Award Acceptance Speech

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Award Acceptance Speech

Navigate the art of delivering a heartfelt award acceptance speech with our expert guide, which includes a variety of inspiring speech examples. This comprehensive resource is designed to assist you in articulating your gratitude and joy effectively. Whether you’re acknowledging a professional honor or a personal milestone, our array of speech examples will guide you in creating a memorable and sincere acceptance speech, ensuring your words leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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If you have been nominated for an award and you are confident that your chances of winning is high or even if you are not that confident you’ll win, it is only right to prepare a speech when receiving said award. As English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge has said, “He who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration.” Therefore, you should prepare a speech ahead of time regardless of uncertainty in order to avoid stuttering when accepting an award or plainly embarrassing yourself in such a momentous occasion for saying the wrong words.

Outline of an Award Acceptance Speech

When you when an award especially during prestigious events, it is most likely that you are expected to give an award acceptance speech. As the name suggests, it is a speech you give when you accept an award and mainly for expressing how honored and thankful you are to be given such recognition. In the process of writing the speech, you should also know what information you should include. Although there is no set standard on how to write the speech, here is an explanation on the outline of an award acceptance speech:

1. Opener

This part of your speech is basically your introduction. This will be your formal opening, the ice breaker or the attention-grabber for your speech. The main purpose of this part is to show your excitement, your shock and happiness to be given the award. This will also serve as your formal acknowledgement to the people present during the event. In some award acceptance speeches given by professionals in certain filed, this is where they insert a humorous quip. For speech example, during the Oscars in 2010, Sandra Bullock who won the Best Actress Award opened her speech with “Did I really earn this or did I just wear you all down?”

2. Expression of gratitude

This part of the speech is where you express your gratitude for the organization or institution who has given you the award. Although this can also be used to thank important people in your life, thanking the organization also expresses your respect to the body who has given you the award. Aside from that, this is also your way to talk about how thankful you are just for the nomination and how much happy and honored you are that the deciding body chose you despite of all the talented nominees.

3. Address your competition

It is only right that you acknowledge the people who were nominated alongside you. This is the part of your speech where you speak well of your competition. Although they were your competitors for the award, some of them are your close acquaintances or friends and people you have admired for a long time. This is also your time to acknowledge how brilliant they performed in their own right and how worthy they are of the nomination. In addition, you can also mention how these nominees also served as your inspiration during the process of creating your work. Through this you strengthen your friendship with some of them and creating new meaningful relationships with the others.

4. Sharing the glory

On this part of the speech you share your glory to the people who have continuously supported you. Aside from the people executives like talent scouts, directors, producers, managers, supervisors, etc. who have taken a chance on you, this is also where you thank the most important people in your life like your spouse, parents, siblings, friends, mentors and so on. When the late Robin Williams received the Best Supporting Actor during the 1998 Oscars, he humorously thanked his late father saying “Most of all, I want to thank my father, up there, the man who when I said I wanted to be an actor, he said, ‘Wonderful. Just have a back-up profession like welding.'”

5. Conclusion

The conclusion of your speech can be inspirational, funny, challenging and others. You should definitely end your speech with something you can be remembered by. For example you can pose a challenge to the audience, or your can leave with some inspirational message that the audience can ponder on, or you can end your speech with some witty, funny remarks. To end his award acceptance speech during the Mark Twain Comedy Award in 2011, actor-comedian Will Ferrell funny quipped the theater band “Now, you can play it, now you can play the music.” as they have interrupted him in the beginning of his speech.

Award Acceptance Speech

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Short Award Acceptance Speech

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How to Make an Award Acceptance Speech

In order to deliver an outstanding award acceptance speech you should prepared it ahead of time. Although some prepare to deliver it extemporaneously, but in order to save time you can prepare just the basic outline of what you want to say or a list of people you want to thank so as not to forget anyone. However, when you have been given prior knowledge about the award, it is much better to allot time to actually write it. Hence, here is a guide you can refer to when you write an award acceptance speech:


1. Brainstorm ideas

This part of your process will be the foundation or outline as you go along with the actual writing process. This will enable you to generate ideas on how you want your speech to go and what yu want to include in the speech. Aside from that, it will allow you to gather inspiration that you can apply in your own speech.

  1. Make a list of the reasons why you are thankful for receiving the award.
  2. Make a list of all the people you want to thank in your speech. Only name the most important ones, and thank the others in general.
  3. Read or watch other acceptance speeches in order to draw inspiration.

