Incident Report Letter

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Incident Report Letter

Whenever an incident arises in a certain area or district, the local police would usually note that down in their blotter (a logbook that is often used to note the certain accident) and provide the gist of what went down in that certain accident. An incident report provides the parties concerned with a clear outlook on how the incident occurred and what can be done to prevent it from occurring again in the near future. Here is a list of templates that you can use to properly draft an incident report. Keep scrolling!

What is an Incident Report Letter?

An Incident Report Letter is a formal document detailing an event or occurrence, typically used in workplaces or institutions. It outlines the facts, circumstances, and repercussions of an incident, such as accidents, injuries, security breaches, or any noteworthy event. This letter provides a clear account of what transpired, including date, time, location, individuals involved, and a description of the incident. It serves as a record for future reference, investigation, or legal purposes.

Best Example of Incident Report Letter?

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Company/Organization Name]


[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Position]

[Company/Organization Name]


[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Subject: Incident Report Regarding [Describe Incident Briefly]

I am writing to report an incident that occurred on [Date] at approximately [Time] in [Location]. I was a witness to the event and wanted to provide a detailed account for documentation purposes.

Incident Details:

  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Location: [Specific Location]
  • Description: [Provide a thorough description of the incident, including what happened, who was involved, and any resulting damages or injuries.]

Actions Taken:

  • Immediate Response: [Detail any immediate actions taken to address the situation, such as first aid, contacting authorities, or securing the area.]
  • Witnesses: [List any witnesses or individuals present during the incident.]
  • Documentation: [Mention any photographs, video recordings, or other documents related to the incident.]


  • Preventive Measures: [Suggest any recommendations or preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.]

Please find attached [if applicable: photographs, additional documentation] for your reference.

I am available to provide further information or clarification if needed. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Contact Information]

1. Free Incident Report Letter Example

Free Incident Report Letter
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2. Free Incident Report Letter in Workplace

Free Incident Report Letter in Workplace
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3. Security Incident Report Example

Security Incident Report Template
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4. Simple Workplace Incident Report Example

Simple Workplace Incident Report
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5. IT Incident Report Example

IT Incident Report
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6. Restaurant Incident Report Example

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7. Free Daycare Incident Report Example

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 8. Construction Incident Report Example

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9. Simple Security Incident Report Example

Simple Security Incident Report
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10. Free Incident Report Example

Incident Report
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11. Free Sample Incident Report Letter In Hospital

Free Incident Report Letter In Hospital
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12. Free Incident Report Letter In Office

Free Incident Report Letter In Office
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13. General Incident Report Example

General Incident Report
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14. Construction Incident Report Example

Construction Incident Report2
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15. Workplace Incident Report Example

Workplace Incident Report
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16. Behavior Incident Report Example

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17. Sample School Incident Report Example

School Incident Report
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18. Employee Incident Report Example

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Following Protocol

1. Obtain the proper forms from your institution

Each company follows a different procedure on how incident reports should be written. It is best to try and get the proper forms issued from your respective supervisor or officer in-charge. If it does have a specific format, then it is best you analyze as to how it is written.

  • If the company you are working for has no specific format on how a general incident report should be written, then it is best if you write your own or learn as to how other people write their incident reports to have a basis.
  • Always learn to proofread and double-check with the content of your report. If you would want your incident report to look neat and tidy, you might as well use a computer to encode the necessary data rather than writing it by hand. You may also like police report examples

2. Start the report as soon as possible

Have you ever heard: “Striking the iron while it is hot”? It shares the same philosophy. If you wait a day or two before you start filling up the incident report, Your memory might start getting a little hazy. The best time to draft up an incident report would be an hour or less after it happened while your memory is still fresh. You may also check out service report examples

3. Provide the basic facts

As mentioned before, in the police blotter, the gist of the accident is given which normally involves the 5Ws and 1H: what, when, where, who, why (sometimes) and how. Here are some other details that you might want to include in the incident report:

  • The time, date and location of the incident (be specific; write the exact street address, etc.)
  • Your name and ID number.
  • Names of other members of your organization who were present. You may also see employee report examples & samples

4. Include a line about the general nature of the incident

Explain in detail the events that seemed to transpire before the event, during the event and what happened after the incident. Did something strange catch your eye? Were you able to get a call from a certain someone? Write that down.

  • For example, you could write that you were called to a certain address after a person was reported for being drunk and disorderly.
  • Note that you should not write what you think might have happened. Stick to the facts, and be objective. You may also like formal report examples & samples

19. General Incident Report Example

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Describing What Happened

1. Write a first-person narrative telling what happened

After following protocol as to how you will go about writing your report, it is then time to draft your incident report. Remember to sequence all the events that have transpired in order so that the concerned parties can be able to keep track properly of what happened first to what happened last.

