Financial Consulting Business Plan – 6+ Examples, Format, Pdf
One problem that many people encounter ever since is on how to budget financially. That is called financial management. The problem comes from the fact that we are not formally trained in handling finances. We know how to budget such as in saving our money, but that is just part of financial management, and that only touches the tip of the iceberg. You may also see business plan outline with examples.
Given the case, you can make this community’s problem into business. What if you could help them manage their wealth and turn them into a business? Such is the job of a financial consultant. You may also like business plan guidelines examples.
Financial Planning Example
Benefits of Financial Planning Example
What Is a Financial Consultant?
A financial consultant is someone who helps clients manage their wealth, of any amount of money. Management may include how to save money and how to be productive with the available money. Using money to start a business is one main reason why financial consultancy popular and is a hit. You may also see business operational plan examples.
It would be also good if we take a look at the meaning of the words consultancy or its inflection, consultation, consultant. Consultation is the act by someone seeking help or advice from someone who is an expert.
For example, a student doing a research paper would go to his adviser to ask for an advice. And then, the adviser would attend to his needs. That is consultation.You may also see management consulting business plan examples.
Another example would be a daughter asking advice from his father about getting wed. The father, on the other hand, would give her daughter some options. He may ask if it is a good thing or not. What if you do this and that? He may ask her daughter. You may also like to learn how to create a business plan.
Or a company proprietor may ask a financial consultant how he may use the money or wealth to strengthen his business, or to start a new business. That is consultation.
Etymology of Consultation
Let us do some etymology on the word consultation.
Consultation comes from the word consulter in Middle French, and consultare in Latin. It also has something to do with the word deliberate.
It may not always be about someone seeking advice; it can also be just plain talking to someone. But it is always about doing action after some deliberation. If someone wants to express something, a problem, or just about anything, a consultation should end up with an action or things to be done. You may also check out market analysis business plan examples.
Fundamentals of Financial Planning Example
Sample Financial Plan Example
Reasons Why a Consultant Is Hired
Why do we need a consultant? Is it really necessary? Here are some reasons why someone or an institution would need a consultant.You may also see business consulting business plan examples.
1. A consultant may be hired because of his or her expertise.
If you do the project yourself, you will not only be risking the project, you would also be wasting an amount of money. It is like writing a thesis with no one to guide you. You may also see network marketing business plan examples.
2. A consultant may be hired to identify problems.
One of the most difficult task when venturing into a project is not about doing something but looking for problems, being able to identify one, but also to create problems. When you write a thesis, your challenge is to create problems. You may also like how to make a business plan.
3. A consultant may be hired to supplement the staff.
Or sometimes, you just have to hire a consultant to assist you, without really being asked for advice.
4. A consultant may be hired to act as a catalyst.
Let us put it this way, a consultant is an outsider. In cases where not one of the family is able to make the decision, an outsider may save it from any family issues..You may also see engineering consulting business plan examples.
5. A consultant may be hired to provide much-needed objectivity.
Many decisions that we make are somehow subjective. It is subjective because we are not expert of the matter, financial consulting matter. You may also check out importance of business plan.
6. A consultant may be hired to teach.
Now, should a family decide to know more about savings, banking, starting a business, a consultant is the person to go to.You may also see restaurant consulting business plan examples
7. A consultant may be hired to do the “dirty work.”
The consultant works with a pay, that means you can ask him to work for you on just about anything financial.
8. A consultant may be hired to bring new life to an organization.
If a company is going down financially, the best way to solve the problem is to seek advice from someone else. It has always been that way ever since. The trick is, an outsider can have a different perspective than an insider. You might be interested in free business plan examples.
9. A consultant may be hired to create a new business.
Precisely the usual reason why one would hire a consultant. A lot of people have capitals, and they love doing business. But they also lack the knowledge required to start a business. You may also see bookkeeping business plan examples.
10. A consultant may be hired to influence other people.
A consultant is somehow influential in the sense he is knowledgeable to some degree. This may not work for some, but the fact that he can be hired, and he does consultation, can be a factor.You may also see business plan examples.
Financial Planning Checklist Example
Financial Planning Services Example
Financial Consultation Wellness Example
A financial consultant is a professional who gives financial advice to customers according to their needs, goals, and targets. Usually, they provide clients with the following (financial-wise) advice:
1. Death insurance
It is one of the less discussed topics in terms of financial matters. This is only discussed among serious people. If you are a college student, you may discuss about savings or business, but rarely insurance, especially about death insurance. Firstly, it is a scary topic. What a consultant does is to give you options which insurance can provide you with the best service, can provide you with good return. You may also see hotel business plan examples.
2. Health insurance
Like death insurance, this is rarely talked about in the financial world. Some people look at it as extras.
3. Products
You may want to know what products you would want to spend your money on. Buying the unimportant things is often the case of someone when there is no one regulating him. A consultant is able to guide you in this area, not just to give you advice on which product is cheaper and which is not, but also to remind you to manage your expenses. You may also like business plan examples.
4. Estate buying
This is one of the overlooked subject matters in business. We are not only referring to the choice of buying but also of our knowledge in the subject matter.
5. College savings
We thought we have been saving a lot, until our kids go to college. College expenses is the biggest expense the parents will have to spend, next to building a house.You may also see security consulting business plan examples
Depending on the university, the state, and the number of children going to school, the expenses may vary. But relatively speaking, this is a portion of a lifetime expense in the family. The role of the consultant is to give you options, such as college plans, to name one among many. You may also check out advertising and marketing business plan examples.
6. Tax
We have uniform ways of paying our taxes. But most people do not really understand the mechanics of paying taxes. A consultant can tell you how much we should be paying for which.You may also see strategic plan examples.
7. Retirement
And when you retire, would you not be interested as to what kind of retirement fee you should be receiving? Do you want to take it all, or do you want to receive a small, but monthly, sustenance?
8. Personal savings
Personal savings may not need a lot of discussion since many of us have been trained to have a piggy bank. But when you are into (real) bank savings, there are a lot to talk about. Such as the kind of bank you should invest into, the kind of savings. Do you want time deposit or not? Which bank would offer a bigger interest? You might be interested in simple business plan examples.
9. Investment, business
Or do you want to spend you money on starting a business? There are many kinds of business. Do you want a restaurant business, or car rentals, or a bakery, or a shopping mall? Each business industry requires an expert to provide you the basic ideas in starting one.
10. Increased sales, profit
Or if you already have a business, do you want to increase your sales, your productivity? Do you want to double your profit by doubling your establishment?
Consultation is a very powerful tool to solve some key issues in your financial management. Oftentimes, we neglect the value of consultation believing we can do it all, believing we can solve the problem. Yes, you can. But that is not all there is that can happen in a consultation. There is more than that, such as when a consultant helps you assist identifying a problem. You may also see bar business plan examples.
Usually, the problem lies in the client, that is us, not being able to identify the problem. If we can not identify the problem, then there is that feeling that there is nothing to be solved. And solution can only be had if there is a problem. And that is where a financial consultant comes in. You may also like business plan examples in PDF.
To lead us to see the problems, the consultant will help us take away out eye patch. And when we take our eye patch, it is then we can see the problem. He may not be able to identify all the problems but can help us identify them. You may also check out marketing strategy business plan examples.
Are you ready to do your own financial management? If not, you can just simply go to a consultant and he can do the rest for you. He can help you identify problems, which is the main issue when starting a financial plan.