
Last Updated: April 26, 2024


Application Examples

Application letters play a very important role in crucial moments of our lives. It does not only form part of the basis for a job application or college application but it speaks volumes of the person behind the application. Therefore, it is essential to make our application worth the effort and time of the person reviewing it.

Guidelines for an application can be found on the page to assist you in any application you may have. Application examples can be found over the page for your reference. They are available for download by clicking the link below the file chosen.

Job Application

Generic Job Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 188 KB


Printable Job

File Format
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Size: 79 KB


Blank Application Sample

File Format
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Size: 24 KB


Scholarship Application

General Scholarship

File Format
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Size: 108 KB


Student Application Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


Types of Application

A formal application, broken down to its main purpose, is the act of persuasion of a potential engagement (be it educational, business, or work) which provides a general summary of your credentials including experience, skills, and achievements in relation to what you are applying for.

Take for instance, an employment application, its purpose is to let a potential employer have an understanding of the details of the person behind an application. An application is considered to be of two types:

  • Solicited application – An application written in response to an advertisement is called to be a solicited application. It refers to the job advertisement posted and mentions the specific job being advertised. Being publicly known, numerous individuals would be expected to vie for the job posted. Applications that are solicited are often well made and covers specific details of the individual applying for the job.
  • Unsolicited application – Unsolicited applications are applications sent as a result of a spontaneous application. Meaning, there was no posting of a job vacancy but the individual took it to himself to apply for a job in that company. These applications are often sourced from contacts inside the company or through individual research.

Employment application examples and free application examples are found in the page for your perusal.

College Application

Printable College Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 143 KB


College Admission

File Format
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Size: 25 KB


Employment Application

Generic For Employment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 39 KB


Staff Employment Example

File Format
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Size: 115 KB


Student Employment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 184 KB


Loan Application

Home Loan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 146 KB


Student Loan Application

File Format
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Size: 102 KB


Personal Loan Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 62 KB


Writing a Job Application

Submitting a well written and concise application should land you the job that you are trying to acquire. Sounds easy but its not. Sort of. But making sure that your application is sound in format, structure and content makes for a good start in getting closer to that job.


  • Your application should, at maximum if possible, cover only a single page. This allows for a quick glance at any information worth mentioning.
  • Spelling and clarity is important so it would be advised to have the application proof read many times and typewritten to even add to the appeal of being more formal in the application.
  • The application should be job specific and not appear to be made standard for any job application.
  • Subject of the application should be stated in reply to an advertisement if job posting was found to be so.
  • Addressing the person in charge of the application process would show that you have done research and create an added impression to the application.
  • Always include your contact details so you can easily be reached upon consideration of your application as in what is usually done in rental application examples found in the page.


The structure for your application should always mention why you are applying for the position, skills you will be bringing into the position, and what your working for the company may be able to achieve.


  • The application itself has to grab the attention of the reviewer and cause that individual to want to meet you in person.
  • Research on the company and the position posted.
  • Provide reasons on how your skill match the job posted.
  • Consider mentioning salary during the actual interview in reverence to the responsibilities of the job position and also to your last known salary.

Patent Application

Patent Provisional Application

File Format
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Size: 240 KB


Provisional Patent Example

File Format
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Size: 506 KB


Rental Application

Free Rental Application

File Format
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Size: 96 KB


Standard Rental Sample

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Size: 89 KB


Facility Rental Application

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Size: 965 KB


Hosted Rentals Example

File Format
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Size: 26 KB


Grant Application

Standard Grant Application

File Format
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Size: 30 KB


Common Grant Sample

File Format
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Size: 113 KB


Child Care Grant Application

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 133 KB


Following up on an Application

So you’ve finally handed over that application you have spent long hours and sleepless nights making and perfecting. And now you are just so anxious to hear about the response. Any reply would do and its driving you nuts just thinking about it. Fear not. This happens to even the best of us. Here are a few tips to consider in following up for an application:

  • If it was a solicited application, check on the advertisement for any information that may mention expectations for a reply from the company. It is advisable to wait for any date given in response to the application.
  • An alternate solution to avoid the waiting madness would be to include a line that mentions you calling the office a week after to follow up with the application. It would be unwise to call if the advertisement provisions for the applicants not to call.
  • An email response in follow up to an application would indicate your willingness and eagerness for the position.
  • Always perform your reply or follow up in proper business conduct. Be professional both in email and over the phone. If possible, ask for an interview to reaffirm your interest with the job.

Application examples in PDF and leave application examples are found in the page as well for your reference.

Internship Application

Internship Program Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


Academic Internship Application

File Format
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Size: 160 KB


Legal Internship Sample

File Format
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Size: 133 KB


Leave Application

Examination Leave

File Format
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Size: 754 KB


Personal Leave Application

File Format
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Size: 87 KB


Casual Leave Example

File Format
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Size: 42 KB


Employee Leave Application

File Format
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Size: 72 KB


Nursing Application

Nursing Degree Example

File Format
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Size: 279 KB


Standalone Nursing Application

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


Tips for an Effective Application

Job application examples and internship application examples found in the page are great sources of inspiration in creating your own effective application. These examples are all available for you to download via the link below the sample. In reference to those examples, the following are a few tips in achieving an effective application:

  • Do your research – Make sure to find all the information you can about the job posting and the requirements for the position. Having more information regarding the job requirement increases your chances of tailoring an application suited for the post.
  • Match your skills to the job requirement – With the research results, you can then conveniently match the skills you will be bringing into the job position. State the advantages of having your skills in performance of the job function being advertised.
  • Make your application as brief but concise – Get straight to the point and clearly explain why the job is best suited for you. Be certain about being perfect for the job.
  • Attachments – Include necessary attachments needed to back up information in the application
  • Contact information – Ensure updated contact information for the future interview meeting.

If all else fails, there’s always the next time. Good luck in your application!

Application Generator

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Create an application for a high school scholarship, focusing on academic achievements and extracurricular activities

Generate an application for a student council position, highlighting leadership qualities and ideas for school improvement