10+ Family Assessment Examples to Download
Understanding how a family dynamic works is important to know the underlying cause or problems that may come sooner or later. It is also an essential way to form an assessment. To be able to have knowledge of what may be happening inside the family dynamic, whether it is for health and medical reasons, for educational reasons or for general reasons, one must be familiar with the family’s background, especially if this concerns children. A lot of people often tend to believe that if something is wrong in the family life, the children tend to be affected. Regardless if this is personal or for public knowledge. This is where an assessment comes in. To gain more understanding as to what a family assessment is, the purpose of it and how to do a family assessment, check out the whole article below now.
10+ Family Assessment Examples
1. Family Assessment Genogram Template

2. Free Social Work Family Assessment Genogram

3. Comprehensive Family Assessment
4. Parents Family Assessment
5. General Family Assessment
6. Child and Family Assessment
7. Community Family Assessment
8. Standard Family Assessment
9. Basic Family Assessment
10. Family Assessment in Medical Setting
11. Family Assessment in PDF
What Is a Family Assessment?
What is a family assessment? What does a family assessment do? Why is it necessary to do a family assessment? First of all, a family assessment is a kind of assessment being done to assess, to evaluate and to gain enough knowledge about a family‘s dynamics. It is also to gain understanding on how a family works in regards to the basic and necessary things. This is not limited to providing food for the family, education, a home, and clothes. In addition to that, a family assessment also assesses the well being of a child or children present in the home. Their safety, their education and their development. It also includes the strengths, weaknesses and the needs that a child in the home would need. Basically, this assessment is used when the person wants to gain knowledge of a child in the family in regards to the child’s growth and development. To be able to meet the needs of the child and the family as well.
The purpose of having to do a family assessment is to simply understand. To be able to gain knowledge and to understand the dynamics of each family. As families differ in dynamics, they also differ in their history, the way they care for the members as well. By doing the family assessment, you are able to gain enough understanding or knowledge, on how these families are able to give support to their children or the other members of their household. In addition to that, the purpose of doing a family assessment is to see beyond the surface. Simply to see beyond what others may say about the family and to find the reasons why these families may suffer from issues. To be able to protect a child if it is being maltreated in the family, to gain access to the family history, to check whether these issues may also be the reason for the problems. All these are only done if the family assessment is being done right.
How to Do a Family Assessment?
Have you ever seen any social services go through families on a daily if not weekly or monthly basis? If you have, you would notice they often bring some if not a lot of documents with them as they assess families that were being called out for. These reasons would often differ of course depending on the problem and the family in question. Of course, to help you understand how a family assessment works, here are some tips you can check out below.
1. Gather Data
The most basic thing to do when doing an assessment is to always gather data. You can gather data in different ways. If you are in social services, the most basic thing to do is to go to the concerned family’s house. While others often do an interview and observe the place to gather the required data. As long as the gathered data are necessary to your assessment.
2. Assess the Situation
This may be the trickier part of the family assessment. Assessing the situation. As not all families welcome others inside their homes to check on what is going on. When you have the opportunity to do so, check what is going on in the family home. If the children are treated well, if possible add the house and the members of the household. By being able to assess the situation, you can also add to your gathered data, so that it would be easier for you to make a full assessment and evaluation.
3. Give the Results
Once you have done the assessment, give out the results. The results would be based entirely on the assessment. Regardless if the outcome is positive or negative. If you are assessing the family based on their financial case, state it. However, if you are assessing the family through the reports of child abuse, again you must state which one and why. This will not only make it easier for you but for anyone who may need the assessment results.
4. Keep It Professional
Keep everything in a professional manner. Never give out private information to just about anyone. Keep in mind that this assessment is private and the information you have gathered about the family should also remain private. Unless given permission to share, the information must be kept private. Do the assessment in a professional manner. This is not something to just mess around with.
5. Keep an Extra Copy
Always keep an extra copy of the assessment that you made. This way, not only would it be easier for you in case you are going to be taking the assessment again, it is also easier to compare if there are any changes from the previous assessment. It is also easier when your head may ask for a copy of the assessment you did.
What is a family assessment?
A family assessment is a kind of assessment that you do based on a family that may have issues or problems that need to be addressed. This family assessment is also used as a way to check how the dynamic works and to be able to trace down any issues that could be addressed immediately.
Why is doing this assessment important?
If you are planning on understanding the reasons behind the issues or the problems that may arise in your family, especially if it involves children, doing a family assessment is the solution. As it helps figure out the underlying issues whether medical or mental.
Who is often the one to do a family assessment?
Doctors, Psychologists and even Social Services are the ones who are often seen doing the family assessment.
It goes without saying, when children are involved in problems that may be found in the family, this can cause a serious red flag. This can cause underlying issues that need to be solved or addressed as soon as possible. To be able to know the problems, a family assessment should be done. This assessment can be done by a doctor for medical issues, a psychologist for mental and psychological issues and even social services if they hear any domestic issues that need to be addressed.