9+ Food Truck Business Plan Examples to Download
Planning to start your own food truck business? Well, you need to have a business plan first. Although it is not a requirement in starting a business, having a business plan serves as a blueprint and itemizes the processes you will be doing before you start a business.
To help you create your own food truck business plan, we have provided some examples (in PDF) that you can use when you will be creating your own business plan. You may also see importance of business plans.
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Essential Components of a Food Truck Business Plan
1. Company Profile
Every business plan, or any type of business plan always starts off with a company profile or company background. The company profile acts as a summary of the entire business plan, but important details are also being discussed in the said section. Among the contents of the company profile includes the products or services in which the company is selling, the company’s vision and mission, organizational structure, and marketing/financial strategies. You may also see self-catering business plan examples
All of the mentioned contents are not discussed thoroughly in the company profile, as they will be further discussed in the succeeding section of the business plan.
Since the business plan is not meant for company use only, it is always suggested that information written in the company profile should be concise to detailed (despite being a summary) so that the readers will have a clear understanding of the company and its products before they start reading the rest of the business plan. You may also see business plan guidelines examples.
2. Marketing Structure
The marketing structure (or otherwise called as the marketing plan) is one of the most important sections of a business plan. The marketing structure thoroughly discusses the company’s products and services as well as marketing strategies to help the company gain an advantage against competitors. The marketing structure also identifies marketing strategies to help the company achieve long-term sustainability. You may also like business operational plan examples.
As previously mentioned, the marketing structure discusses the company’s products in detail. But if the company sells hundreds of products, then there is no need to discuss all of the products in the business plan. It will take up too much space which might cause the reader to avoid reading the remaining contents of the business plan. In this case, if the company sells a large variety of products, then it is highly suggested that important details of the product will be listed instead of writing down each and every product specification. Some of the important product details include the name of the product, product number, available colors, price, and manufacturing date. You may also check out hotel business plan examples.
Take note that listing down the products is not enough as you should also explain how each product will be beneficial to your customers and clients. Products are being manufactured because they always provide benefit, and they are not manufactured just for the sake of it. Take for example for a food truck business. There is a need for food truck businesses so that people don’t have to go far just to eat affordable and delicious food. For food trucks, they go to the customers instead of the other way around. You might be interested in market analysis business plan examples.
Marketing structure also includes the marketing strategies being implemented by the company to achieve high revenue and long-term sustainability. There are numerous marketing strategies that companies deploy for their respective products or services, but the strategies they use always align to the products they are selling (for example, a person who underwent numerous plastic surgeries cannot be used as an actor for a natural skin care ad). You may also like business plan outline with examples.
Marketing strategies are based on established marketing theories. They have proven to be very effective and are still being used by companies around the world today. But when technology suddenly moved at a very fast pace during the dawn of the 21st century, new marketing strategies also were introduced. Some of these marketing strategies specifically include social media.
The great thing about social media is that most of these platforms are free to use, and have also proven to be much more effective than their traditional marketing counterparts such as posters, flyers, brochures, and billboards. But did you know that these traditional marketing materials can now be created using graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Corel? And you won’t have to spend a single dollar in printing and distribution as you can insert the designs in your online profile. You may also check out implementation plan examples.
3. Financial Structure
Aside from the marketing structure, a well-written and well-researched business plan should also comprise another important section—a financial structure. Since you are still creating a business plan, most likely that you have not even began spending any amount for your business yet. This is completely understandable as you will still be creating forecasts on how the business will be earning once the operations go underway. You may also see advertising and marketing business plan examples.
The financial structure is composed mainly of financial forecasts. These types of forecasts include details on your initial investment (raw materials to purchase, business requirement and legal fees to settle), working capital, and yearly revenue/income projections for the next five years. You may also like company plan examples.
Financial forecasts are very important to a business plan because it gives a map on how the company will earn in the next few years. Additionally, business plans are also presented to investors so that they can give out necessary investment for your business. Of course, they will still decide if your product is worth investing in, since they also want to earn from your business through the interest fees you will be paying back to them once they have fully recovered the amount that they initially invested. Even if you have a large and sizable initial capital, you will still need investors in case there are additional costs that you won’t be expecting. You may also check out advertising plan examples.
The financial structure also includes the revenue and income projections for the next five years. You may be asking, “Why five years?” The five-year time span is usually where start-up businesses recover the full amount of their initial investment. Although some companies, especially large corporations, take longer than five years to break even, five years is usually the benchmark if the business can actually earn in the long run. When making the five-year financial forecast, you should consider inflation as well as customer preferences.
