10+ Hazard Assessment Checklist Examples to Download

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

10+ Hazard Assessment Checklist Examples to Download

10+ Hazard Assessment Checklist Examples [ Renovation, Company, Construction

In any company whether it is in an office building or a construction site, there will be a lot of hazards found. The level or the severity of these hazards may also differ, but it is no less than dangerous if you are not able to address these kinds of issues. It goes without saying, a hazard or a risk that can be found inside the work premises should be dealt with immediately. Especially if this hazard can be dangerous for anyone working. This is especially true anywhere but hazards have a higher chance of happening in construction sites and home renovations. The one responsible for checking the hazards and their severity are usually the company as this gives out risks that could lead to a lot of injured people. This is something that should always be avoided if possible. But how can they tell if this is a hazard in itself? They do a hazard assessment checklist. To find out more about what a hazard assessment checklist is, check out for more information.

10+ Hazard Assessment Checklist Examples

1. General Hazard Assessment Checklist Template

General Hazard Assessment Checklist Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


2. Standard Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 73 KB


3. Renovation Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 103 KB


4. Construction Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 120 KB


5. Formal Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 398 KB


6. Facility Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 44 KB


7. Fall Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 64 KB


8. Site Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 103 KB


9. Workplace Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 417 KB


10. Hazard Assessment Checklist in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 954 KB


11. Basic Hazard Assessment Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 71& KB


What Is a Hazard Assessment Checklist?

What is a hazard assessment checklist? This kind of checklist targets the issue with a series of questions. It also targets the issues with topics that would help strike and eliminate the problem altogether. Basically this kind of assessment tackles serious questions that are supposed to help lessen or control the hazards that are found in the workplace. In this case construction sites and renovation sites often have the largest hazard problems. By doing the hazard assessment checklist, the person in charge of the site is able to know which of the hazards are they dealing with and how to eliminate or to lessen the problem. This is also a good way to help with the safety of everyone working or everyone present in the workplace. In addition to that, by doing the hazard assessment checklist, the person or people in charge are able to pinpoint the hazard, assess its level of severity and to find a way to eliminate or control it before it gets worse.

Now for the purpose of doing this kind of assessment checklist. The purpose of having to do this kind of assessment is that you are able to tick the box to see which is true to you. The checklist’s purpose is to let you see how mild, bad or worse the hazards are by the answers you give out. This way, you are also able to find a solution that fits the overall result from the checklist. In addition to that, it only gives your job a lot easier and less stressful knowing the issues or the hazards found in your workplace can be dealt with. As well as knowing everyone working is safe from any incident that may cost them their time and safety.

How to Write a Hazard Assessment Checklist?

First of all, how do you write a hazard assessment checklist? If you are wondering how to start writing a hazard assessment checklist as well as how it works, check out the following below.

1. Ask Yourself What the Hazards May Be

What do you think the hazards may be? As we all know hazards can come in all shapes and sizes. They can be as harmless as a hammer lying around, or a nail on a plywood. The key to knowing what these hazards may be is to know and to understand how they may be dangerous to someone.

2. The People Who May Get Affected

The next step to writing your hazard assessment checklist is to make sure you know who may be affected. Who do you believe may be affected by these kinds of hazards? If you have a list of the people who may be in harm’s way, make sure that you are able to find a solution for it.

3. Check the Results of Your Checklist

If you have ticked most of the objectives and questions off of your checklist, do an assessment of it. If you have the answers to the problem and the severity of it, find your solutions now. It is always better to find the solution while you still can than to wait until someone gets hurt.

4. Keep a Copy of Your Checklist

It is always best to keep a copy of what you have done. This way, you are able to review back if you have missed something or if you are planning on adding another to the list. It is also better to keep copies of all the assessment checklists you have done throughout the months or years. To find a comparison or to see if the solutions could also work for the current one.

5. Update Your Checklist

Keep them updated. There are always new or current hazards that may be present. It is always best to keep an updated checklist handy.


What is a hazard assessment checklist?

A checklist that lists down all the potential hazards found and to be able to assess the level of severity.

What can a hazard assessment checklist do?

It gives the person or people in charge of ticking the box or answering the questions that fit the current issue they may be facing in the workplace.

Can an assessment checklist find a solution for the problem?

When done right, the checklist also gives you the results of the assessment. This way it would be easier for the person in charge to find the solution.

Hazards in the workplace are bad news. It is a thorn to the side of every employer and employee alike. But all that can change if the employer does a hazard assessment checklist. To check the level of severity and to find a solution for the problems that they may face while in the workplace.



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