Exit Slip – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf
There are many ways and processes to gauge how much a student learned from your lessons. A common example, of course, are tests. But we also have class recitations and overall performance, assignments, projects, and even impromptu group activities. But another effective way to know if your day’s discussion actually bore positive results is through exit slips. You may also see permission slip templates.
As the name suggests, exit slips are, in their most common form, blank pieces of index card on which a student could write about his reflections on the subject at the end of every lesson. For example, does the student have any questions regarding the topic you have tackled? Or what does he think about the new information you have introduced to him? Exit slips are not only an effective way to let your students talk to you about the lesson, it also incorporates writing as a main tool that the students will use, plus it will require them to think critically. You may also see payslip templates.
Easy to Answer Exit Slip Example
Exit Slips Printable
Daily Reading Exit Slip
Advantages of Exit Slips
Unfortunately, these things are quite uncommon since most educational institutions overlook the importance of reflection through them. However, here are a few things to know about exit slips and why you need them for your next lesson:
First of all, exit slips are not graded. Unlike assignments, these will not be marked by the teacher. Which means that the students can be as informal and as truthful as they want without the fear that comes with the knowledge that their every word is being watched and graded. Also, since students are more honest about their questions and reflections about the subject, the teacher can have a more genuine reference on how to rethink his teaching techniques to make it more effective. You may also see school receipts.
Usually, in a classroom setting, even if almost the entire class claims that they understand the topic, there will always be a few who don’t, and they’re not going to admit that in front of their classmates. (Come on, we’ve all been there. Exit slips are a private way for these students to talk to you without the fear of being laughed at by their more intellectually superior classmates. You may also see doctor note.
Exit slips are a chance for the students to speak up. There are always shy ones in class who you just can’t force to speak in public. However, since you are deliberately asking them about their opinions and questions on the subject, the students will feel that you are interested in what they have to say, which will allow them to speak to you more honestly. This is very helpful in creating a connection with your students. It will make them more trustful of you. Also, since you are showing interest in them, it will make your students feel that their voice matters. This can make them bolder and more confident individuals. You may also see salary receipts.
Friction Exit Slip
Student Exit Slip
School Exit Slip Example
Basic Exit Slip Example
Complex Sentence Exit Slip
Exit slips are a way for the students to reassess their learning. By allowing the students to write down what they have learned using words that are familiar to them, you are actually giving them the chance to look back on the day’s lessons and summarize everything in terminologies more comprehensible to them. This also has the added advantage of helping the students retain the memory since they are trying to recall it on purpose and they are writing the information down, which is scientifically proven to be an effective technique in remembering details.
Since exit slips are not exams, there are no correct answers. Nor are there wrong ones. Which means that the students won’t have to be pressured into writing what’s right. They can be more focused on what’s true. If they have questions about the topic, they can tell the teacher about it. If there are things in the teaching process that doesn’t work for them, they can tell the teacher so that he can adjust his methods in a way that is beneficial to everyone. You may also see workplace inspection checklists.
Exit slips are also time-saving. Honestly, no one has the time to ask every single student in every single class about what they’ve learned and what they have not understood completely. Since exit slips only take up about five minutes before or after a class starts, they won’t distract the class from their lessons. Plus, it can keep the student-teacher communication line open without taking up too much precious time.
Exit slips are, undoubtedly, the teacher’s guide. By hearing from the students themselves about the parts of the lessons they still have a difficulty in grasping, the teacher can decide whether to move on to another topic or to recap the previous lesson for the parts that they don’t understand. Sometimes the teacher is oblivious about students who are having difficulty in catching up with most of the class. Exit slips can inform them about it. You may also see team meeting checklists.
Also, each student has a different way of learning. (Refer to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence.) Which means that your teaching technique may not be effective to some of the students.
Most importantly, exit slips are a time for reflection. For the students, this can help them reflect on what they have learned, what they have not learned, and what they have realized from the day’s topic. For the teachers, this can help them evaluate their teaching techniques, their students’ learning capacity, and the things they still need to discuss again. You may also see budget worksheets.
Tips in Making Exit Slips Prompts
Although an exit slip is basically a blank space where the students can write their musings about the day’s class, it is still the teacher’s job to provide prompts that can help the students phrase their thoughts or at least have a general idea on what to write about. Here are a few tips to help you decide on what your exit slip should be about for the day:
1. Choose a key concept that your students can think about. For example, your discussion for the day is English Renaissance Literature. Instead of allowing your students to write a reflection on the general aspect of Renaissance Literature, let them choose, say, one author and allow them to muse on his life. What did they learn about him? What lessons did they gather from his experiences? This can help you learn to what extent your students understand a topic, plus it can help you understand your students’ perspective on things. You may also see deposit receipts.
2. Provide prompts during class for the students to answer on their exit slips. For example, during the class, you can ask the students their opinion about the essence of the Renaissance period for them to answer on their exit slips. Don’t tell them the answer of course. Keep on discussing the topic and let them pick each information one by one until they discover the answer to your question.
3. Your prompts should be challenging to the students. Don’t let them answer the basic what and who questions. Tickle their minds. Confuse them and make them wonder. The purpose of your exit slip is to encourage your students to think, so make them. You may also see chart examples.
4. Effective exit slips document learning. As aforementioned, these can help you keep track of your students’ learning level. Which means that you should encourage them to write about the things that they have learned, on top of everything else. You can tell them to list down three favorite things they’ve learned for a start.
Kindergarten Exit Slip Example
Exit Slip Format
Scarcity Exit Slip
5. Provide prompts that can help your students open up to you about the things that they did not understand. Despite the presence of exit slips as a medium, your students may still not feel comfortable at telling you about it. So make the first move. Make your students feel that they are in a safe place and that they can tell you honestly about the things that confuse them. You may also see travel expense policy.
6. Ask your students about their overall experience in your class. This can help you learn if they have issues or difficulties about the way you run things, and if they have suggestions to better it. If they do, make sure you heed them or else your students will feel ignored and they my refuse to open up to you anymore.
7. A good exit slip idea is to ask your students what they would write if they are given the chance to include two questions on a test. The questions that they would include are typically from topics they thoroughly understand. You may also see income verification letters.
Exit slips are simply an attempt at making communication medium for the student and teacher. Of course, the teacher needs to know about the difficulties of the students so that he can adjust according to their needs. The students also need to know that their teacher is interested in their progress to encourage learning and openness between them. Although this relationship may seem impossible, exit slips are a good way to start achieving it. You may also see travel expense policy.