Explanation Incident Report Letter

Last Updated: May 24, 2024

Explanation Incident Report Letter

What comes to mind if you hear the word incident? You can automatically assume something happened which is true that is what it means. How about the word report? You may say a written document. Lastly, the word letter? Another document but with a different purpose. If you mix all three words together, you will immediately get an incident report letter. Any thoughts that you may have about this kind of matter? Have you ever had to write a report letter to someone about something? The reasons can differ but the most common is to ask for help during an incident that you either witnessed or you were a part of it. Writing down reports can sometimes be a problem for some people. It is understandable that reports are also useful, but it can also be a burden for those who may see it as something else. Let me tell you something, writing an incident report letter is actually a very useful tool. The question here is, if you have any idea on how to begin or where to begin. If not, this article will surely be of great use and help to you. Scroll down for more ideas and tips now.

7+ Explanation Incident Report Letter Examples

1. Incident Report Letter in Office Template

incident report letter in office
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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • MS Outlook
  • Apple Pages


2. Incident Report Letter in Hospital Template

incident report letter in hospital
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • MS Outlook
  • Apple Pages


3. Incident Report Letter in Workplace Template

incident report letter in workplace
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages


4. Sample Explanation Incident Report Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


5. Simple Explanation Incident Report Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 640 KB


6. Formal Explanation Incident Report Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 809 KB


7. Explanation Incident Report Sample Letter Format

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  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


8. Explanation Incident Report Letter in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


What Is an Explanation Incident Report Letter?

To start off the topic, let us first define what is an explanation of an incident report letter. It may sound like a mouthful and something quite complicated.  However, it is as easy as writing a simple letter. Let me explain. An explanation incident report letter is a kind of letter that you write to someone to explain the reason for the incident. This letter contains all the data, evidence or proof and the information that could be useful to the person or the company that may need it. In addition to that, a good explanation is always the key to making the other person understand about the current incident. The whole purpose of an explanation incident report letter is to make sure that any other misunderstandings can be addressed, and should also be done in a polite and professional manner. To be able to achieve this, you must also as much as possible add some solid evidence to back up your claims.

How to Write an Explanation Incident Report Letter?

When you write a letter or an email, you write what you want or what is in your heart, or even what you think is right. When you write a report, you write about what you may have observed and depending on the topic as well. So if you mix these two together, you may have an idea on how to write an explanation of the incident report. As we know that both can give off an explanation about what we may want to write about and what should be written. Here are five tips to help you get started on writing an explanation of the incident report letter. Check them out now.

1. Start by Writing the Date for Your Letter

Just as you write a letter, always remember to add the date. The date has to be when you are writing and not when you are stating when the incident happened. This is part of when writing a letter. When you forget to add it, there may be some issues and complications. Especially if you plan to trace what happened to your report letter.

2. State the Name of the Person or Company

Following the same format as that of a letter, you should add the name of the person and the company. If you do not know the name of the person or the head of the company or the place that you are sending the letter, you should at least add the name of the business or the company. If there are more than one, look for the person in charge, usually this person has a higher rank or their HR.

3. Write the Reason for the Letter

At the body of the letter, start with a positive introduction and a positive greeting. Once that is done, write the reason for the letter. Explain what the incident is about. This part usually answers the questions of who, when, why, when and where. Who are the people involved, when did it happen, why did it happen, when did it happen and lastly where did it happen.

4. Add Some Evidence or Proof

While explaining everything in your report letter, add some evidence or proof of the incident. The purpose for the evidence is to back up your claims. The more evidence you have, the better. Explaining about what had happened should also be there.

5. End the Letter with a Positive Note

As you end the letter report, end it with a positive note. Avoid ending your letter with something negative or rude towards the person you are sending it for. In addition to that, avoid having to say something hurtful or placing yourself in an awkward situation.

How do you write a good incident description?

  1. Start with a clear title or heading: Begin with a concise and informative title that briefly describes the incident, such as “Car Accident on Main Street.”
  2. Provide a date and time: Specify the exact date and time when the incident occurred. This establishes a timeline for the reader.
  3. Include location details: Describe the location of the incident, including the street address, city, state, and any relevant landmarks.
  4. Write in a chronological order: Begin with the events leading up to the incident and then describe the incident itself. Use a clear and logical sequence of events.
  5. Use objective language: Stick to the facts and avoid adding personal opinions or assumptions. Be objective in your description.
  6. Be specific and detailed: Include as many relevant details as possible, such as names of individuals involved, vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers, and descriptions of injuries or damages.
  7. Use the five W’s and one H: Answer the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. This ensures a comprehensive description.
  8. Avoid unnecessary jargon: Use plain and straightforward language that can be easily understood by a broad audience. If technical terms are necessary, provide explanations.
  9. Include witness statements: If there were witnesses to the incident, include their statements, if available, to provide additional perspectives.
  10. Attach relevant evidence: If applicable, include photographs, video footage, diagrams, or any other evidence that can help in understanding the incident better.
  11. Emphasize safety and well-being: If the incident involves injuries or harm, prioritize describing any actions taken to ensure the safety and well-being of those involved.
  12. Use a formal tone: Maintain a professional and formal tone throughout the description.
  13. Proofread and edit: Review the description for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors. Ensure that it’s well-organized and easy to follow.
  14. Conclude with next steps: If necessary, outline any actions or measures taken after the incident, such as calling the police, seeking medical attention, or reporting the incident to the relevant authorities.
  15. Sign and date: If the incident description requires your signature and a date, make sure to provide these at the end of the document.

