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Chore Chart Examples – 24+ Examples, Doc, PDF

dad chores

If you are a parent who wants to get his or her child to cooperate in doing the chores, a frustrated room renter with a roommate who does not lend a hand when it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of a shared space, or just an individual who wants to get yourself some self-discipline when it comes to keeping your home clean, you certainly need a certain tool that can help you with that dilemma. You may also see measurement chart examples.

Among those tools are chore charts and we have more than ten examples of chore chart in this very article you are reading now.


Chores are defined as duties or tasks that may be unpleasant but it sure is necessary for you to perform. Without having to do the chores, can you imagine your home? It is simply unimaginable. Aside from the fact that it is unpleasant and tiring for most people because it means cleaning, having to organize the steps on how you are going to deal with all the chores you need to tackle and delegate. You may also see flowcharts for students examples & samples.

This is why chore charts are extremely helpful when it comes to organizing and keeping track of all your daily chores as well as the chores you would like to delegate to the other people sharing the same space with you. A chore chart will help you in dividing the tasks that you have to perform not just within the day, but you could also deal with the chores you have to do on a weekly and monthly basis. You may also be interested in sales flow charts examples & samples.

While it is definitely not a must to have a chore chart, it will still be great if you will have a tool that can help you in planning in advance all of the chores that you have to do if you really want to make it organized and have a smooth flow.

Kids Chore Chart Template

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Christmas Chore Chart Template

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Daily Chore Chart Template

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Boutique Chore Chart Template

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Apartment Chore Chart Example

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Cleaning Chore Chart Example

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Benefits of Keeping a Chore Chart

At first, you might think that having a chore chart is an unnecessary thing to do because this can also mean additional work of the chores and other tasks you already have. But do you have any idea that this can make your chores easier to deal with, which means, it would even save you more time. You may also see management flow chart examples.

Creating a chore chart could actually give you more benefits than hassle and trouble.

Here are some of the benefits of keeping a chore chart:

1. A chore chart will make things easier for you to deal with especially when you would already be tracking all of the chores you need do in a day, a week, and even in a month.

You may be a very forgetful person and for you to track just in your mind without writing it down will only increase the probability of completely forgetting about it altogether. With a chore chart, you will not be able to forget about it at all because you have already written it down. Plus, with a written record, you will be able to refer to it whenever you want. You may also see food chart examples.

2. A chore chart will enable you to plot your time and schedule wisely by making sure that you will be able to still do other things and not just your chores. Keep in mind that you do not only have chores to deal with but you also have some other tasks to do such as your work and your children, or roommate may have homework and school projects to accomplish and exams to study for.

3. A chore chart will help you in remembering the chores you need to do plus the things you need to buy in order to accomplish or simply make your task easier to deal with.

Aside from trying to remember the chores you have to do, you should also have to remember the things you need in order for you to accomplish your task effectively such as cleaning tools and materials. Oftentimes, the completion of tasks would get stalled because of the lack of cleaning tools and materials. You may also like comparison chart examples.

4. A chore chart will immensely help you when it comes to delegating other chores to your roommates or family members because they will easily identify the tasks they have to do and would not cause any convenience and even complaints. When you would set up your chore chart, you will be able to ensure that you are to delegate tasks fair and square. You may also check out behavior chart examples.

Child’s Chore Chart

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Personal Chore Chart Example

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Personal Weekly Chore Chart Example

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Age-Appropriate Chore Chart

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Responsibility Chore Chart Example

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Boy Chore Chart Template

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Age-Appropriate Chores for Children

While it is a fact that your child can possible do more than you think, it will still be best if you follow these age-appropriate chores for them so that they will learn and master chores in a step-by-step, slow, but sure manners:

1. Chores for children ages 2 to 3

  • Put own toys away
  • Feed and fill pet’s food dish
  • Put own clothes in hamper
  • Wipe up own spills
  • Pile light books and magazines

You may also see price chart examples.

2. Chores for children ages 4 to 5

Any of the aforementioned chores, and:

  • Make their own bed
  • Empty trash cans
  • Bring in mail or newspaper
  • Clear and clean dining table
  • Pull weeds (if you have a garden)
  • Use handheld vacuum
  • Water flowers and plants
  • Unload cutlery from the dishwasher
  • Wash plastic dishes at the sink
  • Fix self bowl of cereal

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3. Chores for children ages 6 to 7

Any of the aforementioned chores, and:

  • Sort the laundry according to color
  • Sweep the floors
  • Set and clear dining table
  • Help make and pack own lunch
  • Weed and rake leaves in the backyard
  • Keep own bedroom organized and tidy

4. Chores for children ages 8 to 9

Any of the aforementioned chores, and:

  • Load the dishwasher
  • Put away the groceries
  • Vacuum floors
  • Help in preparing and making dinner
  • Make own snacks for school
  • Clean table every after meals
  • Put away own laundry
  • Sew buttons of clothes
  • Make own breakfast
  • Peel vegetables
  • Cook simple foods
  • Sweep and mop the floor
  • Take pet out for a walk

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5. Chores for children ages 10 and older.