  • When identifying the names of the people who were involved in the accident, make sure that their full names are being used and that included with these names are the date of birth, race, gender, and reference a government-issued identification number. Start a new paragraph to describe each person’s actions separately. Make sure that the 5Ws and 1H questions are answered to provide a complete picture of the report. You may also check out monthly report examples & samples
  • For example, when the police officer mentioned above arrives at the residence where he got the call, he could say: “Upon arrival, the officer observed an Asian male, now known as Mao Tze Dong; born on April 5, 1924, with a Beijing Driver’s License 00789142536, screaming and yelling at a local Chinese, Si Ma Guang, in the front lawn of the above location The Forbidden City. The officer separated both parties involved and conducted field interviews. The officer was told by Mr. Mao Tze Dong that he had come home from work and discovered that dinner was not made for him. He then stated that he became upset at his friend Mr. Si Ma Guang for not having the dinner ready for him.” You may also see consulting report examples
  • Try to include direct quotes from other significant witnesses and all concerned personnel involved in the incident. For example, in the above scenario, the officer could write “Si Ma Guang said to me ‘Chairman Mao was mad because I didn’t have dinner ready right on time.’”
  • If there are gruesome details that you find to be disturbing, it is best if you include that in the general report to show transparency and to understand the gravity of the situation at hand. The picture might not be pretty, but it still has to paint either way. Only by presenting the big picture can they do organization do something about it.

2. Be thorough

It is not only your job to be accurate, but also to be thorough and precise on the reactions that you see. For example, instead of saying “when I arrived, his face was red,” you could say, “when I arrived, he was yelling, out of breath, and his face was red with anger.” The second example is better than the first because many reasons can explain why his face was red at the time. It can be that he was blushing or maybe laughing too hard.

3. Be accurate

As mentioned before, accuracy is very important. If you are positive that you saw a certain action with your own two eyes, then list that down. If it came from an eyewitness, it is best if you indicate in the report for it to be verified by the local authorities. And since it came from a source that is not your own, it is better to classify that as a not proven fact. Check out termination letter examples & samples too.

  • Additionally, if you are reporting what the witness told you, you should write down anything that you remember about the witness’s demeanor. If their statements cause controversy later, your report can prove useful. You may also see medical report examples & samples. For example, it would be helpful to know that a witness appeared excited while telling you what happened, or if they seemed very calm and evenhanded.

4. Be clear

Make sure that when you write, it is straight to the point. Do not try to use flowery language to make your report sound pretty. You are not aiming to write a book. Although it is important to keep the report short and simple, it should also be concise and clear with sufficient details so that it will not be confusing later on what you are trying to file in the report.

  • Avoid technical or legal terminologies: For example, say “personal vehicle” instead of “P.O.V.” (personally owned vehicle), and “scene of the crime” instead of the typical numbered code that police typically use to notify others of their arrival. You may also like quality report examples
  • Use short, to-the-point sentences that emphasize facts and that don’t leave room for interpretation. Instead of writing “I think the suspect wanted to get back at his wife, because he seemed to have ill intentions when he walked up to her and grabbed her,” write “The suspect [insert name] walked over to his wife [name] and forcefully grabbed her by the wrist.”

5. Be honest

Transparency is very critical in writing your report. When you are being honest in your report, it means that you are not hiding something. It means that everything that you have to report is already listed down, giving a full and complete report on what occurred. You may also see report form examples & samples

20. Incident Report Sample Letter Example

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21. Work Incident Report Sample Example

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22. Example Incident Report Writing

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23. Incident Report Email Sample Example

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24. Basic Incident Report Example

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Polishing the Report

1. Double-check the basic facts

In journalism, you would have already committed a grave sin if you reported something that you have not double-checked what your source has said. Once that article gets published, it may be retracted, but that the responsibility for getting it wrong will fall on you and you alone. It will be like you have lied directly to the public. So, make sure that your facts are right. See expense report examples & samples as well.

2. Edit and proofread your report

No one likes to read a disorganized and grammatically incorrect report. So, try to proofread and make adjustments to your report.

3. Submit your incident report.

Once you are done with your report, submit it to your designated officer or superior in-charge. Upon submission, the usual procedure will most probably involve a board meeting with all concerned parties before a resolution can be made. Take a look at the research report examples available online for more.