How do you write an incident report letter?

1. Header:

  • Place your name, title, and contact information at the top of the letter.
  • Include the date of the incident report.

2. Recipient’s Information:

  • Address the letter to the appropriate person or department.
  • Provide their name, title, organization, and contact details.

3. Subject Line:

Use a clear and concise subject line that describes the nature of the incident.

4. Salutation:

Begin the letter with a formal salutation, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name].”

5. Introduction:

In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and your role, and briefly explain the purpose of the letter (reporting an incident).

6. Incident Description:

  • Provide a detailed and chronological account of the incident. Include:
  • Date, time, and location of the incident.
  • Names and contact information of those involved.
  • A concise description of what happened, using objective language.
  • Any immediate actions taken to address the incident.
  • If applicable, include any witness statements or evidence.

7. Analysis:

Explain the potential causes or contributing factors that led to the incident. This is where you can offer your analysis and insights.

8. Impact:

Describe the consequences or impact of the incident on individuals, property, or operations.

9. Actions Taken:

Detail the steps taken after the incident to address the situation, prevent a recurrence, or mitigate its effects. Include who was responsible for these actions and when they were completed.

10. Recommendations:

Provide any recommendations for preventing similar incidents in the future. These may include policy changes, training, or safety measures.

11. Conclusion:

Summarize the key points of the incident and reiterate the actions taken and recommendations.

12. Closing:

Use a formal closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully.”

What details would you write on the incident report form?

1. Date and Time:

The date and time the incident occurred.

2. Location:

The precise location where the incident took place, including the address or specific area within a facility.

3. Nature of Incident:

Describe the type of incident (e.g., accident, injury, theft, vandalism, safety violation, etc.).

4. Incident Details:

Provide a detailed account of the incident, including what happened, how it happened, and any contributing factors. Use objective language and avoid opinions.

5. Persons Involved:

List the names, contact information, and roles of all individuals involved, including witnesses.

6. Injuries or Damages:

Describe any injuries, damages to property, or other consequences resulting from the incident.

7. Immediate Actions Taken:

Explain what immediate actions were taken by those at the scene to address the situation (e.g., first aid, calling emergency services).

8. Witness Statements:

Include statements from witnesses, if available, to provide additional perspectives.

9. Equipment or Resources Involved:

If applicable, specify any equipment, tools, or resources involved in the incident.

10. Contributing Factors:

Identify any factors that may have contributed to the incident, such as unsafe conditions, human error, or policy violations.

11. Photos or Evidence:

Attach photographs, diagrams, or other types of evidence that can help in understanding the incident.

12. Environmental Conditions:

Note any relevant environmental conditions, such as weather, lighting, or visibility.

13. Security Measures:

Describe any security measures or protocols in place at the time of the incident.

14. Recommendations:

Offer recommendations for preventing similar incidents in the future. This may include policy changes, training, or safety improvements.

15. Reported By:

Identify the person filling out the incident report form, including their name, title, and contact information.

16. Date of Report:

The date when the incident report form is completed and submitted.

17. Approval/Review:

Provide space for the report to be reviewed and approved by relevant personnel or authorities.

18. Follow-Up Actions:

Outline any actions to be taken after the report, such as investigations, disciplinary measures, or corrective actions.

19. Signature:

A section for the person completing the form to sign, indicating the accuracy of the report.

20. Witness Signatures:

If witnesses are present during the incident report’s completion, provide a space for their signatures to confirm the report’s accuracy.

What are the three 3 requirements for writing an incident report?

1. Accurate and Objective Information:

An incident report must contain factual and objective information about the incident. Avoid making assumptions, conjectures, or including personal opinions. Stick to the facts, providing a clear and unbiased account of what transpired.

2. Relevance and Completeness:

Ensure that the report includes all pertinent details related to the incident. This includes the date, time, location, individuals involved, witnesses, contributing factors, injuries or damages, actions taken, and any other relevant information. The report should be thorough and cover all aspects of the incident.

3. Clarity and Organization:

Write the report in a clear, organized, and coherent manner. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Structure the report in a logical sequence, typically starting with the basics (who, what, when, where) and then progressing to a detailed account of the incident, actions taken, and recommendations. A well-organized report is easier to understand and interpret.


What is an explanation incident report letter?

A letter written to explain the incident that happened, who was responsible and the reason for the incident.

What format is there to write the letter?

The format follows that of writing a letter. Begin with the date, add the name of the person you are sending and the company or the business. Then you should add the reason for the letter.

What is the tone for writing a letter like this?

Professional tone should be used when writing this report letter. Avoid using words that may sound like you meant something else than what you actually mean.

Remember this, when you write an explanation incident report letter, be careful with how you explain. Be careful with how you plan to prove your point. In addition to that, be careful with how you may show proof or evidence since your evidence can also be used against you instead of a way to explain the reason for the incident.

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