
What is Cliche? – Definition

A cliche is an overused expression, idea, or phrase that has lost its originality and impact due to excessive repetition, often seen as unoriginal or predictable.


Generated Cliche Examples

cliche Examples

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Examples of Cliche

  • favorite Love conquers all. edit content_copy
  • wb_sunny Every cloud has a silver lining. edit content_copy
  • group Time heals all wounds. edit content_copy
  • bolt What goes around comes around. edit content_copy
  • spa The calm before the storm. edit content_copy
  • directions_run Actions speak louder than words. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Better late than never. edit content_copy
  • hourglass_empty Only time will tell. edit content_copy
  • filter_vintage Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. edit content_copy
  • trending_up The grass is always greener on the other side. edit content_copy
  • favorite_border You can’t judge a book by its cover. edit content_copy
  • wb_sunny Every rose has its thorn. edit content_copy
  • bolt Lightning never strikes the same place twice. edit content_copy
  • flight What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. edit content_copy
  • spa Absence makes the heart grow fonder. edit content_copy
  • group Birds of a feather flock together. edit content_copy
  • directions_run When it rains, it pours. edit content_copy
  • hourglass_empty Practice makes perfect. edit content_copy
  • lightbulb Ignorance is bliss. edit content_copy
  • thumb_up Haste makes waste. edit content_copy
  • star Laughter is the best medicine. edit content_copy
  • groups Two heads are better than one. edit content_copy
  • face A penny saved is a penny earned. edit content_copy
  • visibility Rome wasn’t built in a day. edit content_copy
  • favorite Slow and steady wins the race. edit content_copy
  • bolt Better safe than sorry. edit content_copy
  • thumb_up A stitch in time saves nine. edit content_copy
  • spa The early bird catches the worm. edit content_copy
  • group Don’t bite off more than you can chew. edit content_copy
  • trending_up When the going gets tough, the tough get going. edit content_copy

Types of Cliches

Romantic Cliches

Overused phrases and ideas often found in love stories or relationships.

  • favorite“Love is blind.”
  • wb_sunny“You complete me.”
  • star“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
  • favorite_border“You’re the one.”
  • emoji_emotions“Together forever.”

Motivational Cliches

Overused phrases meant to inspire or encourage.

  • trending_up“Keep your chin up.”
  • emoji_events“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”
  • lightbulb“Reach for the stars.”
  • sync“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”
  • psychology“Every cloud has a silver lining.”

Life Cliches

Common expressions about life’s experiences or truths.

  • history“What goes around, comes around.”
  • help“Everything happens for a reason.”
  • wb_sunny“Live and let live.”
  • group“Time heals all wounds.”
  • emoji_objects“Life is what you make it.”

Workplace Cliches

Overused phrases and expressions often heard in professional environments.

  • work“Let’s take this offline.”
  • insights“We’re on the same page.”
  • timeline“It’s not rocket science.”
  • engineering“Let’s think outside the box.”
  • groups“It is what it is.”

Weather Cliches

Cliches used to describe weather and its effects.

  • cloud“It’s a perfect storm.”
  • wb_cloudy“Storm in a teacup.”
  • thermostat“Snowed under.”
  • umbrella“A ray of sunshine.”
  • ac_unit“As right as rain.”

Sports Cliches

Commonly used expressions from sports often applied to everyday life.

  • sports_soccer“Give it 110%.”
  • sports_tennis“It’s not over until it’s over.”
  • sports_baseball“Step up to the plate.”
  • sports“Take one for the team.”
  • emoji_events“The ball is in your court.”

How to Identify a Cliche?

To identify a cliché, look for phrases, ideas, or expressions that are overly familiar, predictable, or overused. Cliches often lack originality and may fail to evoke a strong emotional response due to their repetition.

  • search Check if the phrase or idea feels predictable or unoriginal.
  • visibility Notice if the expression has been used repeatedly in similar contexts.
  • psychology Analyze whether the phrase fails to add depth or new insight to the content.
  • compare_arrows Compare the phrase with more specific, vivid, or fresh alternatives.
  • highlight Identify if the phrase seems to rely on stereotypes or generalizations.

How to Avoid Using Cliches?

Avoiding clichés involves thinking creatively and using original, specific language that conveys your message more effectively. Replace overused phrases with unique expressions that resonate with your audience.

