9+ Nursing Admission Assessment Examples to Download
To be given the chance to be admitted to a prestigious university is a dream for any student. The thrill of having to attain a spot in a college is also a wonderful feeling. Though to be able to get there, you must have to go through a series of assessments to check if you are the one they are searching for. But even the term admission can be stated for something else. For people in the medical field the term admission can mean being admitted to a clinic as a patient or to be admitted for help in an institution. Regardless of how you may see the definition, it is still as important as knowing about it. The point of admission and assessing a patient. To know more, check the article below.
9+ Nursing Admission Assessment Examples
1. Nursing Admission Assessment Template
2. Clinical Nursing Admission Assessment
3. Health Screening Nursing Admission Assessment
4. Education Nursing Admission Assessment
5. Standard Nursing Admission Assessment
6. Nursing Admission Assessment Statement
7. Nursing Inpatient Admission Assessment
8. College Nursing Admission Assessment
9. Nursing Admission Assessments for Stroke Patients
10. Nursing Program Admission Assessment
Definition of Admission
An admission means the act of allowing a person to a prestigious establishment. To agree to allow an individual into a hospital, or college, or another place altogether. The process of unwillingly agreeing to something that is true. The act of letting someone enter the premises willingly. The express or written permission to study at a school or university. As well as the act of giving permission to a person to enter a building in their own free will.
Definition of Assessment
An assessment is an examination that is done to assess, analyze and evaluate a person. This type of examination shows the assessor the skills and knowledge of the person they are evaluating. It gives out a series of questions that are answered by gathering enough information to support the assessment. Before giving the result or the verdict, the examiner uses the assessment to support the claims of what they may find while assessing the person. Assessments are often the exams that are used before giving the final judgement.
Definition of Nursing Admission Assessment
A nursing admission assessment is a comprehensive type of assessment. This assessment is what nurses must have the knowledge of. It involves the patient’s history, appearance, examinations or tests. The patient has undergone, if any, vital signs. All these are needed for the assessment. A nurse must know of this information to complete the assessment properly. Just like any other assessment, this one also needs all the gathered data to make it complete. If one lacks, the assessment may lack the necessary details.
Importance of Admission Assessment
Why is an assessment so important? The reason for this is to thoroughly assess a person. To see if there is any difference. To check if what the patient says is true or not. As well as to be able to give a correct and clear diagnosis of what is wrong. The assessment does this since you do collect data and analyze before giving the verdict. But to do this, your assessment has to be accurate. For it to be accurate, your facts or data have to be true and concise as well.
Tools for Admission Assessment
- Outline
- Bullets
- Essay
- Narrative Report
- Questionnaires
- Checklist
Tips for Nursing Admission Assessment
- Be specific
- Use jargon specific to your field
- Do not sugar coat the results
- Give your full assessment
- Record the results
- Keep a copy of the results
What happens if the diagnosis of the patient does not match the assessment?
Recheck your assessment or recheck the copy you have of the patient. Always be careful how you do the assessment if you are diagnosing the patient as well.
Is there a way to pass the admission assessment for college?
Yes. Give what is being asked, follow the instructions. Be meticulous enough to know that your assessment is going to help you get in. Do your best.
How can I know if my assessment is a success?
Your results speak for themselves. If your result is good, then it is. If it does not answer what you were trying to assess, go back and find the root problem.
Why is an admission assessment important for college?
They want to see if you are fit for the course you are applying for as well as if you have the skills and the knowledge. In addition to that, it is to check if you are what they are expecting and if you are an asset to the school.
Admission assessment for nursing can be difficult. But if you do your best, and give what you can, it is possible. The same goes for those who are assessing patients. Be meticulous when you assess. Gather information to support your assessment. Never assume anything unless you have the right data or evidence to prove it.