High School Scholarship Application

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

High School Scholarship Application

Quality education comes with a great price, or so they say. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that between the years 2008-2018, in the efforts of adjusting to the inflation rate, universities in over 50 states in America increased their tuition fees by 37%. Schools and universities who claim to offer the best education have gotten more and more expensive, which further lessens the opportunities of students who belong to a low-income family to access it. Although the chances are less, it’s not impossible. Some prestigious high schools offer scholarships to give opportunities and aid to intelligent and talented students who have financial needs. For students who are interested in shooting their shot and being part of these schools, it would be a smart move to look for scholarship offers and submit a high school scholarship application form as early as now.

What Is a High School Scholarship Application Form?

A scholarship is a funding grant offered to deserving students to support their education. Scholarships are not for everyone; the scholarship-provider would only give the award to those who can meet their standards. Aside from the socioeconomic status of a student, another basis of this is one’s achievements and merits in diverse fields.

High school scholarships are one of the most common kinds of scholarships that are available today. A high school application form is a document that requires more than your name and signature. It needs plenty of other things such as letters and essays, which could help the school or the organization to scrutinize the applications and find the most deserving students for the slots. Once completed, this form is what you need to submit to apply for a high school scholarship.

Types of Scholarships

Scholarships are not only limit to the smartest or the most athletic students; there are plenty of other scholarships that are being offered by sponsors. Shared below are different youth scholarships for students of different specialties. 

1. Academic Scholarships

This scholarship is considered to be one of the most esteemed scholarships that a person could receive. Academic scholarships are merit-based and are also usually given to students who participated in the most impressive extracurricular activities.

2. Creative Scholarships

Artistically talented students could opt for a creative scholarship. Art is a vast topic, wherein music, dancing, sculpting, and other art forms are a part of. Sponsors often organize an audition for this type of scholarship. If you are an artist, then you qualify for this type of scholarship.

3. Community Service Scholarships

If you are the type of student who loves to repay their communities through service, this scholarship is for you. Although this scholarship rewards you value that is smaller than other scholarships, attaining it is still as rewarding.

4. Scholarship for Minorities

People who belong to the minority or individual ethnic groups are qualified to apply for this type of scholarship. This scholarship is given to selected students for them to represent their culture and ethnicity.

5. Athletic Scholarships

This scholarship is offered to people with exceptional skills in sports. If you are an athletic type of person and you happen to be good at a particular sport, then pursue an athletic scholarship.

6. Unusual Scholarships

The name itself gives it away. A private company, an organization, or a particular person sponsors this type of scholarship. They give this scholarship for the most surprising and odd reasons.

7. Scholarships for Women

Women, in particular, are the beneficiaries of this scholarship. Being a woman isn’t the only qualification for this scholarship award; one should also have a strong determination to succeed.

High school scholarships have different qualifications. Start evaluating yourself now so you can determine which scholarship suits you. Once you find one, pursue it.

11+ High School Scholarship Application Form Examples

1. High School Scholarship Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 163 KB


2. High School Scholarship Application Example

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Size: 184 KB


3. Basic High School Scholarship Application

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 293 KB


4. High School Scholarship Application for Seniors

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 217 KB


5. High School Scholarship Application Format

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  • PDF

Size: 200 KB


6. Sample High School Scholarship Application

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  • PDF

Size: 603 KB


7. 2019 High School Scholarship Application

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 399 KB


8. Sample High School Scholarship Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 105 KB


9. Printable High School Scholarship Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 70 KB


10. Basic High School Scholarship Application Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 53 KB


11. High School Student Scholarship Application

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 255 KB


12. High School Scholarship Application in DOC

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 13 KB


How To Boost Your Chances of Getting a High School Scholarship

The more people submit application letters for a scholarship, the thinner your chances can get. Standing out from thousands of other high school scholarship applicants has been a major subject of worry for aspiring scholars. Here are some steps to increase your chances in attaining a scholarship:

1. Inquire Early

It’s never too early to look for high school scholarships. As early as possible, search and inquire for scholarshipsask your teachers and guidance counselor, browse through social media, visit school websites. Before your application, look up for the qualifications of the specific scholarship that you like best, and do your best to qualify for it. Do better in school, join a sorority with a good reputation, do community service, these are some things you could try out.

2. More Entries, More Chances of Winning

Keep this mantra in mind and apply it in looking for scholarships. Apply for multiple scholarships in different categories, that way you can increase the possibility of you bagging a sponsorship. If you are both athletic and an academic achiever, apply for academic scholarships and athletic scholarships at the same time.

3. Look Good with Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are essential attachments for a high school application form. This letter could help you look more appealing in the eyes of the analyst. Don’t be shy to ask your teacher or mentor to write you one. Prior to writing one, read the application form if there are specific instructions given regarding the recommendation letter.

4. Write an Impressive and Impactful Essay

Most high school scholarship application forms requires you to write a scholarship essay, and if it does, do not get intimidated by it. The essay is the most crucial part of your application form and consequently should be the best. It is important to remember that before you start writing your essay, you should read the instructions, there could be a word count or specific formatting required. Whether you write a generic essay or a unique one is up to you. Still, you should make sure that your essay shows off your writing skills and further convince the committee why out of all the other applicants, you are the most deserving of the scholarship.

 5. Proofread Everything

You are up against plenty of other deserving applicants for this scholarship application, so make sure not to mess up. Go over everything and make sure that you have presented yourself in the best way possible. It is significant to check your application form for possible mistakes and make sure that you have followed all the instructions given. Submit your application on the given deadline. In the end, it wouldn’t matter how good your high school scholarship application is if you were not even able to follow simple instructions. 


Scholarships could be your one-way ticket to the life that you dream of living, so make sure you have given your best in applying for it. You may not be born with a prosperous life, but you are always presented with opportunities to achieve it. Don’t miss out on opportunities and use them wisely. If you follow the steps that were shown above, you could undoubtedly expect a scholarship award letter in your mail.


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