100+ Income Statement Examples to Download
In business, reading and preparing income statements is an essential part of what and how the money is being used throughout the company. Financial statements are part of an income statement and should also be essential to understand it. One of which is learning how to read and use them.
100+ Income Statement Examples
1. Income Statement Example

2. Income Statement Monthly Example

3. Quarterly Income Statement

4. Freelance Income Statement Template

5. Agency Income Statement Template

6. Restaurant Income Statement Template

7. Software Income Statement Template

8. Cleaning Service Income Statement Template

9. Advertising Agency Income Statement Template

10. Sample Real Estate Income Statement Template

11. Income Statement Template

12. Income Statement Monthly Template

13. Free Restaurant Income Statement Quarterly Template

14. Quarterly Income Statement Template

15. Managerial Accounting Income
16. Financial Accounting Statement
17. Accounting Multi-Step Income Sample
18. Employee Annual Income
19. Personal Annual Statement
20. Simple Annual Statement Example
The Purpose of Income Statements
An income statement is just one of the many documents included in a financial statement, which also includes other financial reports like the balance sheet and cash flow statement. Also called the profit and loss statement, the income statement focuses on the revenue and losses of the company, basically providing the company an overall view of their gains and losses in a specific period.
This is very important for an organization to know their profitability. It tells them if they have higher expenses than income so it provides them an opportunity to improve.
Money is the fuel to run a business. Having no knowledge on where your money ends up is the same thing as leading your business to its ruins. Preparing a profit and loss statement will allow you to have a hawk’s eye on your company. You will be able to identify if you are losing a lot that gaining. Then you can have a better perspective on how to properly pull the strings to keep your company from falling apart.
21. Small Business Income Statement
22. Start Up Business Income
23. Service Business Statement
24. Consulting Business Income Sample
25. Free Blank Income Statement
26. Blank Business Income Example
27. Blank Personal Statement
28. Service Company Income Statement
29. Construction Company Statement
30. Insurance Company Income
Types of Income Statements
There are two types of income statement: single-step income statement and multi-step income statement.
- Single-step Income Statement. This statement has two separate fields. The first one is for the revenue (cash inflows) and the other one is for the expense reports (cash outflows). In one step, you calculate the net profit or loss based on the total revenue minus the total expenses. This basic format is also used when creating a sales report.
- Revenues: Returns from business dealings, market analysis shares, and corporate enterprise, including all the products the company has sold, investment returns, and suppliers’ remittances.
- Expenses: Anything coming out of the company’s pocket, including but not limited to employee salary and bonuses, office and building lease, working materials, hardware maintenance, utilities, employee training and seminars, and other operating costs.
- Multiple-step Income Statement. A multi-step income statement has multiple sub-totals. It separates the sub-totals of the operating revenues and operating expenses from the non-operating revenues and non-operating expenses. This more detailed alternative to single-step statements allows identification of specific information.
- Operating revenue. The revenue from the main operation of the business statement, such as the revenues from a product sales.
- Non-operating revenue. The non-related sales income or revenue. Examples are revenue from sales of assets, dividend income, office leases etc.
- Operating expense. The costs to operate the business, such as employee salary and compensations, building lease (if applicable), hardware and software supplies, furniture and other operation equipment, etc. Basically, any expense used for the main operation of the company to write an income statement.
- Non-operating expense. Includes costs that are not a regular part of the actual operation, such as paid interests on major and minor loans used for the capital, lawsuit settlement fees, discarded inventory charges, etc.
31. Home Daycare Income Statement
32. Dog Daycare Income Sample
33. Projection Statement for Daycare
34. Multi-Step Comprehensive Income
35. Company Multi-Step Statement
36. Multi-Step Income Sample Statement
37. Personal Monthly Income
38. Blank Monthly Income Statement
39. Blank Business Statement Free
40. Manufacturing Company Income Statement
41. Manufacturing Business Statement
42. Manufacturing Pro Forma Income
43. Basic Personal Income Statement
44. Personal Business Income Statement
45. Partnership Business Income
46. Partnership Company Income Statement
47. Partnership Accounting Statement
48. Real Estate Agent Income Sample
49. Real Estate Company Income Sample
50. Commercial Real Estate Statement
