Business Progress Report

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Business Progress Report

We all have at some point written a progress report, regardless of what kind or type and for whom the progress report was for. Of course, when we think of progress, we think of the step-by-step process of the activity or the project or the percentage of completion. Yet again, how we look at progress is sometimes depicted as something different when it comes to business development. It may showcase how the business is evolving, the marketing strategy, etc. 

In a business sense, when you state progress reports, it is already expected that in the document, there are facts, proof, and information regarding the progress of the project, the development, and the activities being given to the person in charge. It would most likely be filled with graphs, charts, numbers, and explanations, all of which are normal to find in a business progress report. Are you planning to write a business report for work? It is best to get to know what a business progress report is and what are the do’s and don’ts of a business progress report through this article.

5+ Business Progress Report Examples

1. Business Progress Report Template

busines progress report template
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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


2. Sample Business Progress Report

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  • PDF

Size: 207 KB


3. Small Business Progress Report

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Business Development Progress Report

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  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


5. Business Plan Progress Report

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Size: 827 KB


6. Business Establishment Progress Report

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  • PDF

Size: 386 KB


What Is a Business Progress Report?

A progress report gives out the progress or the step by step activity of a project you are given. A lot of employees, students and even employers go through this kind of report in their lives. The same goes for a business progress report is a kind of report that states the process of the progress of an activity or a project. The progress report is simply to show your employers or someone in your workplace the overview of your project or your work. In addition to that, the business progress report shows the facts that you have been doing your job as the numbers, the progress and the facts cannot lie. 

The importance of a business progress report is to show the overview of your work to your employer. It is to give them a bird’s eye view of the things you have been doing, how far you have done them and the other projects or activities that you are still going to be doing. In addition to that, a business progress report helps your employers see any progress or any work done and to check if the data adds up to your progress.

How to Write a Business Progress Report?

Are you tasked to write your business progress report? Do you already have an idea on how to write or do you have problems with what should be written and what should not be written? Here are some tips to help you get started with your business progress report.

1. Write the Title of Your Report

Now, this may be the most obvious and yet the most forgotten part of a report. Write the title of your report, but make sure that the title of your report connects to what you are planning or what you are going to be writing about as the title helps give your reader the information as to what to expect from the report and what to make of it.

2. Give Facts to Your Report

What is a progress report without the progress? What is progress without the facts? If you understood this, you would know that the facts in your report would be based on either graphs, charts, or both. Showing the statistics of your report helps your employer or your leader to understand how far you have made progress and how far you still need to go.

3. Avoid Fabricating Your Report

If you believe that making your progress report look better by making up the statistics, you got it wrong. Your employer would be able to tell whether or not your progress report is true or fabricated. The fact that statistics cannot lie and the data in your charts cannot lie either. One thing to remember, even if you may only write your progress report without any charts or graphs, avoid placing false statistics in the report.

4. Always Use Simple Words Over Difficult Jargon

When you write your progress report, always remember that simple words will always be better than difficult words. Of course, there are those who may advise using the language unique to your business, but even so, if you want to get your progress across the table, it is best to use simple language or words.

5. Review Your Progress Report

Review your progress report to check if you have written everything that needs to be communicated to the audience of the report. Every single important detail should be found in the report.


What is a business progress report?

A business progress report is a kind of document that covers all the progress of an activity or a project. The progress report gives the employer a scope of where their employees are at and how far they have to go to finish it.

What use does a business progress report have on an employer?

The report helps employers monitor the progress of their business growth. It also helps by giving them a bird’s eye view of any progress or the lack of it.

When is a good time to write a progress report?

The good time to write a progress report would depend on the necessity and purpose of the report as well as its type as there is a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual progress reports. This may depend on your employer, but it is always best to be prepared for anything and to simply write the progress you have made on a perpetual basis.

We all go through a point in our lives where we are tasked to write a progress report, may it be if we are an intern, student, or employee. Progress reports help by giving your employer a good view of how the business or the projects you are tasked with is going. If there are any issues that can also be addressed, they too can be found in the progress report. Hence, if you plan to write them, which you surely will, always remember to follow what is being asked. If you have any difficulties, you can simply check out the tips too.

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