10+ Legal Invoice Examples to Download
A lawyer is a profession where one practices law by applying the legal theories of the constitution in a practical scenario. Lawyers work with multiple clients on different cases and charge their clients accordingly. Some lawyers’ bill their clients by the hour while others charge them on the number of hearings in a courtroom. A lawyers’ income is not just limited to the courtroom trial but they also charge for preparing affidavits, will & testaments, notary, and for advising clients on legal matters. It becomes hectic for a practising lawyer with a limited staff to record all the due payments and remind clients about the same.
Legal invoice helps in keeping a periodic record of the amount due to a client for a particular service offered. Invoice helps in reviewing entries, collecting bills and methodically reminding clients about the unpaid dues. This article will discuss 10+ Invoice templates and examples which have been sorted out after thorough research which will help you tackle the issues of generating a legal invoice and shall address your queries regarding the same.
Legal Invoice Examples & Templates
1. Legal Invoice Template

Legal invoice is almost the same as the regular invoice. The general format of a legal invoice includes details about the lawyer, lawyer registration number, and practicing license number. Apart from these details, it includes details about the service offered and charges for the same. This document is an editable template of legal invoice available in six formats for downloading. Edit this document and invoice are ready to print.
2. Legal Services Invoice Template

This document is an advanced template of a legal invoice. Along with the basic content of a legal invoice, it includes details about the payment method accepted. One can also add bank account details in this format. This template provides adequate space for entering the case summary of a client in brief. It also includes a provision to enter a reference, terms and the due date for payment. The template is available for download in two sizes and six file formats.
3. Legal Consulting Invoice Template

Lawyers’ can formulate multiple invoice templates for different services offered by them. By doing so one can save a lot of time by avoiding reentry of basic details for similarly services provided to different clients. All it takes is just a onetime basic data entry of different service according to their format. This file permits one to modify parameters of description according to the need. The unique design and the availability of space for adding a company logo make it one of the best templates available for a legal consulting invoice.
4. Free Legal Service Invoice