51. Service Industry Income Statement
52. Cleaning Service Sample Statement
53. Service Organization Income Example
54. Small Restaurant Income Statement
55. Restaurant Monthly Statement
56. Start Up Restaurant Income Example
57. Annual Projected Income Statement
58. Blank Projected Income
59. Business Projected Statement
60. Bakery Shop Income Statement
61. Small Bakery Income Statement
62. Basic Accounting Income Statement
63. Basic Business Income Example
64. Basic Company Statement
65. Basic Monthly Income Example
66. Restaurant Proforma Income Statement
67. Company Income Statement Analysis
68. Balance Sheet and Income Statement of Baby Products
69. Income Statement in PDF
70. Quarterly Income Statement in PDF
71. Reformulation of Balance Sheet and Income Statement
72. Consolidated Income Statement
73. School Income Statement
74. Collins Industry Income Statement
75. Quarterly Report Income Statement
76. Manufacturing Company Income Statement
77. Multi-Step Format Income Statement
78. Income Statement Report
79. Personal Balance Sheet and Income Statement
80. Analysis of Income Statement
81. Salon Income Statement
82. Confidential Income Statement
83. Family Income Statement
84. Operating Income Statement
85. Net Income Statements
86. Banks Income Statement
87. Physician Request for Income Statement
88. Construction Company Income Statement
89. Family Income Statement in PDF
90. Net Farm Income Statement
91. Group Income Statement
92. Income Statement Structure
93. Employer Income Statement
94. Parents Income Statement
95. Income Statement for a Small Business
96. Sources of Income Statement
97. Notes on the Income Statement
98. Organization Income Statement
99. Household Income Statement
100. Income Statement in DOC
101. Sample Income Statement in DOC
What Is an Income Statement?
Income statements are tools used in businesses and companies to track the cash flow in finance and what it has been used for. It gives out a summary of the entire financial statement status of that quarter. It also holds details of financial growth and financial loss.
How to Read and Analyze Income Statements
Now that we have a general idea the next step is to know how to prepare an income statement could be a challenging task because of the many details you have to train your eyes on. Here are some tips that could help you understand and how to write income statements.
Step 1: Always Be Cautious
Doing a statement analysis takes practice, patience and skill. Being cautious helps you find mistakes and correct them. Remember to always pay attention to the important details such as the company’s expenses, the sources of the revenues, and the other businesses involved during that period.
Step 2: Compare and Check
Preparing a financial statement analysis can come through annual, quarterly or monthly statements of your income. Keep copies of all of it. Do some checks to make sure numbers add up and are correct. Any wrong information may eventually lead to a lot of confusion from both parties.
Step 3: Determine the Important Factors
Business statements also hold key information to help determine the factors of your income statement. This includes expenses, financial breakdowns, and the financial goal. Understand the priority of each factor. Operation expenses should be the main targets of where your finances are going.
Step 4: Make Sure the Statement Is Complete
Always know that one wrong move or a small mistake may lead to a difficult or different outcome. To avoid that from happening when it comes to making your income statements, check and double check every single detail in the statement.
What is the difference between an income statement and a profit and loss statement?
An income statement is the report writing of a company’s revenues and expenses in a certain period of time. The income statement tracks the entire business growth and determines the operating and non-operating revenues and expenses. A profit and loss statement is the guide to develop sales and objectives. To design competitive prices for the company’s goods, products and services. Profit and loss statements are an effective marketing report as it includes real estate statements that focus on the goods and possible returns.
What are the types of statements?
There are a lot of varieties of statements. In business and company related statements, these are the types of statements: classified income statement, comparative income statement, and condensed income statement, business statement, and financial statement. Each of the statements has a purpose.
What purpose does an income statement have?
The purpose of an income statement is to basically check and compare your finance profit and loss from a specific amount of time. An income statement is an essential report that contributes to the growth of the company. So whether you are the one making the statement or the one analyzing it, always consider all the business factors involved.
When you think of income statements, you know that this is part of handling and running a company or a business. It takes a lot of patience and a lot of knowledge to make a correct income statement. An income statement has different focuses whereas the profit and loss operates toward one goal.