10+ Environmental Risk Assessment Examples to Download

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

10+ Environmental Risk Assessment Examples to Download

10+ Environmental Risk Assessment Examples [ Health, Chemicals, University ]

Taking care of the environment should not be much of a burden for some. Even the smallest of actions can be quite an amazing feat. Especially if you do your best in taking it one step at a time. However, there are also other ways that could be dangerous and should not be taken lightly. For some cases, people who have health issues do have the right to be wary of the environment, especially when chemicals are often thrown out without any care. As much as for those who want to stop this from happening, there are still some risks that go with caring for everything around us. Yet, how are we to know which is dangerous and which is not? By doing an environmental risk assessment. Find out more about this below.

10+ Environmental Risk Assessment Examples

1. Health and Environmental Risk Assessment

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Size: 723 KB


2. Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals

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Size: 930 KB


3. Environmental Risk Assessment Data

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Size: 288 KB


4. Environmental Risk Assessment Template

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Size: 209 KB


5. General Environmental Risk Assessment

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Size: 660 KB


6. Environmental Risk Assessment Summary

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Size: 132 KB


7. Printable Environmental Risk Assessment

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Size: 2 MB


8. Environmental Risk Assessment in PDF

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Size: 426 KB


9. Formal Environmental Risk Assessment

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Size: 199 KB


10. University Environmental Risk Assessment

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Size: 64 KB


11. Draft Environmental Risk Assessment

File Format
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Size: 422 KB


What Is an Environmental Risk Assessment?

First of all, what do you think is an environmental risk assessment, as well as what you believe is an environmental risk assessment. For starters, an environmental risk assessment is not a type of assessment to assess only the environment. However, it is a type of assessment tool that not only evaluate the environment but also the risks and hazards that it holds. You see, this type of assessment assesses the risks, dangers and hazards that can be found and seen around the environment. In addition to that, it is also called ERA for short.

A process of analyzing, assessing,  understanding and evaluating. What it evaluates is how much of the hazardous risks like chemicals, natural causes or man made causes affects the environment. It also shows the level of severity for health and safety of people who may be harmed by these types of risks. It gives out the results that people need to understand and learn as to how to avoid or eliminate problems before they get worse. In addition to that, an environmental risk assessment gathers data to be studied. To find a way to eliminate the problem that can be controlled. For the problem that could not be controlled, it finds a solution for it to be avoided at all costs.

How to Write an Environmental Risk Assessment?

Now that we know what an environmental risk assessment is and what it is not, let us move on to how to write an environmental risk assessment. There are a lot of ways to write your environmental risk assessment. These tips though are basically the general way to start or to do the assessment. Of course, there is no such thing as a wrong way to do the assessment. Everyone has their own way, and the ones listed below are simply the general way to do it.

1. Understand the Risks

Before you undergo the environmental risk assessment, understand that the safety and health of the people involved are your priorities. The reason for this is because you may not be able to detect who is vulnerable or who is in need. Always put the safety of others at the top before doing anything that may be dangerous for everyone.

2. List the Possible Risks and Hazards

When you begin the assessment, list the possible risks and hazards that you think can be the cause of the issues affecting the environment. These risks and hazards are an essential part of the environmental risk assessment. As these are the data you need to analyze, assess and evaluate to get the answer you are looking for.

3. Analyze, Assess, Evaluate

From the list of risks and hazards, whether they are man made, natural or the chemicals from laboratories, analyze, assess and evaluate them one by one. Understand the causes and the effects they can do to the environment. Find a solution for each of the risks and hazards that you found that supports the cause of the assessment.

4. Write Down the Steps for the Results

Once you are done doing the analysis, assessment and evaluation, it is time to write down the steps for the results. Add them after each of the problems you have listed before. Each result should have a solution or an answer. Either it is to eliminate the problem or to help avoid it from getting worse. As well as avoid it from hurting others who may be affected and place it in a better closed place. If possible away from the environment.

5. Update Your Environmental Risk Assessment

After each milestone of risks solved, update your assessment. Also, take down some notes that can be helpful for future references. These notes are not only based on the assessment you made, but they are also based on the steps you have taken to resolve the problem.


What is an environmental risk assessment?

This type of risk assessment assesses the hazards and risks found within the environment. It can either be from man made risks, natural causes or chemicals mixed in laboratories and dumped into the environment.

How important is it to do this type of assessment?

If you are planning on solving risks that can be found throughout the environment, this environmental risk assessment is perfect. It helps you find a solution to problems that can be solved in a controlled environment.

Who is responsible for this type of assessment?

Anyone who wishes to do the assessment. However, safety and health should also be the priority when doing this kind of risk assessment.

Can it really help solve some of the risks found in the environment?

This may depend on how far and how you have done the assessment. As some risks can be controlled while others are best avoided at all costs. You may do this assessment only if you are safe from any type of hazard that may cause dangerous consequences.

There are a lot of problems the environment is facing these days. From pollution, chemicals being dumped and even climate change. These problems can really be a burden for those who may want to find a way to minimize it. However, there is always a solution to every problem, even the smallest of problems. To be able to know about it, one must do an environmental assessment. Not only does it help minimize the risks that cannot be contained, it also gives insight to people who can avoid these types at all costs. Especially if it ruins their health and safety.


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