Academic Assessment

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Academic Assessment

All kinds of assessment are essential in today’s education system. However, due to the various kinds of assessment available, we may forget to be reminded of its real purpose. Later in this article, you will be able to know about the purpose of an academic assessment. Every academic assessment seeks to answer questions like “how well do the students learn?” Fortunately, these academic assessments do not only focus on the students. It also makes itself beneficial to the faculty.

10+ Academic Assessment Examples

1. Academic Assessment Template

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Size: 421 KB


2. Sample Academic Assessment

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Size: 209 KB


3. Academic Assessment Coordinator

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Size: 171 KB


4. Basic Academic Assessment

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Size: 425 KB


5. Academic Assessment Committee

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Size: 167 KB


6. Academic Assessment Plan

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Size: 327 KB


7. Academic Assessment Report

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Size: 4 KB


8. Academic Assessment Example

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Size: 258 KB


9. Academic Assessment Policy

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Size: 319 KB


10. Standard Academic Assessment

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Size: 236 KB


11. Academic Skills Assessment

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  • DOC

Size: 12 KB


What is an Academic Assessment?

An academic assessment aims in providing information to understand if a student improved in his or her learning. This is the basis where schools or universities set their standards for learning quality. This contains proof where you can analyze and interpret a student’s performance. When this will be used effectively within larger institutions, this will aid in providing a better and quality higher education.

These assessments help reinforce the efficiency of learning and teaching method of a certain educational institution. It even encourages a type of process that involves feedbacks and input from the students.

Purpose of Academic Assessment

The main purpose of an academic assessment is to provide relevant details regarding a student’s progress. It also determine if a student is interested in the learning method given by the institution. Student assessment is necessary for the following reasons:

  • After the lesson, the instructor can assess if a student understood what was being discussed.
  • It gives benefits to students who experience difficulties or problems like inability to remember words, hand-eye coordination, reading comprehension problems, etc.
  • It can help determine the student’s level of achievement, thus making their strengths as their motivation and their weaknesses as the basis for one’s improvement. There can also be room for students who are struggling in mastering the topic. The teacher may be able to provide remediation for them.
  • Teachers may also use the academic assessment to improve their teaching method. They will be able to know what to do with his or her usual ways of teaching and can even make students assess themselves on what area are they good at and what area do they need more time to work on.

Example of Academic Assessment

Assessment Method (Direct Assessment)

Students will write one scholarly paper to demonstrate how to use one multimedia platform.


What will be used to determine student success based on the outcome and assessment method procedures?


Seventy-five percent of students will demonstrate the use of one multimedia platform scoring above average or better on a written assignment.


What did the data say? What are the results of your data collection and analysis? The results can be written with a simple statement by providing the actual results.


The criteria was met. Eighty-five percent of the graduates scored above average or better on the written multimedia assignment.

Note: Provide documentation of the results. The data should be reported in aggregate form with identifying information redacted.


What action was taken as a result of the data? What was done to improve student learning as a result of your findings?


After reviewing the data, faculty decided to raise the benchmark for the next assessment cycle and randomly assign students a multimedia platform to write their paper on rather than allow them to self-select the platform.


Was student learning improved as a result of the implemented actions?


The benchmark was raised to eighty-five percent and platforms were randomly assigned for this assessment cycle. The criteria was met. Eighty-six percent of the students scored above average on the multimedia platform writing assignment and the students did not self-select for this assessment cycle. The faculty decided to assess this student learning outcome for another year using the same criteria.

Attach documentation of your findings.


What could be the benefits of assessments?

Assessments can encourage improvements in teaching and learning method and can even enhance critical thinking skills and self-awareness.

Are there chances that the grades will get higher if you have already seen your assessment?

Yes, it is through your assessment that you will be able to see what particular area you need to be improved.

What are other ways in assessing academic performance?

These include direct measures such as seatwork, quizzes, projects, reports, major exams, etc.

Academic assessments are essential to determine your academic progress as a student and to determine if your instructor’s teaching method needs to be changed. You have to assess from time to time to keep track of your academic performances. Even students with serious academic problems will still get the benefits with the help of this assessment.

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