10+ Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Examples to Download

10+ Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Examples

Whether at home, in the office, apartment, restaurant, dorm, or anywhere else, keeping the bathroom clean ensures everyone’s safety. How do you keep the bathroom clean? To give you a more comprehensive guide in mapping your bathroom cleaning task, create a checklist. Now here’s the catch, we give you more than 10 printable bathroom cleaning checklists that are customizable to fit your needs. Whether you want to create a weekly checklist, monthly checklist, or daily checklist, for your bathroom cleaning schedule, we got it all for you!

Need some cleaning checklist ideas? Browse our examples and templates today!

10+ Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Examples

1. Printable Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 86 KB


2. Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 38 KB


3. Basic Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 21 KB


4. Standard Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 29 KB


5. Formal Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 119 KB


6. General Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

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Size: 75 KB


7. Bathroom Cleaning Checklist in PDF

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Size: 342 KB


8. Bathroom Disinfecting Cleaning Checklist

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Size: 164 KB


9. Home Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


10. Residential Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 234 KB


11. Bathroom Spring Cleaning Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 41 KB


How Is a Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Used?

A bathroom or restroom cleaning checklist is often used to ensure bathroom hygiene and safety in public and private establishments. It is a tool that can also be used for cleaning inspections or when buying cleaning supplies, wherein a cleaning inspection checklist and cleaning supply checklist can help. Usually, people use this for non-domestic purposes. However, this does not mean some households no longer need a bathroom cleaning checklist.

How to Make a Bathroom Cleaning Checklist?

Creating cleaning checklists, taking the form of a housekeeping inspection checklist, health and safety checklist, and the likes, can be daunting if you start from scratch. But don’t fret because we take that burden away by providing you more than ten bathroom cleaning checklists that you can customize according to your needs and style.

With our examples above, we hope you’re able to find the one that meets your needs. To make the most out of your usage with our custom templates, here are some tips to guide you in making your own bathroom cleaning checklist:

Tip 1: Plot Your Schedule

The first step in creating a bathroom cleaning checklist is to plot your schedule. Identify how often you will clean the bathroom. What specific time of the day? Should you wish to make changes, you can update your checklist weekly or monthly. This is when a monthly or weekly cleaning checklist can help you.

For references, please check our kitchen cleaning schedule and restaurant cleaning schedule examples.

Tip 2: Get a Clear Picture of Your Bathroom Cleaning Tasks

Determine what specific tasks you will undertake. Will this include fetching water, soap refills, scrubbing the floor, cleaning the toilet, or dusting? Remember, there’s a chance that someone will be assigned the same responsibilities as you do. So, determine the premises of your tasks.

Tip 3: Itemize. Organize.

By now, you should have your tasks in mind. So now it’s time to put it in your paper. Arrange your tasks according to whichever you prefer most or find easiest. If you want, you can also start with the most difficult ones. It’s all up to you.

Organizing your task list can give you a sense of progress and convenience.

Tip 4: Add Notes

There’s a possibility that you will overlook some responsibilities you have listed for that day. So, it’s essential to add additional notes to remind you of the things that you still need to do during your next clean-up. This is also helpful, especially when there are parts in the bathroom cleaning process that you cannot handle alone. Should there be any non-compliant items present, this is very useful, especially in filing an incident report.

For references on how to create notes, check out our concept notes examples today!


What Are the Dangers of Irregular Bathroom Cleaning?

An unclean bathroom can jeopardize anyone’s health and safety in many ways. For example, viral/bacterial infection, slips and falls, and more.

How to Ensure Senior Safety in the Bathroom?

With their frail bones and balance issues, seniors tend to slip and fall. This is why keeping the bathroom floor clean and dry can save their lives. Additionally, adding grab bars or handrails can also do the job of ensuring the bathroom safety of seniors.

How Many Times Should I Clean My Bathroom?

In an article in NCBNEWS, microbiologist, Jason Tetro, says that the bathroom is the ultimate bacterial host for E.coli, which can be found six feet from the toiler and the sink. To keep it at bay, he suggests the toilet and sink should be cleaned and disinfected weekly, for the bathtub, every two weeks.

There is no better way to start your bathroom cleaning duties with a clear plan. Like in many other activities, besides restroom cleaning, having a checklist helps you complete everything that needs to be done within a period of time. Furthermore, having a checklist also helps in case you are assigned to submit a daily activity report, considering your checklist should include notes — or for other future references.


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