Everyone is not sharp and punctual as the others. Some lawyers often find it difficult in remembering outstanding amounts of clients and some are confused about the amount of collection from different clients. In such situations, one ends by not getting paid for the work they have done. As a lawyer, one does not manufacture any product but charge clients for their legal understanding and knowledge. Invoicing helps in avoiding all such problems for a lawyer. Immediately issuing an invoice to the client and retaining a copy of the invoice will not only help in easily tracking the payments but also helps in reminding clients about the due date and overdue payments. Download this template free of cost and resolve your invoicing issues.
5. Legal Billing Records Invoice
This file is a standard document of Legal Billing Records Invoice. Details about the law firm, order, contact person, date and the patient name are required to be filled up in the form. It also requires detailed information about the patient and the service provided to pull out the record. Advance payment has to be made by cheque to enable the processing of the application. Download this file to understand the format and processing information required in a legal billing records invoice.
6. Legal Services Invoice Statement
In order to receive payment for legal invoices from an institution, one has to provide a legal services invoice statement that records the cumulative amount of billed invoices and then processes the payment. This first page of this file provides instructions on how to fill up the form and is then followed by the actual form. It is a blank form can be used by an individual intending to claim payments or can be used in formulating one such form.
7. Sample of Legal Invoice
This document is a simple format of a legal invoice. It includes all the basic content of an invoice and is designed in grayscale. Such invoices are usually computer generated and do not require a signature. It can be sent as a soft copy to the client and if required a printout can also be obtained. Download this file to study the format of this invoice and use it as a reference to prepare a legal invoice.
8. Legal Invoice for Fees & Expenses
The above file is a legal invoice for fees and expenses issued by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The form is divided into sections for accurate information analysis. Section one should contain information about law firm & institution and section two must include information on current billing. Section three is a certification clause that requires the signature and date of authorized persons from the law firm.
9. Legal Invoice Inquiry
This is a one-page legal invoice inquiry form. It requires details like agency name, client number, address, DOJ invoice & matter number, date involved and hours involved. Inquiry detail has to be explained in detail and necessary attachments must be included. Download this file to explore the in and out of legal invoice inquiry form.
10. Legal Invoice in PDF
Legal invoices include details about different services offered. Some chose to offer an individual invoice for each service while others issue a single invoice for a client and include all the details and charges. This invoice includes professional services and additional services in a single file. The format of the invoice is basic and simple but contains all the requisites of a legal invoice.
11. Legal Guardian Invoice
This document is an example of Legal/Guardian Invoice. It follows the standard format and requires information to be filled out in the provided space. This file can be directly used as an invoice by manually adding the required information and can also be used as a reference to formulate a fresh template.
10+ Legal Invoice Examples to Download
A lawyer is a profession where one practices law by applying the legal theories of the constitution in a practical scenario. Lawyers work with multiple clients on different cases and charge their clients accordingly. Some lawyers’ bill their clients by the hour while others charge them on the number of hearings in a courtroom. A lawyers’ income is not just limited to the courtroom trial but they also charge for preparing affidavits, will & testaments, notary, and for advising clients on legal matters. It becomes hectic for a practising lawyer with a limited staff to record all the due payments and remind clients about the same.
Legal invoice helps in keeping a periodic record of the amount due to a client for a particular service offered. Invoice helps in reviewing entries, collecting bills and methodically reminding clients about the unpaid dues. This article will discuss 10+ Invoice templates and examples which have been sorted out after thorough research which will help you tackle the issues of generating a legal invoice and shall address your queries regarding the same.
Legal Invoice Examples & Templates
1. Legal Invoice Template
File Format
Google Docs
Google Sheets
Size: A4 & US
Legal invoice is almost the same as the regular invoice. The general format of a legal invoice includes details about the lawyer, lawyer registration number, and practicing license number. Apart from these details, it includes details about the service offered and charges for the same. This document is an editable template of legal invoice available in six formats for downloading. Edit this document and invoice are ready to print.
2. Legal Services Invoice Template
File Format
Google Docs
Google Sheets
Size: A4 & US
This document is an advanced template of a legal invoice. Along with the basic content of a legal invoice, it includes details about the payment method accepted. One can also add bank account details in this format. This template provides adequate space for entering the case summary of a client in brief. It also includes a provision to enter a reference, terms and the due date for payment. The template is available for download in two sizes and six file formats.
3. Legal Consulting Invoice Template
File Format
Google Docs
Google Sheets
Size: A4 & US
Lawyers’ can formulate multiple invoice templates for different services offered by them. By doing so one can save a lot of time by avoiding reentry of basic details for similarly services provided to different clients. All it takes is just a onetime basic data entry of different service according to their format. This file permits one to modify parameters of description according to the need. The unique design and the availability of space for adding a company logo make it one of the best templates available for a legal consulting invoice.
4. Free Legal Service Invoice
File Format
Size: A4 & US
Everyone is not sharp and punctual as the others. Some lawyers often find it difficult in remembering outstanding amounts of clients and some are confused about the amount of collection from different clients. In such situations, one ends by not getting paid for the work they have done. As a lawyer, one does not manufacture any product but charge clients for their legal understanding and knowledge. Invoicing helps in avoiding all such problems for a lawyer. Immediately issuing an invoice to the client and retaining a copy of the invoice will not only help in easily tracking the payments but also helps in reminding clients about the due date and overdue payments. Download this template free of cost and resolve your invoicing issues.
5. Legal Billing Records Invoice
File Format
Size: 100 KB
This file is a standard document of Legal Billing Records Invoice. Details about the law firm, order, contact person, date and the patient name are required to be filled up in the form. It also requires detailed information about the patient and the service provided to pull out the record. Advance payment has to be made by cheque to enable the processing of the application. Download this file to understand the format and processing information required in a legal billing records invoice.
6. Legal Services Invoice Statement
File Format
Size: 704 KB
In order to receive payment for legal invoices from an institution, one has to provide a legal services invoice statement that records the cumulative amount of billed invoices and then processes the payment. This first page of this file provides instructions on how to fill up the form and is then followed by the actual form. It is a blank form can be used by an individual intending to claim payments or can be used in formulating one such form.
7. Sample of Legal Invoice
File Format
Size: 73 KB
This document is a simple format of a legal invoice. It includes all the basic content of an invoice and is designed in grayscale. Such invoices are usually computer generated and do not require a signature. It can be sent as a soft copy to the client and if required a printout can also be obtained. Download this file to study the format of this invoice and use it as a reference to prepare a legal invoice.
8. Legal Invoice for Fees & Expenses
File Format
Size: 139 KB
The above file is a legal invoice for fees and expenses issued by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The form is divided into sections for accurate information analysis. Section one should contain information about law firm & institution and section two must include information on current billing. Section three is a certification clause that requires the signature and date of authorized persons from the law firm.
9. Legal Invoice Inquiry
File Format
Size: 8 KB
This is a one-page legal invoice inquiry form. It requires details like agency name, client number, address, DOJ invoice & matter number, date involved and hours involved. Inquiry detail has to be explained in detail and necessary attachments must be included. Download this file to explore the in and out of legal invoice inquiry form.
10. Legal Invoice in PDF
File Format
Size: 36 KB
Legal invoices include details about different services offered. Some chose to offer an individual invoice for each service while others issue a single invoice for a client and include all the details and charges. This invoice includes professional services and additional services in a single file. The format of the invoice is basic and simple but contains all the requisites of a legal invoice.
11. Legal Guardian Invoice
File Format
Size: 265 KB
This document is an example of Legal/Guardian Invoice. It follows the standard format and requires information to be filled out in the provided space. This file can be directly used as an invoice by manually adding the required information and can also be used as a reference to formulate a fresh template.