For example, the prices of raw goods that you will be listing down in the forecast (specifically in the income statement) will certainly be different in the succeeding years. Your investors will certainly be looking at how the forecast is being analyzed, so make a forecast or projection that considers and analyzes all options, as well as not being too optimistic nor pessimistic. You might be interested in annual plan examples.
The financial structure is one of the hardest sections to create in an business plan, so make sure that the management team consists of a financial specialist (preferably a CPA or an individual who has long-term experience in financial services) to create the financial structure. If your management team does not comprise any specialist, you can always hire a third-party CPA to do the work. Just make sure you discuss with the third party on the details you want to incorporate in the forecast or projection. You may also see implementation plan examples.
4. Socioeconomic Structure
The socioeconomic structure involves social and environmental aspects of the business. Usually, the socioeconomic structure discusses how the business impacts the community and natural environment in particular. The business obviously collects resources from the natural environmental, and it is only understandable that the resources should be returned to its natural state. Additionally, the business also has the responsibility to provide not only jobs for the community but also makes sure the individuals in the community do not get displaced or do not suffer any negative effects from the business’s operations. You may also like quality plan examples.
Socioeconomic structure is also called corporate social responsibility (CSR). Every business organization, no matter how large or how small, has a responsibility to its stakeholders (most specifically the community and the environment). That is the reason why these companies should give back especially if they are attaining revenues from their operations. You may also see management plan examples.
When you are creating a business plan, it is not yet necessary to provide details on how you are going to give back to the community. You just need to give a short background on the activities you will eventually be doing. It is not only investors who will be reading your business plan, as various social welfare groups or non-government organizations might also get a copy of your plan. You may also see coffee catering business plan
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Food Ideas for Your Food Truck Business
Listed below are some food ideas you want to try out for your food truck business. Even if you already have a menu planned, you can still add some of the food items listed below to increase variety.
1. Shawarma
Shawarma is one of the most popular wrapped foods in the world. Shawarma consists of chopped beef or chicken, mixed with a variety of vegetables and sauces which are then wrapped inside a pita bread or toasted dough. You can always mix it up by using different combinations of meat and vegetables as well as adding new ingredients such as pork, potatoes, bell peppers, olives, etc. You may also see desert catering business plans.
2. Ice Cream
Everyone’s favorite dessert also makes this list. Whether the temperature is scorching hot or freezing cold, ice cream is still being sold by the millions every day. Ice cream is quite easy to make as long as you have the right equipment. You can sell different flavors depending on the availability of ingredients, but you can always start with the most basic flavors (i.e., vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, etc.) then increase the variety once you get more customers. You might be interested in daily plan examples.
3. Grilled food
One great way to entice passersby to buy your food is to let them indulge in the smell of grilled food. You can either grill pork, chicken, beef, seafood, or even vegetables (onions, corn, bell peppers, etc.). No matter what meat you are going to grill, it will certainly become a hit with your customers. You may also check out sales plan examples.
Grilled food is another favorite that is not only served as snacks but served as entrees and full course meals as well. If you want to maximize the grilled food experience for your customers, serve them together with mashed potatoes or with grilled/steamed vegetables. And don’t forget the drinks!
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4. Fried Chicken
Fried chicken is another staple in the food truck business industry. According to research, 8 out of 10 food trucks or food stalls sell fried chicken. This is testament to people wanting to eat fried chicken for the rest of their lives. Similar to grilled food, you can serve fried chicken as a light snack or full course meal. It is highly suggested that you go for the full course meal route as chicken is always meant to be consumed with hearty (but unfortunately fatty) side dishes such as mashed potatoes, buttered vegetables, and gravy. Remember, fried chicken is never complete without gravy (unless you’re Japanese or Asian where you prefer fried chicken to be complemented with mayonnaise or soy sauce). You may also see consulting business plan.
5. Salad
Your food truck business does not need to be a cholesterol-filled affair with your customers. Go for a healthier alternative by selling delicious salads. These colorful and flavorful dishes are very appetizing and they can be a great substitute for a meat-based dishes. If you thought salads are only limited to lettuce, tomato, onions, vinaigrette, and Caesar dressing, think again. There are hundreds of vegetable, fruit, and dressing combinations you can use for your salads. You may also see company plan examples.
6. Pastries
Selling pastries is another option you should consider for your food truck business. The great thing about pastries is that you can sell a number of variations, and not just being limited to one form of pastry. There are numerous options, such as cakes, cookies, puff pastries, tarts, and frozen desserts, just to name a few. Since you will be selling a variety of desserts, you may want to partner with different sellers so that you don’t only increase the variety of pastries you are selling but also increase revenues. You may also like implementation plan examples.
We hope you found this article to be informative as you will be creating your own food truck business plan.