6+ Exercise Chart Examples to Download

Last Updated: January 6, 2025

6+ Exercise Chart Examples to Download


Sample Charts are effective representations of ideas and information. Typically, charts use images, or symbols of any kind in place of texts, or to elaborate what the texts mean. This makes the information even easier to comprehend and understand especially to those unfamiliar with the information.

Because many people find charts useful in simplifying complex information and ideas, they learned to use charts not only at work, but also in their personal matters and activities. For example, people use food charts when they want to engage in a healthy lifestyle. Speaking of a healthy lifestyle, people also learned to use exercise charts for their healthy routine.

Ball Exercise Chart

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Size: 5 MB


Physical Exercise Example

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Size: 1 MB


Gym Exercise Chart

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Size: 2 MB


Daily Exercise Sample

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Size: 96 KB


What Is an Exercise Chart?

An exercise chart, just like the name suggests, is intended to be used as a reference in doing different exercise routines. Usually, exercise charts examples consist of images and instructions on how to execute a specific exercise.

Another type of exercise chart can be used in tracking an individual’s daily exercise routine. Different exercise charts differ in content and appearance. Still, they are all useful for those who need guidance in maintaining a healthy body through exercise.

Purpose of an Exercise Chart

As mentioned, an exercise chart may contain instructions in executing particular exercise routines, thus will serve as the user’s guide in his/her daily workout routines.

In some cases, exercise charts contain safety precautions and measures while conducting workout routines, and first aid instructions in case of injury. This will inform the user of the things to do in case an unforeseen incident happens, causing injury. Simply put, exercise charts are effective tools in following your daily exercise routine, especially if you don’t want to waste your time in contemplating about complex exercise routine processes flowcharts.

Weekly Exercise Example

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Size: 4 MB


Exercise Chart

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Size: 3 MB


Chest Exercise Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


How to Create a Personal Workout Chart

There are no official steps on how to create you personal workout chart. However, one needs to be guided of the basics of creating a workout chart, especially beginners. To help you with that, here are the basic things you need to remember if you want to create your personal workout chart:

  • Consult the professionals. If you happen to know a professional on workout routines, consult them first before you start your whole workout routine. If not, consult your personal physician about this matter.
  • Plan your workout routine. Plan what workout or exercise routine you want to do in the first place. You can try different routines per day or weekly Plan, depending on your preference.
  • Research on the proper ways of executing exercise routines. You cannot recklessly write the steps without doing your research. As I’ve said, consult with the experts.
  • Rely on images, my friend. Images can really help especially if you’re having a hard time understanding the instructions. Still, you need to write the instructions in an understandable manner.
  • Include safety precautions. These will remind you to take things easy, especially if your routine involves materials and equipment which would cause possible harm if not used properly. Also, you can add first aid remedies in case you injure yourself, and inspiring quotes to motivate yourself.
  • Improve your workout chart. Check for any errors. Find areas for improvement examples and improve your chart in different ways.

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