and the specific epithet (lowercase), both italicized, e.g., Acer saccharum for the sugar maple.


How to write Scientific Names Correctly?


Binomial Nomenclature in Scientific Names of Plants


List of Scientific Names of Plants



Common Name Scientific Name
Sunflower Helianthus annuus
Giant Sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum
Venus Flytrap Dionaea muscipula
English Ivy Hedera helix
African Violet Saintpaulia ionantha
Bamboo Bambusoideae spp.
Cactus Cactaceae spp.
Daffodil Narcissus spp.
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus spp.
Fern Pteridophyta spp.
Geranium Pelargonium spp.
Hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Iris Iris spp.
Jasmine Jasminum spp.
Lavender Lavandula spp.
Mint Mentha spp.
Nettle Urtica dioica
Orchid Orchidaceae spp.
Poppy Papaver spp.
Quaking Aspen Populus tremuloides
Rose Rosa spp.
Sage Salvia officinalis
Tulip Tulipa spp.
Umbrella Plant Cyperus alternifolius
Vervain Verbena officinalis
Water Lily Nymphaea spp.
Xerophyte Xerophyta spp.
Yucca Yucca spp.
Zinnia Zinnia elegans
Aloe Vera Aloe vera
Banana Tree Musa spp.
Cedar Tree Cedrus spp.
Dahlia Dahlia spp.
Elderberry Sambucus spp.
Fig Tree Ficus carica
Grapevine Vitis vinifera
Hydrangea Hydrangea spp.
Indian Paintbrush Castilleja spp.
Jack Pine Pinus banksiana
Kiwi Plant Actinidia deliciosa
Lemon Tree Citrus limon
Maple Tree Acer spp.
Norway Spruce Picea abies
Olive Tree Olea europaea
Pineapple Plant Ananas comosus
Quince Cydonia oblonga
Redwood Sequoia sempervirens
Strawberry Plant Fragaria Γ— ananassa
Tea Plant Camellia sinensis
Uva Ursi Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Vanilla Orchid Vanilla planifolia
Wheat Triticum spp.
Yellowwood Tree Cladrastis kentukea
Zebra Plant Aphelandra squarrosa

Uses of Scientific Names of Plants

The use of scientific names for plants is fundamental in the field of botany and across various disciplines that study plant life, ecology, agriculture, horticulture, and environmental science. These names serve several crucial purposes:

1. Universal Communication

Scientific names provide a universal language for scientists around the world, allowing for precise and unambiguous communication. Unlike common names, which can vary significantly between languages and even regions within the same country, scientific names ensure that everyone is speaking about the same plant.

2. Classification and Organization

The system of scientific naming, or binomial nomenclature, is integral to the classification of plants. It helps in organizing plants into hierarchical categories such as genus and species, reflecting evolutionary relationships and similarities among organisms. This organization aids in understanding the diversity and complexity of plant life.

3. Consistency and Stability

Scientific names follow internationally accepted rules and criteria, providing consistency and stability in naming conventions. Once a plant is given a scientific name, that name is recognized globally, reducing confusion and overlap that can occur with common names.

4. Identification and Study

The use of scientific names facilitates the identification and study of plants. Researchers and scientists can accurately identify plants, understand their characteristics, and study their uses, distribution, ecology, and conservation status. This is essential for biodiversity studies, conservation efforts, and the exploration of new species.

5. Cultural and Historical Information

Scientific names often contain information about the plant’s discoverer, geographic origin, or physical characteristics. This can provide insight into the history of the plant’s discovery and its importance to different cultures or regions.

6. Agricultural and Medicinal Uses

In agriculture and medicine, scientific names are used to specify plants that are sources of food, medicine, or are otherwise beneficial or harmful to crops and human health. This precise identification ensures that the correct species are used for cultivation, research, and healthcare, avoiding potentially dangerous mix-ups.

7. Legal and Regulatory Purposes

Scientific names are used in legal and regulatory contexts to enforce laws related to endangered species protection, biosecurity, and the trade of plants and plant products. Accurate naming is crucial for enforcing regulations and protecting biodiversity.

8. Horticulture and Gardening

In horticulture and gardening, scientific names help in the accurate identification and selection of plants for landscaping, gardening, and conservation purposes. They ensure that gardeners and landscapers are purchasing and growing the correct species and varieties.

FAQ of Scientific Names of Plants

What is a scientific name?

A scientific name is a formal system of naming plant species using a two-part Latin or Latinized name, consisting of the genus name (capitalized) and the specific epithet (lowercase). This binomial nomenclature ensures each plant is given a unique, universally recognized name.

Why do plants have scientific names?

Plants have scientific names to provide a standardized, universally accepted naming system that avoids the confusion and ambiguity of common names. This system facilitates precise communication among scientists, gardeners, and others worldwide, regardless of language.

How are scientific names assigned to plants?

Scientific names are assigned based on the rules established by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN). These names often reflect the plant’s characteristics, the region it’s from, or honor a person in the field of botany.

Can the scientific name of a plant change?

Yes, the scientific name of a plant can change due to new discoveries or reclassifications in the understanding of plant relationships. Taxonomists may update a plant’s name to better reflect its genetics, phylogeny, or to correct historical naming errors.

What is the importance of using scientific names?

Using scientific names is crucial for ensuring clarity and consistency in the identification and classification of plants. It aids in scientific research, conservation efforts, botanical education, and the global trade of plant materials.

How do I correctly write or cite a scientific name?

A scientific name should be written in italics or underlined if handwritten, with the genus name capitalized and the specific epithet in lowercase (e.g., Rosa canina). When a scientific name is abbreviated, only the first letter of the genus name is used followed by a period (e.g., R. canina).

What is the difference between common names and scientific names?

Common names are the everyday terms used by the public, which can vary widely and be used for multiple species. Scientific names are unique to each species, standardized, and used globally, minimizing confusion and ensuring accurate identification.

Are there scientific names for all plants?

While there are scientific names for a vast majority of known plant species, new species are continually being discovered and described. The process of naming and classifying these new species follows the guidelines of the ICN.

Can two plants have the same scientific name?

No, according to the principles of botanical nomenclature, each plant species must have a unique scientific name. However, synonyms (different names for the same species based on separate discoveries) may exist until one valid name is agreed upon.

Who decides on the scientific names of plants?

The scientific names of plants are decided by taxonomists and botanical researchers who study plant classifications. These names are then published in peer-reviewed botanical literature and must adhere to the rules set by the ICN

In sum, the adoption of scientific names for plants transcends mere nomenclature, providing a universal lexicon that underpins botanical research, conservation, and education. This system facilitates precise identification, fosters global collaboration, and underscores the interconnectedness of all life forms. Emphasizing the importance of scientific names enriches our understanding of plant biodiversity and its pivotal role in sustaining ecological balance.

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Uses of Scientific Names of Plants

List of Scientific Names of Plants