Do’s and Don’ts for Quitting your Job

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Do’s and Don’ts for Quitting your Job

What’s the proper way to resign from a job? Do you pick up your things and leave like nothing ever happened?

Resigning from a job can be quite the chore — probably even more stressful than the work you put into completing each task. But it’s bound to happen for reasons only you can identify, so whether you like it or not, it has to be done. Fortunately, we made a list of things you should follow and things you must avoid doing when it comes to leaving your job. Not only will it help you make the proper transition, but it can also make things easier for your current employer. You may also like the what is a resignation letter.

1. Do Give a Two Weeks Notice

Providing a two weeks notice regarding your resignation is a corporate protocol. Although this may also depend on your years of service to the company, a resignation notice is a standard practice that you need to adhere to while you leave your job. A notice can be as important to you as it is to the company you’ve worked for. You don’t want to surprise your employers by deciding not to show up one day, as this can greatly affect business operations. They would still need to look for a replacement, possibly ask you to help out with training as well.

2. Don’t be Negative about it

Maybe you’ve grown tired of feeling overworked and being pushed around in the workplace. Or maybe you found a job with a better pay. Regardless of your reason, don’t get carried away by your emotions. You may not have had the best experiences with your colleagues and employers in the given company, but writing it down on paper should never be considered. If you want certain issues and concerns to be addressed for the sake of current and future employees, then save it for your exit interview. Open communication will allow you to express your thoughts accordingly to avoid any grievances and misunderstandings.

3. Do Clean your Computer

Delete personal emails, notes, files, and chat messages as soon as you decide on quitting. There may be files and folders that contain information you don’t want your employer to know about. It also makes it easier for the next person who will be assigned to your desk. And if your employer decides your resignation takes effect immediately, at least you’re prepared for it.

4. Don’t Hope for a Counter Offer

In some cases, employers offer resigning employees with a salary increase or a better job position in an attempt to make them stay. It’s a long shot, but some people think of it as an easy way to challenge hiring managers. But don’t expect a counteroffer every time. A company could have a long list of qualifying applicants lining up, so a replacement who is competent enough to take your place won’t be hard to find. If the offer comes, think about it. If it doesn’t, then go on and set off on a new adventure with your career. You may also like the complaint letter.

5. Do Make a Formal Resignation Letter

Even if you do make a resignation email or opt to do it over the phone, writing a formal resignation letter may still be necessary to secure a written record of your departure. While there’s not much to say other than your point of leaving and when your last day will be, you still need to keep it honest, sincere, and heartfelt. Express your gratitude towards your mentors and employers in the simplest manner.

6. Don’t Forget to Return Company Items

It’s not unusual for employees to be given mobile phones, laptops, and even a service vehicle under company property. This is usually granted to employees for a better work performance. So before you leave, make sure to return them. It’s highly doubtful that anyone would notice a missing pen, but something as valuable as a cellphone can land you in hot waters. After all, you don’t want to end up in a senseless game of hide-and-seek with your employer just to have you return company items. You may also like the notice letter examples.

7. Do Offer Help

Workload transitions are one of the most significant chapters to undergo before your departure. For one thing, you may be a part of an ongoing project that’s impossible for you to complete before the effective date, so you want to make sure the people you leave behind stay mindful with what they’re meant to face. Train newcomers with everything they need to know and inform co-workers on how certain matter may be handled. It’s not that you owe anyone anything, but this is a clear sign of professionalism despite the circumstance at hand.

8. Don’t Disappear during the Last Few Days

In connection with the other dos and don’ts being mentioned, don’t go MIA. There may be paper works to settle, projects that need to be finished, and people you need to talk to. This is all part of the transition. Leaving everything as is can give you a bad name, which may possibly cause conflict with your future employer. You may also see the two weeks notice letters.

9. Do Inform Clients

Some clients grow fond of company employees due to their impressive service and work ethics. Building trust between you and your clients is a good thing, but you need to make sure they trust the company as a whole and not just one person. Inform clients of your departure by seeking guidance from your manager. This will help you settle questions and concerns professionally. You may also like the letter of rejections.

10. Don’t Burn Bridges

It won’t hurt to keep in touch with former colleagues and superiors; you never know when they can be of help with your career path. Say your formal goodbyes by acknowledging every individual who has been a significant part of your journey. If your co-workers are planning a party on your behalf, then have your farewell speech ready. Even if you have your whole life ahead of you, it’s always good to express your gratitude towards those who have contributed to your growth.

The manner in which you leave your former job can greatly impact the way you approach a new chapter of your life. It says a lot about your character as a working professional, so you want to make sure you give the right impression. Keep these dos and don’ts in mind to leave your job the proper way, and start a new beginning in the right light. You may also like a formal letter.

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