Marketing Calendar
Marketing is very valuable for any business. Having a plan in place that outlines all the marketing activities on a week to week or month to month basis gives you the assurance that a steady stream of promotion will enter the marketplace for your company. If you engage in regular marketing activities, your customers will definitely hear about you and become curious. A marketing calendar is a plan that covers all marketing activities for a whole year. With a good marketing calendar in place, you won’t have to worry about what marketing campaigns to run, for it will all be planned. Here are some of the best marketing calendar examples and templates that you can use or take inspiration from when making your own marketing calendars.
37+ Marketing Calendar Examples & Templates
1. Marketing Calendar Template Example

2. Marketing Plan Calendar Template

3. Marketing Desk Calendar Template Example

4. Sample Marketing Calendar Template

5. Simple Marketing Calendar Template

6. Social Media Marketing Calendar Template

7. Real Estate Marketing Calendar Template

8. Marketing Project Calendar Template

9. Annual Marketing Calendar Template

10. Content Marketing Calendar Template

11. Ecommerce Marketing Calendar Template

12. Restaurant Marketing Calendar Template

13. Weekly Marketing Calendar Template

14. Digital Marketing Calendar Template

15. Restaurant Marketing Planning Calendar Template

16. Restaurant Marketing Desk Calendar Template

17. Restaurant Marketing Planning Calendar Template

18. Marketing Campaign Calendar Template

19. Email Marketing Calendar Template

20. Real Estate Marketing Desk Calendar Template

21. Content Marketing Desk Calendar Template

22. Marketing Plan Desk Calendar Template

23. Calendar Marketing Plan Template

24. Marketing Calendar in PDF
25. Retail Marketing & Promotion Planning Calendar
26. Local Marketing Calendar
27. Exhibitor Marketing Calendar and Checklist
28. Small Business Marketing Calendar
29. Offer Marketing Calendar Example
30. Aviation Marketing Calendar Sample
31. Affiliate Marketing Calendar Sample
32. Marketing Planning Calendar
33. How To Create A Marketing Calendar
34. E-mail Marketing Calendar
35. Event Marketing Calendar
36. Content Marketing Calendar
37. Retail Marketing Calendar Example
38. Marketing Calendar Example
What Is a Marketing Calendar?
Like any form of a calendar, a marketing calendar a systematized chart or series of pages that show marketing activities for the entire year. This type of plan document serves as a roadmap reference for marketing teams in visualizing and executing marketing processes within a specific amount of time.
Tips on How to Create a Marketing Calendar
If you’re managing your own business, handling events, or simply running a website page, you may not know all the tactics to successfully run the marketing aspect for it. That’s fine because we’ve got here a simple guide that will help you learn and create a marketing calendar. This tip allows you to get to know about how you can develop your marketing activities by creating one marketing calendar of your own. Here’s how:
Tip 1: Establish the Marketing Objective
Yes, you opt to have one marketing calendar. However, the question here is what is it for? Take note that a marketing calendar is more than a document that contains dates. This document identifies all the essential information about your desired marketing activities; thus, you have to clearly establish what type of marketing you are into. Whether you want to have a marketing calendar for content marketing, social media, or blog, make sure to clearly identify it so that you can seamlessly get your desired marketing calendar in an instant.
Tip 2: Brainstorm Ideas Strategically
With your established marketing objective, you can now begin mapping out the ideal strategies that are relevant to your marketing calendar. Upon brainstorming ideas, make sure to keep in touch with your overall marketing objective, as this serves as your overall anchor. Plot your gathered marketing strategy on a separate sheet, and outline them according to your desired timeline. Your gathered sheet serves as your reference in plotting your marketing activities straight into your desired marketing calendar.
Tip 3: Make Room for Adjustments
Plotting a calendar schedule doesn’t mean that everything conspires to your desired plan. The process also works for your marketing calendar creation, so make sure to create room for unexpected adjustments. When you schedule your marketing activities, you need to set aside enough time to prioritize your tasks and prepare for any changes. As an aid, a separate marketing planner would be a help.
Tip 4: Opt for Templates
Like most aspects of any plan, you need to invest time and resources in making a marketing calendar. Creating one marketing calendar from scratch is okay but with the luxury of marketing calendar templates and examples online, you can now simplify your process of having one calendar. Regardless of what’s your preference, make sure to choose the one that works for you.
Why is it important to have a marketing calendar?
Having a marketing calendar is as important as scheduling your daily work plan. A marketing calendar allows every marketing team to be focused on marketing plans for it has all the information about every aspect of a particular marketing strategy.
What are the types of marketing calendar?
- Content marketing calendar
- Blog calendar
- Social Media marketing calendar
- Email marketing calendar
What methods can I use in tracking marketing campaigns?
- Website Analytics
- SEO Analytics
- Social Media Analytics
- Email Analytics
- Paid Advertising Analytics
With all our helpful tips and examples, no question, that you can now create a marketing calendar for your upcoming marketing tasks. Although creating one might take a little bit of time, securing your one marketing calendar would be a great help for you. For this reason, don’t just stare at the screen and make sure to start crafting your marketing calendar today.