Psychological Assessment

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Psychological Assessment

You may have heard of the saying “It’s only in your mind” or it’s just a psychological problem. As much as this is a sad thing to hear, it is still a part of a stigma that people say everyday. But one thing is for certain, there is a way to know if how you feel and how you think may be real or it’s just as they say only in your mind. To be able to know what that is, you must take a series of tests that are given by either counsellors or psychologists. These types of examinations will not only help you, but will also give you the right assessment. Check it out below.

10+ Psychological Assessment Examples

1. Psychological Assessment Template

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Size: 561 KB


2. Psychological Assessment of Children

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Size: 210 KB


3. Client Psychological Assessment

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Size: 149 KB


4. General Psychological Assessment

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Size: 396 KB


5. Psychological Assessment in PDF

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Size: 842 KB


6. Psychological Assessment Report

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Size: 45 KB


7. Standard Psychological Assessment

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Size: 59 KB


8. Basic Psychological Assessment

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Size: 74 KB


9. Professional Psychological Assessment

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Size: 220 KB


10. Draft Psychological Assessment

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Size: 212 KB


11. Week Four Psychological Assessment

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Size: 76 KB


Definition of Psychological

To define the term psychological, this means referring to a person’s feeling. As well as how they think. The word psychological relates to the study of psychology which means the study of the human mind. How we think, how we react and how we comprehend. When we mean psychological, we also mean the process of understanding how the human mind works as well as how feelings and thoughts correlate with each other. Anything that relates to the study of the mind whether it is to check for mental or physical aspects. The mind and a person’s feelings are also related to psychological studies.

Definition of Assessment

A survey or a series of questions. An assessment is an examination given to a patient or a client to assess their problems. Assessments are made to discover the issues and the problems before making a decision. To be able to understand the problem and to nip it in the bud. In addition to that, it also gives the process of assessing a person through their knowledge, skills and value. To be able to know about a person, an assessment is made. The results would help you make your own conclusion.

Definition of Psychological Assessment

From the term itself, a psychological assessment is a series of tests. A series of tests done by trained evaluators. These tests are administered to understand and evaluate how a person reacts to certain situations. The scores are then compared by rubrics. The scores are said to reflect the person’s difference and characteristics. These assessments are done to make a diagnosis about a person’s psychological case.

Importance of Psychological Assessment

The importance of doing a psychological assessment is to better understand an individual’s way of coping, thinking and assessing a situation. To identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as how they treat problems. The importance is also to measure their different talents, skills and abilities by comparing it to how they think and how they feel. These types of assessment examinations are usually based on theories to practical answers.

Tools Used for Psychological Assessment

Here we have some tools for a Psychological Assessment. Some of these tools may be common as they are mostly used when doing assessments. Checklists are more of a common tool to use, but even the rest are still as valid and useful as a simple checklist. If you wish to do your own assessment, but you have no idea what tool you may use, simply check out the list below.

  • Narrative
  • Bullets
  • Essay
  • Outline
  • Checklist

Tips on Writing your Psychological Assessment

Here are your tips for writing your assessment. Remember, these tips are merely a guideline. Treat it like a roadmap to writing. For those who have written an assessment before, you may use this as a simple review. For those who are new to writing an assessment, you may use these tips as a guide on where to begin and how to write it.

  • Be specific
  • Understand your assessment
  • Gather data and information
  • Compare previous assessments made
  • Make a conclusion
  • Update when necessary


Is there a good reason to do this assessment?

Yes. It gives you a general idea as to how a person reacts to a situation. As each person reacts differently. It also gives you a general overview of how each person deals with problems.

How do I begin with the assessment?

Choose a tool you are doing the assessment, next, you should begin to gather data and understand what you want to achieve in the assessment. You would also need to study about it as well as ask around. This type of assessment is mostly done by professionals in this field.

Who is the assessment based on?

The assessment can be made for just about anyone. The assessment can also be done as a survey for clinics.

Are the results confidential?

Yes. Nobody outside of the assessment is allowed to know unless they are given the consent of the people involved in the assessment.

Psychological assessment helps when you want to understand how you may react to certain situations. It also shows you a bigger picture of how people tend to cope when given difficult problems. In addition to that, the assessment is only done by professionals of the field, as this can get very complicated.

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