10+ Beneficial Narrative Essay Examples to Download

Beneficial Narrative Essay

Most of us have experienced writing essays example, especially in school is where we had our formal theme book to write about our favorite literary works. Those were elementary days. During high school and even college days, essay writing continued haunting us. College essays are everywhere and we can’t hide from it. But why should we hide from it? It’s a great opportunity to enhance our writing. We should never be afraid if we commit common essay mistakes because through that, learning can be developed and we become keener next time we write an essay. It is also a way our speed and accuracy can be developed, and challenges like creating your last-minute essay can be a piece of cake. Commonly, institutions would let us write a narrative essay. What is a narrative essay then?

Narrative Essay Samples

10 Sample Narrative Essays

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Autobiographical Essay Example

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Narrative Essay Example: The Brown Achievement

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Narrative Essay

Creating a narrative essay is like telling a story. It allows writers to freely express their creativeness while telling a story. The writer conveys his thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the readers through the use of vivid and precise words that are seemingly taking you to the exact happening of the event—the time, place, sensation, fragrance, weather, etc. It often relies on personal experiences; thus, the first person pronoun “I” is used. The story should be well-detailed and organized to explain the whole story and connect the different parts of it. Here are the key points in making a narrative essay.

  • It is told from a particular point of view.
  • The parts are interconnected and support each other.
  • The details are vivid and precise.
  • It may use a dialogue.

College Essay Example

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Free Narrative Writing

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Interactive Narrative Sample

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Conventions of Narrative Essays

  • It is generally written in the first person, but third person pronouns such as he, she and it can also be used. Always remember that although the first person pronoun is commonly used, it should not be overused. However, note that the author’s perspective should be clear to the readers.
  • It relies on sensory details. This means that the author should use clear and precise words to describe the narration in the story. The details should be very specific and concrete enough that will take the readers to the intended spot and will let the readers feel the same sensation as that of the author’s perspective.
  • It should include a plot, a climax, and an ending.

Guidelines for Writing a Narrative Essay

  • Include the parts of the story. Generally, every essay includes the essential parts of the story. This includes the following:
    1. Plot – The plot is the basic structure of a literary work. It encompasses the chain of events and character actions. In writing a plot, decide your focus for the whole story. You might write first the outline for your essay.
    2. Climax – While the writer is taking you on a journey, the highest peak of the story is the climax. The climax should have the ability to draw the reader in and to continue reading the story. It should have an increasing conflict that can grab the attention of the reader.
    3. Ending – Your ending should wrap up the events of your story and should link the details to the story. A good ending is when it is linked to the first part of the beginning of the story, and it should be correlated to the whole parts of the story. Conclude with a sense of closure and not with another detail or discussion.
  • Establish a purpose. Do not be like a clanging cymbal. If you are saying something, make sure you are making any sense. Have a purpose in your narrative—recounting your own or other person’s history. You have to let your readers engage in your writing by giving them a very interesting purpose that they will wonder what will happen next and what is the ending of your story. You have to keep the readers entertained and curious throughout the story and keep that curiosity firing and addictive. Whether your story is a fact or a fiction, make sure you relay a series of events in an emotionally engaging way. The clearer you tell your story and the more specific words you incorporate into your writing, the more the audience will get an emotional impact and be drawn into the depths of your sea of emotions.
  • Specify the point of view. Narrative essays usually use the first-person point of view but a third-person point of view can also be established. Just make sure that you are consistent with your usage especially with the pronouns I, me, my, myself, mine, they, he, she it, etc. so that the readers won’t get confused. Make the point of view clear but do not be too boring in using those pronouns. Use appealing words that would keep the audience reading.
  • Be clear and concise. In writing your narrative, be careful in selecting words, and be appropriate in your usage. It is more appealing and understandable if the words you are using are interconnected and are very appropriate for the subject matter. Be clear in your description such that the audience can picture the thing out of his mind or the reader can create an image inside his mind through your description. It is wise if you will lay out and describe not only the events but also the surroundings, the reactions, the temperature, the mood, and everything that can take the reader to the very spot you are describing. For example, in describing a seashore, you might not only including in the description of the scorching heat of the sun but also the smell of the breeze, the touch of the sand, the whooshing wind that brush your hair off your face, the calming stringed music, and other things that are very specific enough for the reader’s senses to feel.
  • Be organized. In your write up, if you have already included the parts of the story, establishes a purpose, specified the point of view, and being clear and concise, the other thing you must bear in your mind is to organize your thoughts. Even though you already have the aforementioned items, if you are not organized, then your point will be in vain. You have to keep your narration in sequence so the readers can fully be guided to your narration. Do not skip from topic to topic; establish a smooth flow in your story and let the readers go along with your flow.

Literacy Narrative Outline

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Medical Narrative Essay Sample

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Student Narrative Essay Sample



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Teaching Narrative Example

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Narrative Essay Sample: The Rescue

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List of Interesting Topics

Selecting a topic is important since this is your main idea and the point where you will explain everything in detail. The key in choosing a topic is to make you sure that you have experienced that topic enough or you knew someone who has experienced the topic and the topic is appealing to a wide range of readers. If you are looking for one, below is a list of topic that may help you in your narrative essay. What makes these topics interesting is that almost everyone can relate to the topic, and the topics can be expounded into details that are very specific for the readers to understand what the writer is going through.

  • First crush –Almost everyone had their first crush. It is usually the first time we feel an indescribable emotion and a little tingle in our ears. We can always say something about this, and almost everyone can still recall the moment they had their first crush. Hence, this topic can be very attractive to almost all people.
  • My high school graduation day – They say graduation day is a day of triumph, but it is also a day of parting—parting from our friends whom we shared so many memories with, parting from our beloved school that we sometimes hate during the lazy days, and parting from our teachers who helped us not only academically but also spiritually. Writing one’s graduation day can bring back someone to that event where you held your head high and wave your togas proudly to your parents. It is easy to write something like this since graduation, for most people, is one of the days that you cannot easily forget. So everything is still clear in your head; thus, you can also transfer it clearly into the paper.
  • First day at college – For some, the universities they are entering in college is the same as that in their high school, but for most, it is a whole lot different picture. A writer can share his experience during his first day, whether he is alone or with a friend, being serious to academics or not, and everything that he might be feeling and noticing at that time.
  • What I love about my city – Some people just love their cities so much that they noticed everything in sight around their city. If you are proud of your city, you might also consider featuring the city in your narrative, the places you have visited, the aura of the city, the air, the people, the food, the streets, the buildings, and anything that caught your eyes that you might wanna share.
  • My biggest fear – You can also share your biggest fear or fears. We all have different fears, but not everyone has the courage to share it with anyone. Who knows? You are sharing a common fear and you are not alone! You might even inspire anyone, the reader, in conquering that fear or on how to become strong to face your fears confidently. You can even include your deepest emotions in your writing.

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