Training Bond Agreement Examples to Download to Download

Last Updated: February 4, 2025

Training Bond Agreement Examples to Download to Download

Training Bond Agreement Examples

Getting hired on the spot is nothing short of a wonderful feeling for many applicants. Also, it is no surprise that when an applicant or a newly hired applicant gets the notification that they have passed and would be starting training soon. To be able to pass something with flying colors, but oftentimes we should always remember that there is still another level to pass before you are successfully hired. Regardless of what field of work you are applying for, it is customary for a company to train their new hired applicants before they are merged in to the company. In addition to that, an applicant must also promise not to be working for someone else while they are being trained in the company they are planning on working for. But how to make the agreement legal? Companies whether large or small often use a training bond agreement. For more information about what a training bond agreement is, check out the examples and tips below.

3+ Training Bond Agreement Examples

1. Training Bond Agreement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 177 KB


2. Standard Training Bond Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 576 KB


3. Basic Training Bond Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 213 KB


4. General Training Bond Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 123 KB


What Is a Training Bond Agreement?

A training bond agreement is a document that is formally made by the Human Resources of a company. The training bond agreement is made for the newly hired applicants to sign and agree to the training given by the company. Of course, depending on the policies of the company, some training bond agreements have a certain rule or certain rules that should be followed to a tee. One of which is if the applicant fails to comply with the training bond while they are in training they must pay a fine. Basically this kind of rule is often found in the training bond agreement. In addition to that, a training bond agreement also states out the length of the training, the consequences of failing the training and for some a fine to pay the trainer. It is also in the training bond that if the newly hired performance is exemplary during the training, there is a higher chance for the applicant to be merged within the company.

The purpose of doing or using a training bond agreement is to make sure the employee understands the policy and the rules of the company. The training bond also keeps the company safe from any unwanted issues to happen within the time range of the training bond. In addition to that, the training bond or the employment bond as it is usually called, gives out the terms and conditions of the company and the agreement in the bond. It is the responsibility of the employee to understand and to keep their side of the agreement. Otherwise, they are going to be paying the company the money the company used for training for employees.

How to Write a Training Bond Agreement?

Anyone ever tried writing out a training bond agreement? Have you ever seen what a training bond agreement may look like? If you have, what did you expect in a training bond and what have you not expected but was added in the agreement? Of course each training bond agreement differs from companies, but here are some basic or general things you may see in a training bond agreement.

1. Company’s Name

The company’s name and often their address and contact details can be found in the top part of the agreement. However, not all companies do this, the main point is that the company’s name can be seen in the top part of the agreement. The reason for this is to simply remind and show the applicant that this is the policy of said company and to distinguish it from other companies who may have the same training bond agreement format as they do.

2. Time Range for Training

Apart from the company name, you can also find the time frame or the time range for the training. This is usually found in the lower if not middle part of the bond agreement. The purpose of having the time frame for training in the training bond is to give the newly hired employee the range of how short or how long the training would last.

3. Day Given

The day stated is the day the agreement bond was given to the employee, agreed and signed. The day is also one of the important part of the training bond as this is also the day that the employee is hired. If the date is missing, ask your employer about it.

4. Witnesses to the Training Bond

Depending on the company, the training bond agreement witness is usually made between the Human Resources, the trainer and the employees. This is of course the general way to do it. Other companies may have a different kind of witnesses to the training bond, since it all depends on the company and their policies.

5. Employment Obligations

In a general training bond agreement, you will also see employment obligations below the agreement form. The employment obligations are often listed as to what the employee is supposed to do during the training day or training week. It also states what would happen if the employee leaves in between the training period and how the company would deal with it.


What is a training bond agreement?

A training bond agreement is a legal document made for newly hired employees of the company.

What is the purpose of a training bond agreement?

The purpose of a training bond agreement is to let the employees’ sign the agreement that the Human Resources discussed and made to be a part of the company.

What is commonly expected in the training bond agreement?

The signature of the employee, the name of the employee and the obligations of the employee during the training period.

A training bond agreement is a kind of document used for employers to their employees. This agreement form is used to express the obligations and the training period for newly hired employees in the company. In addition to that, this document is highly confidential. The only people who are able to view the agreement bond are the Human Resources, the employer and the employee.


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