In an incident report, what you see is truly what you get. That’s why honesty is very crucial in making these kinds of reports so that the present administration of the organization can take action to prevent another incident like that from ever occurring again. You may also see management report examples.

Tips for Writing an Incident Report

  1. Prompt Reporting: Record details promptly after the incident while the information is fresh and accurate.
  2. Clarity and Objectivity: Be clear and factual in your descriptions, avoiding assumptions or personal opinions. Stick to the facts.
  3. Chronological Order: Present the sequence of events in chronological order, detailing what happened before, during, and after the incident.
  4. Details Matter: Include specifics such as date, time, location, individuals involved, and any witnesses present.
  5. Describe the Incident: Provide a thorough description of what occurred, including the actions leading up to the incident and its aftermath.
  6. Use Clear Language: Use simple, understandable language. Avoid jargon or technical terms that might not be universally understood.
  7. Include Witnesses: Note the names and contact information of any witnesses and their accounts of the incident.
  8. Document Evidence: Attach any supporting evidence such as photographs, videos, or relevant documents that support your report.
  9. Immediate Actions Taken: Detail any immediate actions taken to address the situation or mitigate its impact.
  10. Follow Company Procedures: Adhere to organizational protocols and guidelines for reporting incidents.
  11. Recommendations: Provide recommendations for preventive measures or improvements to prevent similar incidents in the future.
  12. Review and Finalize: Review the report for accuracy and completeness before submitting it to the appropriate authorities or management.

How do you write an incident report letter?

Header Information:

  • Include your name, position, and contact details.
  • Date and address the recipient (e.g., supervisor, HR department).


  • Start with a clear and concise description of the incident’s date, time, and location.

Description of the Incident:

  • Present a detailed, objective account of the event. Describe what happened before, during, and after the incident.
  • Include specific actions, individuals involved, and any resulting injuries or damages.

Immediate Actions Taken:

  • Outline any immediate measures or interventions implemented to address the situation.

Witness Statements/Evidence:

  • Include statements from witnesses if available. Attach supporting evidence such as photos, videos, or documents.

Recommendations for Prevention:

  • Offer suggestions on preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.


  • Recap the main points and express readiness to provide further information if needed.
  • Sign off professionally with your name, position, and contact information.

What are the 4 types of incident reports?

  1. Employee Incident Reports: Detail incidents involving employees, such as accidents, injuries, or conflicts within the workplace.
  2. Medical Incident Reports: Document medical-related incidents like patient injuries, medication errors, or medical emergencies in healthcare settings.
  3. Security Incident Reports: Record security-related incidents, including thefts, vandalism, or breaches of security protocols.
  4. Property Damage Incident Reports: Describe incidents involving damage to property, whether within a workplace or other settings, such as accidents or vandalism.

What happens when you write an incident report?

  1. Documentation: The incident is documented in detail, including the date, time, location, individuals involved, and a description of what happened.
  2. Investigation: The report may prompt an investigation by relevant authorities, supervisors, or designated personnel to determine the cause and circumstances surrounding the incident.
  3. Preventive Measures: Recommendations for preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future might be implemented based on the report’s findings.
  4. Follow-Up Actions: Depending on the severity and nature of the incident, corrective actions, training, or disciplinary measures may be taken.
  5. Records and Compliance: The incident report becomes part of official records, ensuring compliance with organizational protocols, legal requirements, or industry regulations.

General FAQs

1. What is an Incident Report?

In any organization, a hospital, or assisted living, an incident report or accident report is very important. It is a report that is filled out to record details of an unexpected event that occurs at the facility, such as an injury to a patient, unusual work behavior, etc.

2. What is the purpose of using an Incident Report?

The goal of the incident report is to document the exact details of the event while they are fresh in the minds of those who witnessed it. This information may be useful in the future when dealing with such situations again. Organizations can be ready to face these issues without hesitation.

3. Who should write an Incident Report?

If you are a security guard or a police officer who is present at the scene where the incident has occurred, then you must write a detailed and accurate report, since it is an important aspect of your job. It gives a thorough account of what happened without missing crucial facts.

4. What are the 5 elements of a good incident report?

A good incident report includes clear details of what happened, the date/time/location, involved individuals, witnesses, and immediate actions taken, plus preventive recommendations for future incidents.

5. What is considered an incident report?

An incident report is a formal document detailing occurrences like accidents, injuries, security breaches, or noteworthy events, providing a factual account for organizational records and potential investigations.

6. What should you not write in an incident report?

In an incident report, avoid speculation, personal opinions, blaming, assumptions, or subjective details. Stick to facts, clarity, and objectivity for accurate documentation and analysis.

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