Authorization Form

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Authorization Form

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When we hear the word forms, we often think of something to fill up for legal uses. Authorization forms are no different. We use these types of forms to give authority to someone else to do the action or the activity on behalf of us. So here are some 11+ authorization form examples in PDF | MS Word for you to use for anything that you need.

Types of Authorization Forms

There are a lot of types of authorization forms, but the ones listed below are the most common and used.

  • Payroll authorization: this type of form is used if you wish for someone else to receive your salary on your behalf.
  • Guardianship authorization: used only to give temporary guardianship for a minor, in case the parent or parents are not able to care for the child.
  • Business authorization: 
  • Medical authorization: 
  • Personal authorization: can be used for giving permission to someone for any personal reason. This is still binding and legal even if it’s for personal reasons.

Definition of Authorization

Authorization means an official, legal permission for an activity to happen. The act of temporarily giving a person the authority to do something on your behalf.

Definition of Authorization Forms

An authorization form is a type of legal document that duly gives authority to a person or an organization, granted by someone or another organization to do the activities that they are given the permission to do. This also serves as a legal permit that validates what the individual or the organization is doing.

Reasons to Use an Authorization Form

  • It’s easier: it is easier to use the form when filling up to give someone the authority even if it is temporary.
  • It’s binding: as this is a legal document, this is binding. Any information that is untrue, may result with issues. Best to avoid such problems by filling out the correct information.
  • Legal document: as stated above, this is a legal document and therefore binding. Most organizations or businesses use forms for this purpose. To be able to give someone permission to do legal activities on their behalf.

1. Authorization Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 111 KB


2. Pre-Authorization Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


3. Credit Card Payment Authorization Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 45 KB


4. Payment Authorization Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 224 KB


5. Automatic Payment Authorization Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


6. Credit Card Recurring Payment Authorization Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 102 KB


7. Simple Recurring Payment Authorization Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 144 KB


8. Payment Authorization Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 126 KB


9. Payment Authorization Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


10. Recurring Payment Authorization Form in DOC

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 93 KB


11. Pre- Authorization Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


12. Payroll Authorization Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


Tips on Filling Out the Form

Before we go on and fill out that form, why not check out some of the tips first?

  • Read the instructions: As much as this is often disregarded, reading the instructions before filling it out can save you time. You will know what to fill out, where to fill out and how to fill it out. The most common mistake is people tend to ignore the instructions when this is the most important part of the form.
  • Write in block letters: Most people when filling out authorization forms tend to write in cursive or a different style. My advice when filling out the form is to fill it out in block letters.
  • Avoid erasures: Avoid erasures at all costs. In case erasures are found, there may be an issue and they will be asking you some questions to be sure that what you wrote or erased was true or valid.
  • Fill it up: fill out the necessary information as detailed as possible. Do not abbreviate anything that needs to be written in full.
  • Check everything: Before giving the form back, you must check everything. Double check everything if you have filled out the correct information. As well as the correct box to place the information. Always check what you have answered or given information to before passing it back.
  • Put your signature: Signing the form makes it binding. This also means that everything you have placed in the information needed is true and correct.


What happens if I make some erasures on my form?

This may depend on the company or the organization who gave you the form to fill out. You may likely have to ask for another form to fill out and avoid erasures altogether.

Do I need to fill out an authorization form when I am given permission to handle credit card information for my organization?

Yes. Personal or business matters, you are still required to fill out an authorization form.

Why is the authorization form so important?

When you are dealing with activities that you are only given temporary permission to do, this is where the forms and the letters fall under. This is also to help secure others from being scammed. These days, it is easy for anyone to fill out a form and get the necessary information to fill it out.

Authorization forms can come in all types, as well as their uses. But the most common use is to give authority or permission to someone on behalf of the person they were given permission. Filling this type of form, you have to be very careful. Avoid erasures and avoid having to write in illegible handwriting. Make the information clear and true.

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