  • edit Replace clichĂ©s with fresh, vivid descriptions tailored to your narrative.
  • psychology Think deeply about the emotions or ideas you want to convey and express them uniquely.
  • create Experiment with metaphors or similes that offer a fresh perspective.
  • search Research alternative phrases or words to convey your message effectively.
  • insights Focus on specific, personal, or unique details to add depth and authenticity.

Other Cliche Examples

Cliches in Love

Overused expressions related to romance and affection.

  • check_circle Love is blind. edit content_copy
  • check_circle My heart skipped a beat. edit content_copy
  • check_circle The love of my life. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Head over heels in love. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Love conquers all. edit content_copy

Cliches in Work

Common sayings used in professional or workplace settings.

  • check_circle Think outside the box. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Time is money. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Teamwork makes the dream work. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Let’s circle back on that. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Push the envelope. edit content_copy

Cliches in Life

Overused expressions about general life advice or experiences.

  • check_circle What goes around comes around. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Every cloud has a silver lining. edit content_copy
  • check_circle The grass is always greener on the other side. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Live and let live. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Actions speak louder than words. edit content_copy

Cliches in Inspiration

Common sayings used to motivate and inspire people to take action.

  • check_circle When the going gets tough, the tough get going. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Believe in yourself. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Every journey begins with a single step. edit content_copy
  • check_circle The sky is the limit. edit content_copy
  • check_circle No pain, no gain. edit content_copy

Cliches in Romance

Frequently used phrases and expressions in romantic situations.

  • check_circle You complete me. edit content_copy
  • check_circle They were made for each other. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Love is in the air. edit content_copy
  • check_circle They lived happily ever after. edit content_copy
  • check_circle All’s fair in love and war. edit content_copy

Cliches in Motivation

Popular sayings to encourage perseverance and hard work.

  • check_circle What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. edit content_copy
  • check_circle The early bird catches the worm. edit content_copy
  • check_circle Winners never quit, and quitters never win. edit content_copy
  • check_circle If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. edit content_copy
  • check_circle There’s no “I” in team. edit content_copy

Explore Other Literary Devices

format_quote Alliteration insert_comment Allusion swap_horiz Analogy info Anecdote whatshot Antagonist arrow_forward Antecedent swap_vert Antithesis star Archetype music_note Assonance record_voice_over Colloquialism verified Content Validity edit Context launch Deus ex Machina language Diction music_off Dissonance loop Double Entendre clear Double Negative comment Epigram input Epilogue repeat_one Epistrophe badge Epithet healing Euphemism event_note Exposition warning Fallacy brush Figurative Language gesture Figure of Speech history Flashback face Foil Character block Gaslighting gesture Gerund gesture Gerund Phrase note Haiku warning Hamartia flash_on Hyperbole gesture Idiom image Imagery sentiment_neutral Irony code Jargon compare_arrows Juxtaposition music_note Limerick thumb_down Litotes favorite_border Love Language directions Metonymy sentiment_neutral Mood pattern Motif compare Non sequiturs music_note Onomatopoeia sports_martial_arts Oxymoron speed Pacing autorenew Paradox swap_calls Parallel Structure repeat Parallelism sentiment_satisfied Pathos sync Peripeteia person Persona emoji_nature Personification timeline Plot visibility Point of View campaign Propaganda person_outline Protagonist tag_faces Pun repeat_one Repetition forum Rhetorical Context emoji_emotions Rizz mood_bad Sarcasm sentiment_dissatisfied Satire place Setting gesture Simile gesture cliche subject Simple Subject record_voice_over Soliloquy music_video Story Beat subtitles Subplot textsms Subtext gesture Symbolism directions_boat Synecdoche volume_up Tone

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a cliche?

    A cliché is an overused phrase, idea, or expression that has lost its originality and impact due to frequent use.
  • Why should cliches be avoided in writing?

    Cliches can make writing seem unoriginal or lazy, reducing its emotional impact and engagement with readers.
  • Can cliches ever be useful?

    Yes, cliches can sometimes be effective in casual conversations, humor, or when used intentionally for irony or relatability.
  • How can I avoid cliches in my writing?

    To avoid cliches, use original descriptions, specific details, and fresh metaphors that reflect your unique perspective.
  • What are examples of common cliches?

    Common cliches include “better late than never,” “a diamond in the rough,” and “time heals all wounds.”
  • Are all cliches bad?

    Not necessarily. Some clichés can be comforting or familiar in the right context, but overuse can weaken your writing’s impact.