Internship Weekly Report for Employees

Last Updated: October 15, 2024

Internship Weekly Report for Employees

Employee’s Name: Taylor Green
Position: HR Intern
Company Name: FutureTech Corporation
Reporting Period: October 8 – October 14, 2024

1. Overview of Weekly Activities

This week, I supported the HR team in recruiting tasks, including screening resumes and scheduling interviews. I also assisted in the employee onboarding process by preparing orientation materials and helping to facilitate a new hire orientation session.

2. Achievements and Contributions

  • Reviewed and shortlisted resumes for two open positions, reducing HR’s workload by 20%.
  • Successfully scheduled interviews for eight candidates and coordinated interview details with hiring managers.
  • Prepared welcome packets for new hires and contributed to a smooth orientation session.

3. Challenges and Solutions

  • Challenge: Coordinating multiple interview schedules was initially challenging due to timing conflicts.
    • Solution: I used scheduling software to manage appointments more effectively and confirmed availability with candidates and managers ahead of time.

4. Skills and Knowledge Gained

  • Learned the basics of applicant tracking systems and enhanced my resume screening skills.
  • Improved my organizational and time-management skills by coordinating interview schedules.
  • Gained hands-on experience in onboarding processes, learning how to facilitate a positive new hire experience.

5. Goals for Next Week

  • Participate in training on employee relations to understand conflict resolution strategies.
  • Assist with conducting an employee satisfaction survey to gather feedback.
  • Help draft an internal communication email to update employees on upcoming events.

Taylor Green
Date: October 15, 2024

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