2. Write your speech

Since you already have enough ideas and basically an outline of how your speech should go, you can now proceed to the actual writing process. The writing process should be easy enough since the speech is supposed to be brief and more importantly because you already have a guide. A list of the entire writing process is listed below:

  1. Write a brief introduction that will set the tone of your entire speech. Make sure you try to express gratitude and connect with the audience right away. You can also start your speech with a funny quip, but try to avoid sarcasm or joking about the merits of the award itself. In addition, the length of your introduction will heavily depend on the time allotted to you to deliver the speech.
  2. Proceed to the body of your speech focusing on the people you want to express your gratitude to. This speech should be devoted to expressing your gratitude to the body who gave you the award, the people you enabled you to showcase your talents and all the people who have undoubtedly supported you. You can easily refer to the list of people you want to thank that you have made beforehand.
  3. Avoid thanking too many people. Although this is meant to express your gratitude, the audience will easily get bored if all you do is thank everyone one-by-one. It can also cause disappointments once you forget to mention someone.
  4. Take caution in making you speech a platform. Although this can be used to address certain controversies or social issues, be wary in doing so since saying the wrong things when you only mean well can still be interpreted badly.
  5. Conclude your speech on a positive note. Make sure you end your speech in a lighthearted and positive manner in order to maintain the atmosphere and also to make sure you have used up your opportunity in a good way.


Outstanding CEO Award Acceptance Speech Example

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Distinguished Service Award Acceptance Speech Example

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Alumnus of the Year Award Acceptance Speech Example

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How to Deliver an Award Acceptance Speech

Aside from having a brilliant speech, you should also be to deliver you speech in a brilliant manner. You have to make sure that your delivery is perfect to that the audience can clearly understand you and so that your message can be heard audibly. Here are some tips on how you can deliver your award acceptance speech:

  1. Show your personality. The delivery of your speech should come from the heart. It is okay to sound a surprised and shocked for it is only human. With that, you should show your personality through the words you say and the actions or gestures you make.
  2. Be gracious. Being gracious means acknowledging the good work done by your competitors and thanking the organization that selected you for the award. You show how good-natured you are by avoiding the tendency of becoming narcissistic; talk about others more thank yourself.
  3. Show excitement. Showing your excitement does not mean you have to do cartwheels towards the stage, but you have to make sure that the audience can recognize that you are really happy to have won the award. You can show this through words or through gestures. Some are show visible signs of excitement like getting jitters, heavy breathing, getting teary-eyed, and so on.
  4. Be modest. It should not be self-congratulatory however heartfelt it may be. Show modesty through avoiding talking more about you than other relevant and important people in your life.
  5. Practice, practice, practice. Your should prepare, rehearse with a timer, memorize key people to thank and allow time for the unexpected.

A. A. Michelson Award Acceptance Speech Example

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Children’s Peace Literature Award Acceptance Speech Example

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Tips in Writing and Delivering Award Acceptance Speech

Now that you have enough ideas and guide on how to write a brilliant award acceptance speech and how to effectively deliver it, your should also know some of the other important yet forgotten details about it. Hence, here is a list of useful tips you should know when writing and delivering an award acceptance speech:


  • It is best to ask how much time you are allotted for the speech.
  • Allot time to brainstorm what you want to include in your speech and which to talk about first.
  • With the time constraint in mind, begin writing the introduction of your speech.
  • Keep your speech short but sincere.
  • Wholeheartedly acknowledge those who helped you along the way.
  • Express honest appreciation.
  • Include witty, humorous remarks to have an entertaining factor.
  • Explain how this experience has changed your life for the better.
  • End the speech with a bang.
  • Aim to make the speech memorable.


  • Avoid using notes.
  • Give a nod to the organizers.
  • Establish a personal connection.
  • Be genuine.
  • Stop apologizing for the past, for being speechless, for getting emotional, and so on.
  • Mention and acknowledge the organization’s goals.
  • Keep a lid on the jokes.One or two jokes is already enough.

Excellence in Art Education Award Acceptance Speech Example

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Lifetime Achievement Award Acceptance Speech Example

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Concluding your award acceptance speech, remember to speak from the heart, expressing genuine gratitude. Utilize our guide and examples to eloquently acknowledge those who’ve supported you, making your speech as memorable as the achievement itself. Your words have the power to inspire and resonate, leaving a lasting impact on your audience. Embrace this opportunity to shine and share your journey with grace and appreciation.

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