How to Handle your Experian Credit Report

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

How to Handle your Experian Credit Report

What Is Experian Credit Report?

An Experian credit report is basically a credit report importance managed by a Credit Bureau company called Experian. The Experian credit report is one of the three most important credit reports you will have. There are actually a lot of credit reporting agencies, but many people are only familiar with the three biggest credit bureau: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

It is important that you have and manage all three credit report provided by the three companies mentioned above, especially the Experian credit report. Because you might never know what credit report a creditor or a lender is going to check.

What Kind of Accounts Are on Experian Credit Report?

Any kind of credit account is used to build your Experian credit report. A credit account is all kind of financial report account that is linked with your bank of any financial institution.

Here are some examples of credit account.

  • Current accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Loans
  • Mortgages
  • Utility accounts (e.g. electricity bill or water accounts)
  • Mobile phone contracts
  • Home entertainment packages (e.g. Internet, TV and home phone accounts)
  • Mail order catalog accounts

All of that information stays on your credit report for 6 years and how you manage it will affect your Experian credit report.

How to Order Your Experian Credit Report

The federal law grants anyone a free copy of Experian credit report writing each year. You can get your copy through website. The and offer free viewing of your credit report plus they do not require anyone to subscribe a free trial of a credit card.

However, if you want to check your Experian credit report as often as you like so that you can manage it, you can purchase your Experian credit report directly from the Experian website for $19.95. The Experian also offer $1 for credit report and credit score if you sign up for a trial subscription.

How to Check Your Experian Credit Score

A credit score is an analysis of an individual’s credit status report and credit files. The credit score is used to represent the creditworthiness of an individual. Lenders use the credit score to determine who qualifies for a loan and the interest that is appropriate.

Your Experian credit score is based on all the information in your Experian credit report and this may vary from other credit scores provided by the other two credit bureaus. You can check your credit score and You also have an option to purchase your Experian credit score. You can do it on the Experian website or through

Errors in the Experian Credit Report

There are lots of cases where there are errors on the Experian credit report, such as a misspelling of name or wrong address, If you happen to have one after you received it, do not worry, The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the right to dispute the errors and have it removed.

Nevertheless, when you received your Experian credit report from the Experian website, it typically comes with instructions for disputing errors. When you also order it through the Experian website it will provide you a link where you can dispute the errors properly.

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