10+ Probationary Evaluation Examples to Download

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

10+ Probationary Evaluation Examples to Download

10+ Probationary Evaluation Examples [ Employee, Business, Staff ]

Applicants who have been accepted in a company or a business are often told by the Human Resources or even by the owner of the company a set of rules. One of which happens to be in the probationary stage. Any company or business would know that an employee cannot be considered a part of the regular staff unless they have completed their probationary period. As well as the result of the probationary evaluation whether the results are up to the standards of the company or if they are not. A probationary evaluation usually happens after the probationary months, and these months often differ with companies and businesses. To know about the purpose and what a probationary evaluation is, I suggest you take a look at what the article has to offer.

10+ Probationary Evaluation Examples

1. Probationary Evaluation Template

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Size: 130 KB


2. Probationary Evaluation Report

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Size: 151 KB


3. Probationary Performance Evaluation

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Size: 115 KB


4. Probationary Employee Evaluation

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Size: 95 KB


5. Probationary Assessment Evaluation

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Size: 55 KB


6. Staff Probationary Evaluation

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Size: 49 KB


7. Community Probationary Evaluation

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Size: 14 KB


8. Classified Probationary Evaluation

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Size: 164 KB


9. Higher Education Probationary Evaluation

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Size: 121 kB


10. Probationary Evaluation Checklist

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Size: 126 KB


11. Department Probationary Evaluation

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Size: 1017 KB


What Is a Probationary Evaluation?

A probationary evaluation is a document that is used as a way to evaluate a probationary employee. This kind of evaluation report highlights the strengths, the weaknesses and the areas that need improvement by the employee. In this case, this would mean an opportunity to stay in the company as long as training is done. Oftentimes, there are companies who would refuse to give due to their company policy, which is also understandable. This information is useful for understanding who the employee is as they will be working for your business or company. Their skills could be useful for the position they are going to be working in.

In addition to that, a probationary evaluation is a tool that evaluates the person’s worth and use for the company. The results of the evaluation would matter very much but just because the evaluation may have an average of a three or a four, does not necessarily mean that the employee is not worth giving the opportunity. Rather, as how most people would say it’s merely just a number. The result of the evaluation is merely a stepping stone as to what the company may do.

What to Expect in a Probationary Evaluation?

Applicants or anyone who may be curious as to what a probationary evaluation is can check out the meaning above this. However, if you are curious as to what can be expected in a probationary evaluation, check these ones below. If you are planning on getting or doing a probationary evaluation as practice or merely as part of the company’s policy, you may want to consider looking at the following. These may help you in some way.

1. Instructions

Just like with any type of evaluation, expect a series of instructions before you are going to be answering everything. These instructions may seem like something a person would often not bother to look at and read, however, understanding what you are going to be doing is also a task that your evaluator would check to see. This is because in any type of job, there would always be instructions, if you are meticulous enough to go through these, chances are, your evaluators would notice and see a potential in you.

2. Essay Writing

Some if not all probationary evaluations consist of essay writing. This is only to let the evaluators know more about the skills you have learned throughout the training and the months you have been on probation. It also makes them see if you are what they may be looking for and would immediately merge you into their company. In the essay writing part of the evaluation, the most expected questions would be like what have you learned? How can you improve areas that need improvement? Your answers may vary, but one thing to consider is to always tell the truth. They can spot a lie in your writing, so be careful.

3. Checklist

There are some evaluations that involve a series of questions and all you need to do is to read and check what is stated true for you. It may sound easy, but there are some checklist evaluations that would need you to read very carefully.

4. Probationary Evaluation Letter

Probationary evaluations do not always need to be in essay form, checklist or even a mix of both. Some could be in the form of an evaluation letter. What to expect in an evaluation letter is the information that shows if you have passed the probationary period, and your performance was well suited for the company. The letter would also show if you have not passed the probationary evaluation. It simply depends on how the company evaluated your performance through the form.

5. Professionalism

Regardless of what the probationary evaluation shows, always expect professionalism. When you receive your result from the probationary evaluation, show professionalism as well. Not only is this necessary, regardless of what your result may be, your employers would be far more than impressed.


Why is a probationary evaluation necessary?

A probationary evaluation is necessary as this helps let the company or the business owner understand if you are valuable to them.

Who does the probationary evaluation?

Usually the Human Resources does the evaluation. They may do the evaluation differently with each company.

How is the evaluation result useful?

The result of the evaluation gives a good view to the company of who the person is and if they can be an asset to the company.

Why is there a question in the evaluation about what you have learned?

This is mostly the most common question when answering the evaluation. This is to let the company or the business owners know that from all the basic training and the probationary days you have worked with them. To let them see if you have learned something so far.

Are the results of the evaluation private?

Yes. The only people aware of the results are the person taking the evaluation, the one doing the evaluation and the owner of the company.

When someone hears the words probationary evaluation, the first common reaction would be fear. They would think that this is punishment for something they may not have done correctly. This should not be what people may think when they hear it. Rather, it is something done to check the strengths and areas that need improvement, not a form of punishment. A probationary evaluation is of course done to see if this person is a right fit to the company or if they need to look for another type of job instead.


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