Lawn Care Service Contract

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Lawn Care Service Contract

The number of homeowners in the United States, according to Statista, has increased from 114 million in 2006 to 128.58 million last year. On the other hand, the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2019 survey tallied a number of 30.7 million for small-scale businesses alone. With the residential and commercial sectors’ combined figures of potential clients, professional landscaping contractors are surely on a bustle to get agreements made and sealed. Spice things up by joining the race, and get your services, like weekly landscape maintenance, more active than ever! Start by checking out our 5+ Lawn Care Service Contract Examples in PDF file format below!

5+ Lawn Care Service Contract Examples in PDF

1. Lawn Care Service Contract

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  • PDF

Size: 204 KB


2. Lawn Service Vendor Contract

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  • PDF

Size: 137 KB


3. Lawn Care Service Contract Example

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  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


4. Lawn Care Contract Format

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  • PDF

Size: 66 KB


5. Lawn Care Contract Example

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  • PDF

Size: 139 KB


6. Sample Law Care Service Contract

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  • PDF

Size: 120 KB


What Is a Lawn Care Service Contract?

A lawn care service contract is a document that legally binds the lawn care service provider to its responsibilities with its client, and vice versa. Kiddie Encyclopedia stated in its article entitled Contract fact for Kids that both of a contract’s participants must possess the capability to understand the specifications of the arrangement that they are engaging in, as well as the effect of their pledges. It goes without saying that such a document must not be taken lightly because of its constitutional inclusions and its obligatory essence for both of its constituents.

Keeping It Handy

Just like other enterprises, lawn care businesses think of ways to make their efforts as efficient as possible when starting new business relationships with clients. In doing so, they know very well that they need to be clear enough in their engagements to decrease the likeliness of legal disputes. And, keeping a service contract handy fits their needs. How? First, a service contract’s mandatory conciseness helps both of its constituents to save money and time from dealing with the unnecessary misunderstandings. Second, any conflict can be easily resolved since such a document is required to list enforceable suppositions along with their corresponding solutions. Hence, the risk of litigation is lowered.

How To Create a Lawn Care Service Contract

Service contracts require specific characteristics for them to be considered valid. These include its inclusion of legal purposes, give-and-take assent, equal exchanges, qualified parties, and the willingness of confirmation. To ensure that these qualities are incorporated in your contract, we have set out our complete outline of the must-have areas below for your reference.

1. Mention Client and Service Provider’s Name

The lawn care service provider and the participating client’s names must be mentioned at the very start of the contract. It is not new to every professional that the names play very important roles in any legal document, specifically for its validity.

2. Include Contract Participants’ Contact Info

Lawn service consumers need to stay in contact with their service provider to get regular updates about their responsibilities. At the same time, lawn care service providers must keep in touch with their clients to ensure that they meet their part of the contract.

3. Provide Detailed Description of Services

In setting this portion of the contract, the lawn care service provider has to be very specific in detailing the services that it will be giving to the client. Along with the detailed description of each service on the list, the corresponding price must also be set.

4. Set Payment Schedules

Lawn care service providers are often hired for recurring services. With that being said, payment schedules are important to be set ahead and committed by both parties. This is to help guide the clients in their timely payment by any means.

5. Bring About Legal Specifications

Aside from the payment terms and conditions, clauses like confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation, and non-compete clauses must be included. These are legal areas of a contract document that set limitations on both participants’ actions to protect privacy, ethics, and principles.

6. Review, Edit, and Finalize

With a service contract’s importance in the world of business, there should never be room for mistakes. Service contracts are, nonetheless, written documents. Therefore, it is still at risk of errors even with a high level of expertise of its writer. In line with it, simple problems only need simple solutions. And just by simply reviewing and editing your contract before finalizing, its quality is assured. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for advice from lawyers.


1. Who prepares the service contract?

Service providers are the ones who must produce service contracts. Other than that, they must also take responsibility for working according to the clients’ best interests while following standard guidelines. And lastly, they have to complete the job in the time that is set in the contract.

2. What are the common reasons for contract termination?

There are many reasons why contract termination is seldom called out. The most common reasons include the following:

– dissatisfying performance

– refusal to perform

– breach of contract provision

– contract provisions no longer suit the capability of one party

– client do not require the other party’s goods or services anymore

– any of the two participants is going into bankruptcy

3. What are the different service contract structures?

1. Managed Services Contract – The responsibilities of the service provider will be taken care of on their available time. Fixed-rate payments are usually being adopted by most clients under this structure.

2. Time and Materials Contract Structures – The time spent by the service provider’s personnel during the operations will be reimbursed by the client. The same goes for the operation-related expenses, which are mostly on materials.

3. Recurring Service Subscription – Service providers will be performing their service offers periodically in exchange for progressive monthly fees from the clients.

4. Fixed-Price Contract Structures – The client will pay a fixed rate regardless of how much time and effort are spent by the service provider to complete the project.

5. Retainer-Based Contracts – The client pays the set price for the services offered by service providers. If the contractor finishes its job before the deadline, then it can keep the remaining funds, if there are any. On the contrary, the contractor will have to give back the overages of materials if it accomplished its task beyond the deadline.

6. Not-To-Exceed Contract Structures – The service provider will be given a specific period to complete its job. If the contractor fails to comply with the deadline, it should stop billing its clients on any additional works and materials but still has to complete the job.

Lawn care service companies are positively affected by the growth of residential and commercial establishments. It is also because of these growths that the service contract became more important than it used to be, and keeping it ready in hand will surely be of great benefit.

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