Graduate School Personal Statement

Last Updated: June 24, 2024

Graduate School Personal Statement

Simply speaking, statements are things that express or state information or facts about something or someone. Different statements may vary in the means of delivery. They may either be written or oral. Financial statements, for instance, are examples of statements usually delivered through writing.

Writing a statement usually takes effort. This is because one needs to be certain of the facts before he writes it. Writing income statements, for example, needs a thorough research about the company’s finances and make sure that the information he/she gives is factual and accurate.

Graduate School Statement

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Nursing Graduate School Personal

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Psychology Graduate School Statement

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Science Graduate School Personal

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What Is a Graduate School Personal Statement?

Personal statements are usually written to describe certain things about an individual including his/her achievements, interests, and other personal things he/she would like to be included. A graduate school personal statement is a statement written by a person upon his/her admission to graduate school. In writing this statement, the individual, or in this case, the applicant would include his/her attributes and qualifications and other things that makes him/her fit for admission, and may include why he/she wants to attend the academic program.

How to Start a Graduate School Personal Statement

Writing a graduate school personal branding statement takes time, effort, and even self-control. Why, you ask? Because you need to write every good thing about you (i.e. achievements, qualifications, attributes, etc.) without sounding too arrogant or proud. You need to impress, but not too much to the point of being a major turn off. So, start off by stating something else, maybe a few experiences and what you’ve learned from them, or your interests, or even the reason why you want to be part of their program. Just don’t start by bragging about yourself immediately. These statement examples in PDF format will be able to guide you if you’re still confused on how to start.

Harvard Graduate School Personal

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Engineering Graduate School Statement

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How to Write a Personal Statement

Now that you already know how to begin writing your personal statement, it’s time to give it a body and ending. Some free statement examples in Word format are here to help you, and here are some tips you might want to keep in mind:

  • Know the purpose of your statement. Why are you writing it in the first place?
  • Plan what to write. You might want to create an outline of things to include and avoid writing in your personal statement.
  • Just write. Talk about yourself, your achievements, qualities, experiences and everything that makes you qualified for the program. Write everything that matters. But try not to make it sound like a diary entry.
  • Be sincere. You want them to acknowledge your potential as a candidate for that program, tell them about it. Be honest about your thoughts and everything you write.
  • Be direct to the point. Your readers may not have the luxury of time to read everything so keep it short.
  • Always proofread. Reread and revise until you feel it’s spotless. It is best to have a personal reader to point out errors you cannot see.

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