Short Rental Agreement

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Short Rental Agreement

Looking and having a place to rent is difficult enough already. It gets even more difficult if you are searching for a fully furnished place on a tight budget. It goes without saying, there are a lot of options to rent places but there are also some negative sides to it. One may think that renting something out like a property, a house or both can be tiring, difficult and oftentimes disheartening. On a brighter side, there are some who do offer short rentals for those who may only be staying for a few months. Landlords do not often mind the short stay, as it seems convenient for most as well. If you are searching for what a short rental agreement may look like on your end, check out the article below now.

10+ Short Rental Agreement Examples

1. Short Rental Agreement Template

Short Rental Agreement Template
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2. Monthly Short Rental Agreement

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Size: 15 KB


3. Short Term Rental Agreement

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Size: 134 KB


4. Draft Short Rental Agreement

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Size: 228 KB


5. Short Residential Rental Agreement

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Size: 216 KB


6. Seasonal Short Rental Agreement

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Size: 139 KB


7. Short Vacation Rental Agreement

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Size: 81 KB


8. Short Rental Agreement in PDF

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Size: 111 KB


9. Formal Short Rental Agreement

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Size: 135 KB


10. Standard Short Rental Agreement

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Size: 154 KB


11. Professional Short Rental Agreement

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Size: 305 KB


What Is a Short Term Rental Agreement?

A short rental agreement is a document that the landlord specifies to the tenant that renting something like a room, a property or a piece of land would have a certain time frame to it. The time frame specified would be less than a year but would also depend on the tenant if they rent more than just a month. As this is a short term rental agreement, the time frame would be lesser than a normal rental agreement. This document is not only legally binding, but once the document is broken, the agreement becomes null and void and oftentimes it has to be the tenant who has to replace what may have been broken. This is the reason why when a tenant and a landlord agree on a rental agreement, they must first find a common ground, discuss the whole agreement and agree to the agreement.

The purpose of using a short term rental agreement is to make a deal, an understanding and an agreement between you and the tenant. To find a solution that would let both parties agree on something. This case would be a short term rental agreement. The rental agreement’s purpose is to define, to show and to let the tenant gain enough knowledge of how the agreement would work at a certain amount of time. As well as the consequences that the tenant would face if they would break their share of the agreement. This is also to avoid any miscommunication between both parties that may result in a void agreement.

How to Write a Short Term Rental Agreement?

You are probably wondering about how to begin with a short term rental agreement. What should be appropriate to place and what should be avoided as well. As a short term rental agreement differs from long term, there may be some information that would not be suitable for the other kind of agreement. However, there are some things you may want to consider when you plan on writing your rental agreement. Check out the following right now.

1. Statement of Purpose

Define the reason for writing out a short term rental agreement. Who is the audience for this agreement? The statement of purpose must be about your short term rental agreement. Write down everything that the tenant would need to know before they are able to rent out.

2. Names of Both Parties

Just like in any kind of agreement that involves two or more people, the given information of both parties must be present in the document. This is to make sure that the parties involved have consented to writing the agreement, agreeing to the contract and are not being forced or told to sign their names in important documents such as a renting agreement. This is also to make sure that both parties have understood the rules of the agreement.

3. Condition of the Rental Agreement

The condition of the rental agreement is the important part of the agreement. This part explains the terms, agreement, conditions and payments regarding the rental agreement. The condition of the rental agreement also explains the consequences and all the information necessary for both parties to use.

4. Payments and Fees

Some agreements place the payments and the reason for the payments while other agreements do not. The best way to make sure that there would be no discourse with your tenants, is to place the payments and fees and the reason for them. This way it is easier for the landlord to break down the reason for the whole fee, in case the tenant has some questions about the reason for the payment and the fees.

5. Parties’ Signatures

Signatures present after the agreement has been discussed and agreed on. Both parties are required to sign the agreement form to make it official. Failure for one party to sign would make the agreement incomplete. The signature of the party in question should be seen below the document as proof that they have agreed, discussed and accepted the rules and conditions of the agreement.


Why is a rental agreement even if it’s for a short term so important?

Just like any other agreement contract, it is always best to have one written down. This is to avoid any conflicts, any discourse and any issues that usually go with agreements. It also helps break down what information the tenant may need to understand and know before signing anything.

How can I explain the payment and fees to my tenant?

Aside from breaking it down in the agreement contract, you can also discuss it with your tenant before both of you sign. Break down the amount and state out the reason for the said amount.

What is expected in a short rental agreement?

The information that is mostly expected in a short term agreement is the information, the statement of purpose for the agreement, the conditions and the time frame. As this is a short term agreement, it is expected for the lease to be less than a year.

Renting rooms for a short period of time is fine. As long as you are able to find a place that offers this type of arrangement. For landlords to let the tenant understand, they must write up a short term agreement and explain the reason for wanting it to be short term. This also saves both parties time from expecting and assuming that the rent would be long term.

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