
Last Updated: June 4, 2024


When you want your meaning to come through clearly and unambiguously, when you want your words to be interpreted in an objective rather than a subjective manner, then you should pick your words and phrases based on their denotation. As a result, although denotative meanings are useful in dictionaries and other reference essay materials, they are less so in creative examples of creative article writing for students.

1. Connotation and Denotation Example

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2. Connotation Lesson Denotation Template

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3. A Review From Denotation To Denoting


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4. Connotation Denotation Handout

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5. Denotational Semantics Template

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6. Review The Denotations of Intransitive Verbs

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7. Denotational Semantics Example

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8. Inferring Logical Forms From Denotations

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9. Models and Denotation Example

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10. Connotation and Denotation Practice


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What is Denotation?

Denotation, as opposed to connotation, is how we define words since it is void of feeling (its associated meaning). Denotation differs from connotation and other metaphors as it refers to the meaning a word has in a dictionary, as opposed to the meaning it has in a person’s mind or heart.

How to use Denotation

Words are often used incorrectly by those who are unable to comprehend the meanings behind the words they use. Here’s how to properly use Denotation.

Step 1: Choose vocabulary based on meaning, not emotion

Denotation may be used in a straightforward manner; just choose words based on their meaning rather than any emotional connotations or other extraneous factors. Use the denotative meaning while writing objectively whether for your introduction paragraph, or whatever journal writing.

Step 2: Be objective

While connotations may shift, the denotative element meaning remains constant. The meaning of a term changes depending on who you ask. The term “mother,” for instance, may have diverse meanings for different individuals based on their backgrounds and upbringing. There is no way to change the fact that everyone uses the same exact term while looking up its dictionary description.

Step 3: Some concepts have more than one term to describe them

Sometimes, the dictionary will define two terms that sound similar to be the same. Both “trash” and “garbage” refer to junk that has been thrown away.

Step 4: Denotation isn’t always neutral

It’s true that a word’s connotation may change the way we perceive its denotation, yet a word’s dictionary meaning can be positive or negative on its own. Smirk, which means a proud and arrogant grin, is a prime example of a pejorative term.


How do you use Denotation in writing?

Denotation may be used in a straightforward manner; just choose words based on their meaning rather than any emotional connotations or other extraneous factors. Use the denotative meaning while writing objectively. They are used in much formal writings like journalsjob description, or even resume profile.

What is denotation with an example?

The word “hot,” for instance, implies either the presence or emission of heat. As a result, one may utilize the term’s appealing meaning to refer to a desirable individual.

What are denotation words?

The literal meaning of a word is its denotation. Connotation is the things that a word means and denotation is the person who uses the term. The connotation of a word or concept is the meaning it carries with it. The term “baggage” is usually associated with anything unfavorable.

What is the difference between connotation and denotation?

A word’s connotation is an indirect expression that represents an implicit emotion or meaning, while a word’s denotation is the most literal meaning of any given term. A connotation is an indirect expression that represents an indicated feeling or meaning of a word.

To sum up, denotation is helpful if you’re looking for a simple and direct way to convey the meaning of your words to your audience. When you want to be informed and impartial, without introducing any bias or emotion, this is the ideal approach to take when selecting your words.

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