Climate Change

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Climate Change

A lot of people ask the question “Is climate change real?”. This pertinent question can easily be answered by simply observing and looking at data that indicates the various changes of climates around the world and the gradual increase of temperature.

1. Climate Change and Social Inequality

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Size: 1 MB


2. Climate Change Sample

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Size: 3 MB


3. Climate Change PDF

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Size: 3 MB


4. Poverty and Climate Change

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Size: 985 KB


5. Climate Change Example

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Size: 5 MB


6. Global Climate Change

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Size: 1 MB


7. Human Rights and Climate Change

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Size: 2 MB


8. Climate Change and Food Security

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Size: 5 MB


9. The Economics of Climate

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Size: 8 MB


10. Standard Climate Change

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Size: 4 MB


11. Climate Change Futures

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Size: 5000 KB


12. Global Climate Change in PDF

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Size: 1000 KB


13. General Climate Change

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Size: 615 KB


14. Climate Change for Financial Stability

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Size: 980 KB


15. Air Pollution and Climate Change

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Size: 257 KB


16. Climate Change Challenges

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Size: 2000 KB


17. Climate Change Fact Sheet

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Size: 90 KB


18. Whats Climate Change

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Size: 6000 KB


19. Climate Change Handout

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Size: 154 KB


20. Introduction to Climate Change

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Size: 139 KB


21. Climate Change Example PDF

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Size: 1000 KB


22. National Action Plan on Climate Change

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Size: 804 KB


23. Printable Climate Change

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Size: 119 KB


24. Climate Change and Global Warming

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Size: 462 KB


25. The Truth About Climate Change

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Size: 657 KB


What Is Climate Change

Climate change is a global phenomenon that refers to the gradual increase and change of temperatures and climates around the world. This phenomenon has a large impact on society and the overall lifespan of humans and other animals. Global warming is an after-effect of climate change that has resulted in many devastations around the world.

How to Reduce the Factors of Climate Change

Climate change has a large impact on the lives and livelihoods of everyone in the world. This can be from observable devastating after-effects like drought to the small minute overall feeling of heat. Climate change can also affect the economy of countries and increase the levels of poverty among the population. This is why we need to keep watch and reduce our contribution to climate change.

1.) Reduce Plastic Consumption

One of the best ways to reduce the factors that contribute to climate change is the reduction of one’s consumption of plastic. This doesn’t necessarily mean you stop buying or using plastic instead, this relates to the reduction of creating plastic waste, which you can do via the recycling of plastics and other plastic-related goods.

2.) Use Various Renewable Energies

There are many ways to reduce one’s consumption of fossil-fueled energy in their household. One of which is one’s usage of solar energy to generate electrical energy in one’s household via the use of solar panels to absorb solar energy from the sun.

3.) Increase Awareness of The Planet’s Plight

Reducing your contribution to climate change is sometimes not enough to reduce the overall effects of climate change. One can help increase awareness of the effects of climate change and the causes of said phenomenon. Doing this will help educate the people and make them not ignorant of the current situation of our planet.

4.) If Possible, Decrease Your Contribution to Air Pollution

Air pollution of greenhouse gasses is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. This can primarily be done by reducing one’s reliance on their cars and instead opting to use public transportation or gasless methods of travel and transportation. (Walking or Cycling)


What are the early warning signs of climate change?

Climate change is an observable phenomenon that deals with the after-effects of the bad things humans have done to the environment around them. One of the most accessible signs of climate change that we can observe is the gradual increase in the temperature of our surrounding area. Not only will the temperature reach new highs and lows, but the average temperature will also increase as greenhouse gases continue to trap heat in our planet’s atmosphere. Another observable warning sign of climate change is the slow melting of permafrost (A blanket of frozen ground that covers most parts of the northern and southern hemispheres on our planet.), which releases more methane into our atmosphere. This greenhouse gas traps even more heat in the atmosphere. The widespread and more common occurrence of droughts and the increase in their lengths is also an observable warning sign of the severity of climate change.

How do we fix climate change?

The presence of climate change and its intensity is closely proportional to the overall amount of greenhouse gasses in the planet’s atmosphere. To “fix” or decrease the severity of the effects of climate change, we have to change specific practices and actions that will increase or emit a large number of greenhouse gases. Some of these actions include the extreme use of non-renewable energy that emits greenhouse gasses like fossil fuels and smoke emissions. The deforestation or illegal logging of trees and forests will decrease the number of plants and trees that will absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and release oxygen, which uses greenhouse gases as chemical energy and release oxygen as its main product. Another action that can lead to the increase of illegal logging is the proliferation of the destruction of ocean biomes. This is because the ocean will also help in the absorption of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

How are third-world countries affected by climate change?

Third-world countries are countries that exhibit a low or less-developed industrial base (The base that manufactures goods and services through the use of commodities) and a low to medium human development index or HDI. (This refers to the total index that refers to the life expectancy, income, and education level of the country’s population.) Climate change can impact a third-world country as this type of country relies on its natural resources to fuel both its economy and basic needs. The increased temperatures can ruin or decrease the total amount of natural resources the local industry creates or generates on a daily or cyclical basis. For example, the farming industry can be affected by the increased temperatures leading to the plants drying up faster than usual. Not only do the crops get damaged easily, but farmers cannot also plant specific crops anymore due to the increased temperature.

Climate change is a phenomenon that deals with the overall change of the global temperature and climate, leading to a general increase in temperature worldwide. Everyone must do their part to reduce the number of greenhouse gasses and waste they generate, as these factors will damage the environment by causing greenhouse gases to cluster more in the atmosphere.

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