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10+ Church Strategic Plan Examples to Download

church strategic plan

Any businesses, groups, organizations, and even individuals can use a brief strategic plan if they would like to. This means that religious ministries can also use this document if they want to achieve church growth or any kinds of development or improvement with their operations, activities, and programs. If a church will incorporate strategic planning within its operations, it can result to the effective mapping out of necessary and relevant tasks and call-to-actions which can then help the organization achieve its goals, missions, objectives, and vision.

Church Strategic Plan Example

Church Strategic Plan Example
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Detailed Church Strategic Plan Example

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Size: 4 MB


Strategic Planning in the Church Example

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Size: 30 KB


There are different kinds of church strategic plans that can be done depending on the changes that a church would like to see in a particular time period or the milestones that they would like to achieve for their organization with the help of a detailed church strategic plan. Use our downloadable examples of church strategic plan in PDF as references and document guides if you would like to create one for your church.

How to Create a Church Strategic Plan

Even if a church will not use a strategic plan, it is still possible for them to achieve their goals. However, it may take a longer time or it may be harder to the members of the church to execute their work functions and any other deliverable expected from them. If a church strategic plan will be used, the processes of getting the church to the state or condition that it desired to be at can be faster and more efficient. Listed below are the steps that you can follow if you want to create a detailed church strategic plan.

  • It is important for you to first know the purpose of the church strategic plan’s creation. You have to align your goals and objectives with the values that the church adheres to and the mission that it has or the purpose of its existence. Being able to merge these elements together can help you come up with a highly usable document that can present action plans for the betterment of the church and its operations.
  • Base your church strategic plan on the vision of the church as well. You have to be knowledgeable of the things that the church would like to achieve so you can use these as the pillars or foundation of the document that you will make.
  • Develop organizational goals for the church. You have to be guided by these goals so you will not veer away from achieving what you would like to get for the organization. More so, having specific and time-bound goals can give you enough time to collaborate with church members and to thoroughly plan the strategies and call-to-actions that you will execute.
  • Just like when creating any other kinds of strategic plans like a printable strategic sales plan, it is suggested for you to conduct a SWOT analysis for your church. Know the strengths of the church that it can rely on and use to ensure the continuous commitment of its members. You also have to look into the weaknesses and threats that can minimize the potential of the church’s successes. More so, there are opportunities that you can list down to identify which of these available conditions can be grabbed for the betterment of the church and the achievement of particular milestones.
  • Know how to execute gap analysis. It is important for you to understand the range of gap that is in between the current condition of the church and the condition where the church would like to be. You have to evaluate the different areas of the church for you to be able to come up with a comprehensive gap analysis. You can focus on discipleship, the experience of the church members or the ministry programs that are needed to be improved or developed. Your key points will depend on the processes that the church would like to give focus on for the purpose of growth.
  • List down all the action plans and strategies that you think can help the church realize its vision. Always refer to your gap and SWOT analysis so you can be as objective as possible when developing your church strategic plan. Evaluate the final draft of your strategies and action plans so you can ensure that they are all necessary, relevant, and essential for the church and its operations.

Strategic Ministry Plan for a Church Example

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Size: 775 KB


New Church Strategic Planning Process Example

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Size: 209 KB


Do You Want to Have an Effective Church Strategic Plan?

Just like research strategic plan examples, a church strategic plan should be based on the needs of the organization who will use it. Different churches have different goals, visions, and objectives. Hence, there are different kinds of church strategic plans that can be developed. With this, you have to ensure that you will create a document that is fit for your church and the growth that it aspires to see in its operations.

