10+ Community Health Needs Assessment Examples to Download

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

10+ Community Health Needs Assessment Examples to Download


Different communities have different health needs. Different health needs need different action plans and different kinds of help. This is why when you want to know what type of health your community may need, you must not assume that everyone, in general, would have the same kind of need. You must always take into consideration that not everyone’s health needs are the same, regardless if they suffer from the same. So you may be wondering how on earth are you going to be able to help if you have no idea what to do to begin with. The answer is simple. Do an assessment: not just any kind of assessment but a community health needs assessment.  What is a community health needs assessment and how do you even write one? The simplest thing is to check out the article right now.

10+ Community Health Needs Assessment Examples

1. Community Health Needs Assessment Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


2. Sample Community Health Needs Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


3. Basic Community Health Needs Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Community Health Needs Assessment Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Printable Community Health Needs Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


6. Community Health Needs Assessment in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. Formal Community Health Needs Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


8. Standard Community Health Needs Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 351 KB


9. Community Health Needs Assessment Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


10. Community Health Needs Assessment Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 12 MB


11. Simple Community Health Needs Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 506 KB


What Is a Community Health Needs Assessment?

A community health needs assessment is a specific type of needs assessment that caters to the health needs of a community. The health needs assessment is made in order to identify the main health needs and problems that a community, a state, or a local area may have. The assessment consists of a series of questions that are then used in order to collect information or intensive data in order for the people in the community to figure out what needs to be done. The purpose of making a community health needs assessment is to improve the quality of care for the people in the community to be able to give the right health benefits to the community.

What Are the Steps to Making a Community Health Needs Assessment?

Are you thinking about making your community health needs a reality? Are you hoping that once you have the right ideas as to what the community may need you are able to give them the right health care? Then you would need to know how to make a community health needs assessment. The following steps are going to be about how you can write a successful community health needs assessment.

1. Ask the Right Questions

To start off a community health needs assessment, you must know what questions to ask. It always starts with the right questions. Getting the right questions means that you know what you are doing, how you are going to start it, and what your community may need. It should also relate to what you are planning on doing.

2. Start Your Assessment

Once you have the right questions, you would of course be handing them out in order to get the information you would need. Once that is done, start the assessment. Start out with what you have completed and go from there. The assessment does take time so be patient enough to do this.

3. Gather Around the Data

The data you have to gather is from the assessment you have made. In order for the data to be accurate, you must also check whether the questions in your assessment have been answered. When you have done them, you must also have to analyze your entire data and evaluate it. Give out the results.

4. Write an Action Plan

Lastly, to make your community health needs assessment a reality and to be able to push through with your idea from the assessment down to the evaluation and results, write an assessment action plan. Make an action plan out of the needs assessment that you have done.


What is a community health needs assessment?

A kind of assessment that caters to the health needs of a community, an area, or a state. The assessment caters to understanding what the majority or the general health needs that the community may lack.

What is the purpose of writing a community health needs assessment?

The main purpose of writing a community health needs assessment is to be able to know what the community may need or what they may lack as some communities often do not have the right amount or the right tools to care for the health and welfare of the people living. The assessment is then made in order to figure out what can be given and what should also be given.

Why should there be an action plan after every assessment?

The action plan is made to put your assessment results into action. It is to make your community health needs assessment a reality.

It is not easy to know what kind of health needs a community may need, let alone each and every individual that lives in a community that may have multiple health needs. This is why doing a community health needs assessment and making an assessment action plan is the best option present.


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