7+ Divorce Worksheet Examples to Download


A married life is a life filled with challenges. And when these challenges can no longer be of help to a couple, it would eventually lead to one unexpected but possible thing: divorce. However, filing for a divorce is not easy as breaking up with a girlfriend or boyfriend because a lot has been invested in a married life such as money, time, and even feelings. You can make use of these divorce worksheets uploaded here in this article that can help you in the process of your unfortunate divorce. You may also see time worksheets examples in pdf.

Divorce with Minor Children Worksheet Example

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Divorce Worksheet Example

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Common Reasons Why People File for Divorce

You might argue that infidelity is the main reason why couples get a divorce. This is where you are mistaken because there are other reasons why couples, who have been together for so many years would decide to split up. With that, here are some of the other common reasons why people would decide to get divorced:

1. Getting married for all the wrong reasons

If you think love is the reason why people would decide to get married, you really need to gradually destroy that idea because no; there are a lot of couples who are married not because they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other but because for other reasons. You may also see writing worksheet examples in pdf.

Other reasons could include marrying someone for money and all the other wrong reasons. It does not matter whether their partner is abusing them physically and emotionally as long as they have the money to give them sustenance or to finance their lavish lifestyle, it does not really matter how their partner would be treating them. You may also like grammar worksheets.

2. Lack of self-identity

There are some couples wherein one party is so dependent on their partner to the point that they do not have their own identity and can’t do anything anymore without their partner. Such partners are also afraid that their partners would stop loving them. This is also one of the reasons why couples would divorce. You may also check out coaching worksheet examples in pdf.

Chances are, the dependent partner would keep on bugging the other party to the point that he or she would have enough of it and would call the relationship off. It may sound petty but it’s pretty heavy baggage to have someone with you who is always dependent on you and could not survive on his or her own. You might be interested in reading comprehension worksheet examples in pdf.

Sure, you are a married couple and are expected to do things together, but keep in mind that before you became a couple, you were two unique individuals with varying interests. You may also check out expense worksheet examples in pdf.

Chances also are, if you are the dependent partner, you would keep on nagging to the partner you are depending on about having no time for you when in fact, he or she is just doing the usual things he or she has been doing before you became a couple. There are some things you can do together as a couple and there are also things you can do separately even if you are already a couple. You may also like self-assessment worksheet examples in pdf.

3. Becoming lost in the roles as a parent

Like there are a lot of couples who would not anymore have time to hang out with their friends and do all the things they used to do before marriage, they would also have lesser time spent with their partners when they would finally have children. Of course, couples know that once they would have children, they would spend most of their lives in trying to bring up their children. However, there are some couples who could not balance their roles as parents and roles as a couple. You may also see activity sheet examples & samples.

The sad thing is that when children would finally grow up and would eventually start having and living their own lives, the parents, who got lost in their roles as a parent, would not anymore know what to do and would even, in fact, forget why they got married in the first place. You may also like resume worksheet examples in pdf.

Worksheet for Divorce or Annulment Worksheet Example

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Leers Divorce Worksheet Example

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Divorce Worksheets Example

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Common Reasons Why People File for Divorce (continuation)

4. Not having a shared perspective of the things in life

Sure, opposites do attract but not at all times and this mentality should not be thought of something that is a guideline when looking for a partner. In the later parts of your marriage, you will only then realize that you have a varying perspective on all things in life. You may also see grammar worksheets.

You might blame your partner for changing and for not being the way he or she used to be when the truth is it was your expectations of him or her that changed. It is because in the first place, before you got married, he or she already had those beliefs and perspectives and it was your failure to ask regarding about it. But it’s already too late, you are now married to him or her and since you do not share most of your beliefs and perspectives in life, it will come to a point that you can no longer bear it and there is seemingly one solution: divorce. You may also see alphabet worksheet examples in pdf.

5. Romance is not just enough to make the relationship last for a lifetime

Any change in the intimacy department can cause a whole marriage to go down into divorce. Romance, of course, is one or even the main reason why couples would get married and when the time comes when this wears off while the other partner has been dependent on it already, there is nothing as clear as filing for divorce. You may also check out project worksheet examples in pdf.

You might think this is unreasonable but if you are in the shoes of those couples wherein one has already lost the drive and has the lost the ability to be romantic with his or her partner, the other party would think that he or she is cheating on him or her when the truth is, he or she has just lost the drive and the ability to be romantic. You may also like coaching worksheet examples in pdf.

That is why romance is simply not just enough to make any relationship last a lifetime. Sure, it brings colors to every couple out there but it simply is not enough because romance could wear off for some time in your married life and what would you do then when the romance you have with your partner would wear off? What would make you stay in the relationship and spend the rest of your life with him or her? You might be interested in goal setting worksheets.

6. Money

For some, it’s the lack of finances that causes the divorce. For others, it’s the lack of ability to control and manage their finances. Imagine a couple wherein one is a spender and one is the saver. What a complicated setup, right? But it holds true for most couples where the main cause of their arguments is because the spender spends too much while the saver is trying his/her best to save. Once financial-related problems would escalate, it will eventually lead to one obvious conclusion which is divorce. You may also see sheet examples in doc.

7. Inability to resolve conflicts.

The common reason why married couples would split up is because one or both parties has the inability to resolve conflicts even simple ones like where and what to eat for dinner or what paint color would be used for the interiors of the house. Disagreements are a part of every married couples’ lives; however, if one is not mature enough to handle even the simplest conflicts, how much more if they are to resolve conflicts that need more time to make a relevant decision. It takes a mature individual to solve conflicts that involve another person. If one part of a married couple fails to become one, then divorce ensues. You may also like activity sheet examples & samples.

Divorce Information Worksheet Example

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Divorce or Annulment Worksheet Example

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Divorce with Children Worksheet Example

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Planning to file for a divorce? We hope the divorce worksheet examples have been of great help for you in making finalizing this crucial decision.


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