10+ Employee Inventory Examples to Download
Employee inventory is used for monitoring the tasks assigned to the employees and the equipment issued to them. Apart from these two reasons, employee inventory can also be used for assessing the employee’s skills. Sometimes, it acts as a personal inventory for any employee. These inventories are prepared by the HR professional of the company by tracking the employee’s activities.
The level of detail and the quality of information are the important factors to consider while creating employee inventory, so it does ask you a bit of research. In order to make your work easier, we have given the examples of best employee inventories, which you can edit as per the requirements. let’s have a look at them.
Employee Inventory Examples & Templates
1. Employee Assigned Inventory Spreadsheet Template
These kinds of inventories are common in all organizations. This employee assigned inventory has been highly used for updating the tasks assigned to the employee. Along with the assigned tasks, this template comprises a column for updating the status of the task. This simple employee inventory has been designed in a simple layout with five columns for tracking the information such as date, employee name, tasks, assigned/ responsible person and the work status. Under the date column, the date of the assigned task will be entered, while under the status column the work in progress status will be updated. The status column would be updated based on the progress of the tasks. You can work/ update this inventory in the editing platforms such as ms word, ms excel, pages and numbers.
2. Sample Employee Inventory
This type of inventory is normally used in universities or any big organizations. Whenever an employee uses any objects or equipment in the organization or university, she/ he must register the activity. Here this type of inventories helps you store the activity. This inventory comprises several columns for storing the information about the equipment/ item taken for use, received place, date of received, returned place and date of return. By using this inventory, an organization keeps track of every objects and employees’ activity every item the activity is done. Download this example and edit it as per your requirements.
3. Employee Motivation Inventory
Using this inventory for your employees is a fair idea. Since this inventory comes with a few simple and confidence boosting content, this will surely help your approach to find a better way. This employee motivation inventory comes in a checklist format by comprising the statements such as assurance of regular employment, good pay, interesting work, low-stress environment, job responsibilities, involvement in taking decisions and a lot more. Check the sample attached here.
4. Employee Return Inventory
Given is the sample employee return inventory, which you can use when your employee reaches the final day of work. This sample inventory comprises broad content on employee activities. It starts with the employee name, department and final day of work. Under the middle section, you can find the columns for items issued to an employee, details on the reimbursement payment, issued safety shoes and cloth, additional allowances and employee’s email account. The inventory ends with highlighting the date along with the employer’s signature.
5. Employee Exit Inventory
This employee exit inventory has been used for the same purpose as employee return inventory. This inventory highlights the employee’s responsibility, accountable items, accountable forms, credit cards, identification, financial, agreements and remarks. This inventory ends up with the signature of the supervisor. Employee exit inventory comes in a simple format, thus any organization can use this by making several edits.
6. Employee Reliability Inventory
This type of inventories is usually prepared by the employers in order to verify the employee’s reliability towards the job role. The results on the reliability comprise freedom from disrupted job performance, courtesy, emotional maturity, conscientiousness, trustworthiness, long term job commitment and safety. As it comes in a simple format, anyone can make use of this template, by making it to your requirements.
7. Employee Property Inventory
Not all businesses ask this. But you need to prepare an employee’s asset inventory when you have applied for a loan. Companies who provide loans for their employees ask the employee’s asset value. By estimating the asset value, the employees get the loan amount within the mentioned time. This template comprises the credentials, access card, tools and equipment, personal gear, communication device, procurement card, etc. By having this inventory, you will make sure for being verified state.
8. University Employee Inventory
This type of employee inventory has been prepared for verifying the background check. Prior to the appointment or during the employment tenure, this type of inventories will be used to verify the employee’s authentication. Get this in the PDF format.
9. Inventory of Linked Employer-Employee Survey
Employer-employee survey inventories are being used for preparing an inventory list from both sides of employer and employees. These type of inventories could be done in the event of verification surveying the job roles. It helps the employer know if the employees do their job to the utmost satisfaction of the employer.
10. HR Policy Employee Inventory
HR policy employee inventory comprises columns for employment, promotion, internal investment and external factors. These inventories are used for the HR official to denote the HR policies to the employee of the company. Check the sample attached.