Being able to come up with a relevant document that can align all strategies and tactics with the church operations can help you present the effectiveness of your church strategic plan. Here are some of the activities that you can implement if you want to come up with an effective strategic plan for your church:

  • Know the direction that the strategic plan is leading the church in. Always keep in mind that there should be focus when creating and implementing a church strategic plan so you can sustain the effectiveness and efficiency of all the efforts that you have included in the document.
  • Identify the resources that you will be needing and ensure that you will make the most out of the available resources that the church has. It is important for your church strategic plan to be attainable and realistic, which is why you have to consider the ability of the church to produce, provide, and/or gather the requirements and needs of the church strategic plan that you made.
  • Ensure that the church’s board members and other stakeholders or decision-makers are involved in the planning, development, and execution of the church strategic plan. Before putting all your strategies and plans into action, you have to make sure that all the details of the church strategic plan are finalized and approved. In this manner, you can lessen or even remove the existence of misunderstandings and confusion.

Church Strategic Plan Outline Example

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Size: 159 KB


Church Strategic Plan Example

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Size: 289 KB


Advantages of Having a Church Strategic Plan

If you will create any type of strategic plans, you have to make sure that you will be knowledgeable of the document’s purpose and the implications of its usage. An output or an outcome can be generated as planned if you are already aware of the vision that you would like to realize and the steps that you need to take. As an example, a brand strategic plan can only work at its best and finest if you have an idea about the brand that you would like to build and present to your target audience. The same goes when creating a church strategic plan.

A comprehensive church strategic plan can provide a lot of benefits to the church, its operations, and its members. Listed below are some of the advantages that you can experience if you will create a complete and detailed church strategic plan.

  • A church strategic plan can promote a church culture that is based on strategic thinking. This means that the church can conduct activities and programs that will allow its resources to be used accordingly while still ensuring that goals and objectives can be achieved. With this, the effort and time of the church members can be utilized and not be wasted.
  • A church strategic plan can make it easier for the church to showcase their values as an organization. It is important for potential church members to see what the church truly cares for so that they can understand the purpose or the reason of the church’s operations and activities. If this will be done, the church can take care of its current members while providing an avenue for more people to participate in its operations may it be just for praise and worship or for ministries and evangelical missions.
  • A church strategic plan can help the board members or the management of the church to come up with ways on how to achieve operational sustainability. It is important for churches to have the funds that they need so that they can maintain the facility where the church is built or to continuously play for the church’s rent, maintenance, and other needs.
  •  A church strategic plan can make it more efficient for church members and other stakeholders to identify and define the measures of their successes. Of course, different churches also have different ways on how to evaluate the success of their strategies and action plan. If you can evaluate your successes accordingly, then it will be more efficient for you to update your church strategic plan from time to time depending on the goals that you still would like to achieve.
  • A church strategic plan can help assist all entities involved in church operations in decision-making. Since goals, objectives, vision, and strategies are outlined and specified in this document, there will already be a material that each individual can use whenever there is a need for referencing before coming up or finalizing a decision for the church and its operations. Therefore, a church strategic plan develops a platform where everyone can be on the same phase and the similar page with regards the processes that they need to execute for the betterment of the church and for it to be led in the direction specified in its vision.

Church Strategic Planning Steps Example

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Size: 265 KB


Strategic Planning for Your Church Example

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Size: 127 KB


Useful Tips for the Development of a Church Strategic Plan

Do you know how to develop a church strategic plan? Or do you want to have more idea on how to better your processes of developing this document for your church? Some of the tips that are very useful when it comes to the development of a church strategic plan include the following:

  • Use a strategic planning checklist that can guide you in the creation of a complete and well-formulated church strategic plan. Knowing that you have already completed all the details that you would like to discuss can help you develop a comprehensive document that works.
  • Always review the final document that you have made so that you can make sure that the church strategic plan is free from errors or mistakes. This can also help you identify the items that you need to change or update for the purposes of accuracy and precision. Assessing the actual document can help you refine it accordingly.
  • Identify the key factors that you need to look into when developing a church strategic plan. You have to be aware of the elements and items that can affect the effectiveness of the strategies that the church will use for developing, changing, and/or improving its operations.

Feel free to download any of the church strategic plan examples that we have prepared and put together for you. You can also use templates if you need help in formatting your own church strategic plan. We hope that the discussions and references that we have provided you with are already enough for you to come up with your own church strategic plan.


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