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10+ Employee Announcement Examples to Download

Last Updated: January 8, 2025

10+ Employee Announcement Examples to Download


Congratulations! After 17 (give or take) years of going to school, passing the exams given by strict professors, completing group projects, sleepless nights of studying a specific chapter, countless essays that you had to write, and cups of coffee that you had to consume just to stay awake, finally- you’re done with all that! You do not have to worry about that anymore. That is all behind you now.You may also see Party Announcement Designs

New Employee Announcement Template

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Employee Policy Announcement

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Auto Enrolment Employee Announcement

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You are in that stage in your life where you have to work for a living in order to sustain your wants and needs in the future. But just to give you a heads up, it is not going to be an easy route. As a child, we often tell ourselves that we want to proceed to high school already as there are lesser problems there as they are experiencing now.

First year of high school, you would then begin to comment on how you wish to proceed to college. Finally, you would want to finish college already just to earn your own money already. If only it was that easy, right? Wrong. Finding a job, drafting your resume and application letter, meeting the demands that are set by the industry, climb your way up on the corporate ladder, and eventually settle down and retire.You may also see Holiday Announcement Examples

So considering that you are a fresh graduate who is looking to prepare himself or herself for the real world ahead, you should understand that the world is not fair and in some situations, it is eat or be eaten. None of us are expected to be perfect, and we all have our own bad habits that we are not proud of, but the professional world will not have any tolerance for that kind of behavior and will expect you produce optimal results at maximum effort.You may also see Promotion Announcement Examples

 Employee Announcement / Story Submittal Form

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Important Employee Announcement

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Employee Announcement Example

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Bad Qualities of Employees

1. Complaining

No one likes a crybaby or a total whiner. No one in this whole universe. People who tend to complain a lot gets on other people’s nerves. Sometimes, even sighing about the task is already an act of complaining as it just shows that you are not enthusiastic about working on the task at hand.

Picture a scenario like this one: You are at work and suddenly, you are given an unexpected task by your supervisor that is outside of your purview and jurisdiction. He was the only one you could find since there was no one else available.You may also see moving announcement card designs

Now if you were that person, what would you be doing? Would you complain and tell your boss to find someone else to do it for you? Or will you find the time and the resources to as what you’re told? Eventually, the boss will see you as a capable person and will decide to entrust you with more tasks and responsibilities and that will allow you to climb up the ladder.

2. Naysaying and Lack of Enthusiasm

Let us come to the general conclusion that work is not fun and will never be. But some people say that it is not work when you end up doing what you love. If your profession becomes your passion, then there is no reason as to why people would not enjoy their work.

But even though it is not the job you want, you still have to show up with a smile on your face as you think to yourself on how many people are out there on the streets: hungry, cold and sick without water or food. If given the opportunity and the chance, those people would take your position and work their butts off just to provide for their family and sustain themselves till the very end.You may also see business announcements.

If you would wish to switch careers after 6 months, then go ahead. No one is stopping you. But for now, work with a smile on your face and learn to be thankful of the many blessings you have.

3. Gossiping

Maybe in school, students are into gossip and all that nonsense. But in work, it’s a big no-no. You are absolutely forbidden to gossip. For one reason, you are casting someone into a very bad light which will not be good for his or for her reputation.

You will just end up causing a lot more unnecessary pain to that person when you could actually be helping him or her by talking one-on-one and offer your ear when the person needs it the most. Furthermore, it will present you (the gossiper) into a hot seat wherein you will be pictured as a bad influence to your co-workers and subordinates as they see someone who likes to make others look bad.You may also see Event Announcement Designs

If at all possible, avoid gossiping and just leave the rumors be. Do not try to get involved. But if you have a noble heart, then stand up to the bullies and defend the victim.

4. Know-It-All

Have you watched The Big Bang Theory? If you are an avid watcher of the series, then you must know why everyone gets pretty annoyed with the main character, Dr. Sheldon Cooper. He may be a brilliant physicist, but he sure knows how to make a lot of people angry. He is a self-centered egoist who only cares about his own research and does not really know how to properly socialize with people and cannot really determine what they are feeling towards his character and personality (truth be told, Jim Parsons is nothing like Sheldon in real life).You may also see birth announcements.

Point being, no one likes a know-it-all as they think they are always correct all the time and does not give a second thought as to what others may have to offer or even suggest to the board. You are going to have to let them share their insights first before you run them down with your criticism. There is a proverb that states: Humble yourself and you will be exalted. But exalt yourself and you will be humbled (deep, right?)