Any of the aforementioned chores, and:

  • Do the dishes or unload the dishwasher
  • Do and fold the laundry
  • Clean bathroom
  • Wash car
  • Cook simple meal
  • Iron clothes
  • Sew clothes
  • Look out for younger siblings (but with an adult at home)
  • Clean the kitchen counters and tables
  • Change their own bed sheets

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Chore Chart and Planners Example

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Our Family Chore Chart

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Pet Chore Chart

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Preschool Chore Chart

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Chore Chart for Kids

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Chore Delegation Tips for Your Chore Chart

If you already think that accomplishing chores is one of the most difficult things to do then that’s where you are wrong because delegating these chores to the other people you are living with is way more difficult especially if they are hardheaded. With that, here are some tips that could help in you delegating tasks to your family members or roommates.You may also see marketing flow chart examples.

1. Assign chores to the right people

There are some tasks that your roommate or family member could not handle that only you can and vice versa. Make sure that when you are to delegate the chores, you are entrusting it to the perfect person who can accomplish the task efficiently.

Now, you might encounter the probability that no one in the house in the room could not do a single chore or that he or she will complain about not being able to do anything. The best way to deal with this is to give them the simplest task that will build up their skill as early as possible so that when they would get older, the will already be capable of doing other tasks. You may also like flow chart examples.

2. Be reasonable when it comes to setting expectations.

Given that you are delegating tasks to a child, keep in mind that he or she may not be able to do it effectively since he is still young and will still have a lot of things to learn.

Give them something simple to begin with, such as helping in hanging clothes. Do not expect them to be able to withstand heavy clothes and just give them lighter ones such as handkerchief and his or her own clothes. You can check online the list of chores appropriate to a particular age. You may also check out process flowchart examples.

3. Set an example.

By setting an example, it means that you should be an example to your children or roommate. If you are also equally lazy when it comes to doing your chores, chances are,they will also be lazy because what right do you have in delegating chores you cannot even do? You may also like management flow chart examples.

Your children and roommate will look up to you if you are doing the exact same thing to see if you are being fair. It is also encouraged that you should be working on different chores at the same time because it will be so much fun and motivating rather than setting it in a different time wherein one can see and get envious that you are not doing anything when in fact, you have already accomplished your own set of chores earlier. You may also see medical chart examples.

4. Involve them when creating a chore chart.

When you involve people when creating the chore chart as well as the decision-making process when you will already be adding categories and other content in your chore chart, they will be able to gain a sense of accountability as well as feel ownership of the responsibilities delegated to them.

You can hold a meeting wherein you will sit down and do nothing except creating the chore chart and its contents. And do not just ask them to sit down just to give the illusion that their opinions are being considered because you have to actually include some of their suggestion. However, if their suggestion does not fit, also make sure that you will be able to explain why. You might be interested in flow chart examples & samples.

5. Consider giving out rewards.

Another way to motivate people in helping you out with the chores is to consider giving out a reward. Having a reward system is indeed foolproof when it comes to convincing a person to do a task he or she would initially say no to at first.

As a parent, you may include an additional allowance once they would be able to complete a week’s worth of chores or you could give them special privileges such as having an extra gaming hour once they would be able to complete a day’s worth of chores. As a roommate, you could say your roommate could have his or her friends to come over once he or she has already done his part in the chores. You may also check out metric conversion chart examples.

Clearly determine what reward would fit your family or to your roommate so that they will indeed get convinced to agree with you. It can be considered as some sort of bribery; however, if you would not do this and that they have initially complained when you asked them nicely, then you just have to inform them what’s in it for them aside from having a conducive living space. You may also see business flow chart examples.

6. Make your chore charts visual.

The proverb “Out of sight, out of mind” is indeed true because if you have no visual representation of the chore chart you have sat down and discussed thoroughly, it will easily be get forgotten.

Plus, I forgot about it” alibis will no longer be accepted once you would put up the chore chart on one of the walls in your living space. You will also be able to consider the learning tendencies of others since some might learn and remember things better when he or she sees it. You may also check out project flow chart examples.

