Landlord-Tenant Checklist

Last Updated: May 9, 2024

Landlord-Tenant Checklist

As a landlord or owner, you must see to it that your property being leased or rented is still on the same condition before it is being rented or in a fairly good condition. In order to review and inspect the properties, all you need is a checklist. Apart from checking the condition, it also checks for the completeness of the leased or rented items or units. To give you ideas on how to create a checklist, we offer you the best landlord-tenant checklist templates and examples. Check them out in the next section.

Landlord-Tenant Checklist Templates and Examples

1. Landlord-Tenant Condition of Rental Property Checklist

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It is the responsibility of the landlord to provide the tenant a list of the property rented as well as their respective conditions at the commencement of the rent period. This is important because, at the end of the rent period, the conditions of the properties need to be checked before the tenant can move out from the rented property. In this example, the items on the different parts of the house—living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, and hall—are listed. The next column is a space provided to write the condition of the items on arrival and condition on departure. At the last portion of the document, spaces for signatures are provided and the move-in and move-out inspection dates. This checklist must be signed by the owner or agent as well as the tenant.

2. Landlord-Tenant Move-In and Move-Out Property Checklist

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This move-in and move-out property checklist is important not only to document the conditions of the items being moved in and out but also to check for the completeness of the items. At the top portion of the paper, you can find the information about the tenant, including his or her name and the complete address. After the tenant information, the abbreviations for the different conditions are posted. This is followed by a detailed list of the items being rented and important signatories as well as move-in and move-out dates.

3. Landlord-Tenant Walk-Through Checklist

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In this checklist example, you can find the complete list of the items inside a rental unit and its premises. Several columns are prepared where you can write down the condition of the properties on arrival and the condition on departure. On the last column, you can write the estimated cost of repair or replacement. Typically, the repairs and maintenance expenses are to be shouldered by the tenant. However, they might also come up with an agreement or stipulation stating that the tenant will only shoulder up to a certain amount depending on the nature of the damage of the property. For example, if the damage is caused by fortuitous events, the tenant will not be held liable for the damage. On the other hand, if the damage is due to the negligence of the tenant, he or she must pay for the full amount to restore the property to its original condition.

4. Landlord-Tenant Compliance Checklist

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Both the landlord or owner and the tenant have responsibilities in a rent or lease agreement. They must know their basic responsibilities and obligations as well as their rights. This landlord-tenant compliance checklist will help landlords determine how well they are in meeting the requirements of tenancy laws. Also included is an individual tenancy checklist, which includes tenancy residential agreement, records, maintenance, and general compliance.

5. Basic Landlord-Tenant Checklist

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Presented in this checklist are the things that a tenant must know before signing a lease agreement and the things that the landlord must comply. The concerns that both parties must address are the following: the lease, promised repairs, upfront costs, swimming and spa pools, history of the residential property, top tips for problem-free renting, and further information.

6. Landlord-Tenant Property Checklist

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Similar to many other landlord-tenant property checklists, this contains a detailed and complete list of the items included in a rented property. The items are grouped according to their location, whether they are in the living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, and other areas. In order for the checklist to be credible and valid, it must be signed and approved by the landlord or property manager and the tenant.

7. Landlord-Tenant Rental Condition Checklist

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Apart from the typical items found in a rented property, also included in this checklist is an acknowledgment by the tenant that all smoke detectors and alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and fire extinguishers were tested in their presence and found to be in working order prior to the start of the rent period. The tenant must also acknowledge that all the testing procedures were explained to them. This is a vital part of a checklist in order to ensure that the safety of the tenant and to make sure that the landlord complied with the necessary safety and health requirements.

8. Landlord-Tenant Guidelines and Checklist

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Contained in this document are landlord-tenant guidelines and checklist, which include the necessary things that both the landlord and tenant must know, including the following: guidelines before renting, lease agreements, moving in guidelines, maintaining the rental property, special property issues, paying and collecting debt, changing the lease, moving out guidelines, eviction agreement, manufactured home residency act, and storage units.

9. Private Landlord-Tenant Checklist

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Among the basic right of a private tenant are as follows: to live in the accommodation undisturbed, to live in a property in good repair, to have information about the tenancy, and to have protection from eviction by anyone other than an authorized court bailiff. In this private landlord-tenant checklist, discussed are the important things you need to do before you move in, terms regarding pets and smoking, property standards, signing up and moving in, and agreement regarding ending the tenancy.

10. Landlord-Tenant Farmland Lease Checklist

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Besides house and apartment, farmland can also be subject to a lease. In this regard, if you are the property owner or the landlord, you must have a checklist on what to include in your farmland lease agreement, similar to this landlord-tenant farmland lease checklist example. The general items to be included are the information of the parties to the lease, general terms, termination of the contract, operation and maintenance, landlord rights and government payment, arbitration of difference, and crop-share provisions.

Hopefully, the examples presented above give you insights and ideas when you create your own checklist for your property being rented or leased.

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