5. Laziness and Irresponsibility

Laziness and irresponsibility are perhaps the most common traits that you can find in students. It is quite understandable considering that no one really likes to do their homework or pass their projects on time. But the one thing that you cannot do is to procrastinate in a project or an assignment or you will just be seen as an irresponsible bum. Maybe you can do that as a student, but once you step into the professional world, you are expected to manage your time properly.You may also see death announcements.

There are 24 hours in a day. A normal employee works from at least 8 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon which is a total of 9 hours (including lunch break). That gives you at least 15 hours to do whatever you want or need to do. Your supervisors will expect you to be productive at work and not catch you lazing around at the break room.You may also see baby announcement designs.

Do you know that school is a training ground for you that helps you prepare for the real world ahead? If you do not give it your all in school, how can you be expected to give it your all in the workplace?

Sample Announcement for First Certification

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Employee Vacancy Announcement

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Free Employee Announcement

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Capital Health Benefit Program Employee Announcement

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6. Tardiness

Another thing that people seem to hate other than passing projects and studying for exams is coming on time. Let’s face it. We all love sleeping and Lord knows how much we need our beauty sleep. Punctuality has never been any student’s strongest suit. The older you get, the more you realize how much your sleeping time is valuable to you.

Due to the nature of a student’s course, there are students that could only get 3 to 4 hours of sleep if they are lucky and still come to class on time ready for the day ahead (architecture and engineering students have it bad). There are people who would wake up at 4 am in the morning just to get to their class on time because of the heavy traffic during peak hours or because of how far they live.You may also see staff announcements.

Condition your mind to get up early in the morning to help prepare for the busy day ahead. It may be hard and quite challenging. But try not to give up and believe that you can do it and you might eventually find yourself ready for anything.

7. A lot of excuses

Excuses, excuses, excuses. Teachers asks the student on why he or she could not pass his or her assignment. The student answers: “I am sorry teacher. But my dog ate my homework.” Teacher asks the student on why she failed to pass her essay on the laws of thermodynamics and how it is important in our daily lives. He answers: “What assignment, teacher? But I did not hear you tell it to us.” Don’t we all love giving excuses and passing the blame to someone when something goes horribly wrong?

Teacher looks toward the group of students and remarks: “Group 1, what kind of project is this? You were given one week to pass an amazing movie using the effects that were taught last week. What happened? Why does this seem like you were not following my requirements?” Students answer: “But teacher, we did. It’s our computer’s fault that it did not have this software. And Takeshi decided that we hold off the project till Friday.”You may also see meeting announcement

Eventually, people get tired of hearing your excuses. You just have to simply own up to your mistake and promise to do better the next time around. If you can hold on to that promise and start taking responsibility for your own actions, you get to understand what it means to be in charge of your own life.

8. You don’t believe in your company’s mission or values.

Every institution or company you enroll or enlist has its very own mission, vision and company values. Kovach and Rosentiel in their book, “The elements of journalism” tell the readers that these are life principles that journalists must live by otherwise they lose their purpose.

The nine elements of journalism are the following: “journalism’s first obligation is to the truth”, “its first loyalty is to citizens”, “its essence is a discipline of verification”, “its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover”, “it must serve as an independent monitor of power”, “it must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise”, “it must strive to keep the significant interesting and relevant”, “it must keep the news comprehensive and proportional” and, “its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience”.You may also see announcement emails

Before undertaking a job, you have to understand the kind of industry you are getting into. Because once you are in, there is no backing out unless you choose to resign earlier than the agreed contract. Understand the core principles and what the company believes in. Once you have better knowledge on who you work for, you may be able to adjust to your environment and work with ease. The moment you stop having faith in what you believe in and start committing wrongdoings, you start to doubt and actually question as to whether you belong there or not.

9. You’re noticeably less productive than your colleagues.

Though you may not have grades to worry about anymore, there is still the question on how you perform during work. At some point, you would be given a monthly performance rating wherein they would present you as to your work status and whether or not you are reaching the daily quota required by the company. When your supervisor notices that you are underperforming your duties, he might start to question as to why he hired you in the first place if you were not going to excel in your daily tasks and assignments. You do not keep up soon, eventually they might have to kick you out. Although there are many more noticeable bad qualities in an employee, keep in mind that you only want the best in your team.You may also see wedding announcements.


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