Roommate Chore Chart Example

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Rotating Chore Chart for Kids Example

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Sample Chore Chart to Reduce Moms Work

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Sample Weekly Chore Chart Example

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Cat Care Chore Chart

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Simple Family Chore Chart Example

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Weekly Chore Chart Example

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Weekly Chore Chart Example for Family

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7. If there are rewards, there should also be consequences.

Since there are rewards when the job gets done, there will also be consequences when the job has not been accomplished or when the job gets done poorly.

Remind them that they are responsible and accountable for the things they do and for the things that they have failed to do. Even if you are dealing with children, it is important to not let them get off the hook easily because this can shape their character as they grow. Even in simple things such as chores, you can already teach them how life works and that whatever you do and whatever you failed to do, there will always be consequences. You might be interested in diet chart examples.

However, do no be too harsh on your consequences to the point that it will be too hard on your children, and you should also be able to consider the circumstances around your roommate such as projects, school-related tasks, and work-related tasks that he or she has to focus solely on for the time being. You may also see basic flow chart examples.

8. Get organized first before you expect everyone else would become organized too.

Again, be a model first before you would impose tasks and chores to anyone. People know that chores can be a daunting task and if you would just assign it to anyone else and you do not even practice it yourself, then no one will really heed to you. Do not expect anyone to follow what you say when you are doing otherwise or the complete opposite. You may also like flow chart examples in PDF.

9. Make sure you would find time to insert fun and breaks.

Even if you doing a chore, you can still make it fun and you should also insert some breaks in between successive chores such as doing the laundry where you would have to wash the clothes first, dry it for those who have dryers or hang it for those who don’t, and when it’s dry, you would then have to iron and then fold it. You may also check out flowchart examples for students.

You could insert breaks in between such as having some short board games or watch a film while the washing machine is still running and you could also do other fun but worthwhile tasks while your clothes are drying up such as painting or having a good read. You could even do other chores while the other one is ongoing and if doing chores is your kind of fun. You may also see monthly chart examples.

Just remember the famous proverb that goes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” when you would already be delegating chores to others and when you would already be creating a chore chart.

10. Keep things interesting.

Despite the fact that chores are notoriously known for being a cause of whines among children and rife between roommates, there is still hope for this dreaded task and one of it is making the system interesting.

You do not have to consider following and getting locked into one system that would run the entire process of delegating and doing chores. You can add some elements on the daily chores such as incorporating rewards for a chore well done and a consequence for a job not well done or for a job that has not been accomplished at all. You may also see nursing flowchart examples.

11. Supervise.

Supervision is very important when you are dealing with children. You should not leave children alone when they would be carrying out the tasks assigned to them.

It is in keeping an eye on them that you will know whether the chore chart system that you have created had been successful enough to be carried out further. It does not mean that you already have already delegated chores that your responsibility is completely gone because you would still have to check up on your children and make sure that the chore chart system you have made is going smoothly. You may also like recruitment flow chart examples.

12. Keep the chores age appropriate.

You may have children of varying age and this means that you should be able to delegate age-appropriate chores to them. The oldest may be assigned with tasks that are on the advanced-level kind of chores such as doing the laundry and he or she may also be assigned with more chores. The younger ones will be given simpler tasks such as wiping windows and doors and they will also get lesser number of chores. You may also see exercise chart examples.

By assigning age-appropriate chores, you will be able to train them step by step. Additionally, this will also lessen your expectations on them. How can you even expect a six year-old doing a laundry and get upset when it is not done correctly? By making sure that the tasks you assign to them are age appropriate, all there is for you to expect is for them to be able to do their best. You may also like size chart examples.

13. Let other people help you in creating the chore chart.

Involve other people, be it your children or your roommate, in the entire process of creating the chore chart. Allow them to decide to choose the chores they are confident doing, but if you don’t see it fit, you must also have to explain why not. You may also check out sales flow chart examples.

While you will not allow them to decide what tasks they want to do, do not also let yourself do all the decision-making. Keep in mind that the chores you are delegating involves them, which means that you should consider their sentiments and opinions.

There is always a way to turn your daunting responsibilities in a manageable size, and chore charts are just one of the ways for you to do chores and delegate chores easier to the people you are sharing the same living space.

Just make sure that both sides will be able to keep a healthy communication with another so it will avoid any instance wherein one party would be complaining because the other party had failed to accomplish the chores assigned to him or her. You might also be interest in daily chart examples & samples should you want to get more chart inspirations.


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