Task Risk Assessment

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Task Risk Assessment

It goes without saying, whether you are an employee, a student or even just about anyone, there was once in your life that you were given a difficult job to do. Whether you did it willingly or you were forced to do it, you understood that there were some risks that went with it. Some jobs or projects may also sound easy, but even easy jobs have an underlying risk to them. For anyone who has ever done a risky task, would understand that being careful and cautious was a part of the job. Now, check out a way to see if this task is worth the risk by doing an assessment. Check out 10+ task risk assessment examples below. 

10+ Task Risk Assessment Examples

1. Task Risk Assessment Template

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  • PDF

Size: 372 KB


2. Task Risk Assessment and Control Form

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Size: 66 KB


3. Volunteer Task Risk Assessment

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  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


4. Task Risk Assessment in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 117 KB


5. Manual Task Risk Assessment

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  • PDF

Size: 307 KB


6. Pre-Task Risk Assessment

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  • PDF

Size: 128 KB


7. Task Risk Assessment for Non-Routine Work

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  • PDF

Size: 500 KB


8. Task Risk Assessment Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 6 MB


9. Standard Task Risk Assessment

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


10. Basic Task Risk Assessment

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  • PDF

Size: 320 KB


11. Draft Task Risk Assessment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 460 KB


Definition of Task

A task means to assign an individual a job or something to do. A piece of work that is given by someone usually of authority to an employee in a company. A difficult thing that has to be worked on until it is finished. The act of assigning or giving a job to someone, whether it is difficult or easy. A task is a project, a piece of work being done regularly or on some basis. It can be done willingly or unwillingly.

Definition of Risk

When we define the word risk, we mean something that is implied that the future is not as clear. A possible event that may cause harm to someone. The ability to affect something in the future. The possible consequences that may cause loss. An incident that may cause unpleasant results. Something that is measured through vulnerability to assess a situation whether its results are good or bad.

Definition of Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is defined as the overall process that identifies risks. The process of potential risk factors, To evaluate the potential risks that involves an activity. A risk assessment is defined as a process of evaluating something to avoid any harm done to the person. To analyze, to evaluate the risk that is associated with the project or the job being done. To be able to understand and see a way through the risk to finish the job without any hazard involved. To find a way as much as possible to avoid the hazards and problems that may go with the incident or project.

Importance of Risk Assessment

The importance of risk assessments is to know, to assess, to analyze and to create awareness. Awareness for those who may be at risk of the issue. To be able to identify the level of risk as well as the people who may be at risk. All companies or project based jobs are told to make risk assessments. These people involved like employees, visitors, the public, contractors, etc. In addition to that, the reason for the importance of doing a risk assessment is to resolve the risk before the issue may worsen.

Tools Used for Risk Assessment

There are a lot of different tools to use when doing an assessment. These types of tools would be the most basic or the most common ones. Now, not all assessments may look or have the same result as the other. But these assessment tools have the same given use. Check out the following and choose which one you may want to use the next time you do a risk assessment.

  • Checklist
  • Tick the box
  • Multiple choice
  • Narrative
  • Forms

Tips for Making Task Risk Assessment

Here are some tips to guide you through making task risk assessments. These tips are only to be used as guidelines. How you do the risk assessment is up to you. So without further ado, here are some tips for making a task risk assessment.

  • Be honest
  • Make a draft
  • Give the information needed
  • Place proof
  • Analyze the data
  • Give the evaluation


What is a task risk assessment?

A task risk assessment is a term that states all activities involved to identify the problem as well as to analyze and evaluate the risk. To be sure that regardless of the risk present, anyone who may fall for the risk is safe. This assessment identifies the dangers and hazards of a task.

Why is it important to make this assessment?

Any job that may involve risks would need to be assessed to see if the people involved are not at risk. As well as it is important to be able to control the risk in any given situation.

Who is at risk if the assessment is invalid?

Anyone who works or anyone who may be involved in the job can be affected by the hazard. That is the reason why it is best to assess the situation first before doing the work.

Where can this hazard happen?

It can happen anywhere and at any time.

Being able to do a task risk assessment is a good way to avoid any issues. Any type of work that may be seen as high risk or medium risk should still be assessed. These hazards and risks can happen anytime and anywhere. The people involved could also be anyone. This is why being able to do this risk assessment is important.

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