Art Scholarship Application

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Art Scholarship Application

Are artists born or taught? Are their skills natural or honed through diligent training? This question has been the subject of debate for many years. Whatever the answer is, there is one thing for sure, going to a prestigious art school will refine and enhance your artistry. The problem nowadays is that not everyone has the privilege to afford these schools. If you are one of these people, your dream doesn’t need to end there, you can write an art scholarship application form and apply to schools that offer such opportunities

11+ Art Scholarship Application Form Examples

1. Art Scholarship Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 118 KB


2. Art Scholarship Application Form Example

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  • PDF

Size: 196 KB


3. Sample Art Scholarship Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 170 KB


4. College Art Scholarship Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


5. Sample Art Scholarship Application Form Example

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  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


6. Printable Art Scholarship Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 104 KB


7. Art Department Scholarship Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 81 KB


8. Standard Art Scholarship Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 114 KB


9. Basic Art Scholarship Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 373 KB


10. Standard Art Scholarship Application Form Example

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  • PDF

Size: 114 KB


11. Art Class Scholarship Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 49 KB


12. Art Scholarship Application Form in DOC

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 12 KB


What Is an Art Scholarship Application Form? 

An art scholarship application form is a document that students write to ask for a grant or aid to support their education. Universities and organizations usually offer art scholarships to students they deem to have the greatest potential in either visual arts or performing arts. This kind of student scholarship application often requires students to attach a sample of their art or attend an audition.

How to Write an Appealing Art Scholarship Application Form

When you write your art scholarship application form, try not to appear too piteous or overbearing. Too little and too much of certain things could easily affect the favor of the committee. So you might want to take a moment and think about what you should include in your scholarship letter.

1. Read the Instructions

This step may sound obvious and unimportant, but this is the step that people often forget and do not pay attention to. Failing to do this usually results in the organization considering your application form as invalid. That said, read the instructions thoroughly and follow every single detail of it.

2. Organize Your Portfolio

Art scholarship programs, especially those focused on visual arts, typically require the applicants to submit a compilation of their best work. You need to be cautious in choosing the artwork that you would include in your project portfolio because this is one of the biggest factors that would decide whether or not you would get the scholarship.

3. Write an Impactful Statement

The same as other scholarship applications, art scholarships also include a segment where you would write a scholarship essay that would discuss why you deserve the scholarship and your plans for the future. This part is where you should leave an impact on the assembly. Make your essay memorable but keep in mind not to make it sound far-fetched. 

4. Highlight Your Achievements

This section is where you should emphasize all your awards. It’s advisable to list as many awards as you can, but you should be honest with it. It is advisable to attach your award certificate if the committee would allow it. Your achievements are a big basis for your application. If there are several other applicants, this part would greatly affect the decision of the board.  

5.Attach a Letter of Recommendation

You can ask for a student recommendation letter from your previous or present instructor, who would be able to state your strengths as an artist as well as your artistic qualifications. This document will serve as extra merit and will add weight to your art scholarship application. 


What do you mean by an art scholarship?

Art scholarships are for artistic high school or college students that show promising talent. The lucky students chosen as scholars would be given financial assistance to fund their education. There are different kinds of art scholarship programs for different schools, others would require to major in a specific field in the art such as painting or designing. Art scholarships are not limited to visual arts, there are also scholarships for people who dance, sing, and even those who are good at performing theatre.

Where do you find an art scholarship?

If you’re looking for a scholarship, it is best to talk and ask your guidance counselor if there are any existing art scholarships in your school. If you want to explore other art schools, you can search and visit websites of different schools and choose one that would suit you best.

What is a letter of recommendation for scholarships?

A person of authority such as professors and supervisors writes letters of recommendation for students who are planning to apply for scholarships. This letter will provide information regarding the student’s behavior, qualities, and achievements. A recommendation letter should start with an introduction and should follow a business letter format.

In whatever field of art you are good at, there is always a scholarship for you. Once you find one, you should get those hands moving and start devising your art scholarship application form. Opportunities only come by once, if by chance you see one, secure it and who knows? A scholarship acceptance form and a scholarship award letter might be at your door tomorrow. 

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