10+ Life Goals Examples
There comes a point when you really do not have any idea what you really want in life. Sure, there are some things you want, like getting a car, getting married before thirty, or saving at least a million as soon as you reach thirty. But despite waiting for all those, you don’t feel motivated at all. You feel like it’s not a real goal at all. You have been asking your friends and family about their life goals and all you get is the feeling of envy because they seem to have their goals already figured out and you are just sitting there feeling listless, aimless, and goalless.
In this article, we give you twelve different life goal examples and nine different life goal ideas. You can focus on one or two goals if you already have achieved the other ones and if you have achieved none of it at all, you can always focus every idea suggested here. It really depends on your willpower. You can use these ideas to help you in figuring out and setting your life goals.
A Fresh Perspective on Goal Setting
The Health Benefits of Writing About Life Goals
What Are Life Goals?
Before going to the list, let us know what life goals are.
Life goals, from the term itself, are the goals, aspirations, and dreams that you want to achieve in your life. We may be familiar with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s quote that goes: “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. Sure, we have a lot of wishes in our lives. We wish to be like this and like that, we always wish for something we do not have, but if we do not act on it and do not make an effort to make it come true, it remains just as it is—a wish. Life goals are different from wises because it is achievable if you make it so. setting up plans to achieve it, it remains in the realm of dreams. Life goals are sensible and achievable. Life goals make you motivated to strive hard and to take on whatever challenges that may come on your way. Although life goals take a lot of time and effort to achieve, people stick to their life goals because it gives them a purpose in their life. It improves their lives and makes it wholesome. People have become successful because they stick and focus on their life goals and even if they would experience setbacks, their dedication and commitment to their goals have always brought them back on track.
Motivated Goal Setting
10 Steps to Setting Life Goals
Life Goal Setting Workbook
Life Goal Ideas
Here are nine ideas, in no particular order or priority, that will help you in figuring out your life goals in life.
Life Goal Idea # 1: Health Goals
There are six dimensions of wellness, namely: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, financial, and spiritual. Most of the dimensions are also other ideas of life goals but for this first life goal idea, let’s focus only one dimension and that is the physical health. We may be familiar with the body goals we often see on the internet. We see perfectly sculpted bodies as an image of a healthy life. But the real deal here is that you need not have perfectly toned arms and abs to be healthy. If you need to gain weight, make sure you go for the healthy way of gaining like eating protein-rich food. If you need to lose weight, you can always start eating less of unhealthy food and improve your diet and maintain daily exercise. If your goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can make it a goal to consistently do your healthy habits.
Life Goal Idea # 2: Intellectual or Creative Goals
Aside from your work, you want to do something like pursuing your hobbies. For example, you want to have an updated blog, you can have at least one blog post for a week. If you are into crafting, you can always have at least two projects for a week and you can even have a sideline by selling your crafts online. If you want to learn a new language but do not have enough time to enroll in real classes, you can always browse the internet for free lessons or buy a book.
Life Goal Idea # 3: Spiritual Goals
If your relationship with the higher being you believe in is dwindling due to busy life schedule and that you want to improve the kind of relationship you have with your god, there is always a way. You can start with praying for at least fifteen minutes a day or dedicate your worship days for service in your church. Being busy at work is not a valid excuse to forget about your spiritual needs. You just need to improve your time management skills.
Life Goal Idea # 4: Societal Goals
If you feel like your life is already consumed a lot by work, you might start losing touch with your friends. If there are reunions, make time for it. You might think that your friends at work are just enough to mingle with, but soon you’ll realize that talking to friends who are not associated with your work can be a whiff of fresh air. Have a work-life balance. Do not allow your time to be consumed by your work. Societal needs can also include fulfilling your duties as a citizen of your country more often. If you have observed yourself paying taxes on the day of the deadline, you can always make it as a goal to pay days or months before the deadline.
Life Goal Ideas # 5: Familial Goals
If you are living away with your parents and siblings, make it a point to contact them every day or at least twice a week. With the advancements in technology we have right now, saying you have no means of contact is just a petty excuse for not actually wanting to contact. You obviously have an access to the internet and a phone in possession. Also strive to go home at least once a month. Sue, we can always communicate via technology but nothing beats your physical presence at home. If you are living with your parents and siblings or that you already have a family on your own, at eat make dinners your daily meeting time where you are always complete and can update and check how each of your family members’ day went. You can also plan for holidays where you will have a longer quality time together.
10 Steps to Achieving Your Life Dreams
Attitude, Goal Setting, and Life Management
Life Goal Setting
Life Goal Idea # 6: Career Goals
Some people would like to focus on this goal because it is the prerequisite of almost kind of goal. But it really depends on you. If you feel fulfillment and success in achieving your dream career path, then go ahead and pave the way for that path. Set realistic goals; do not just say you want to become the CEO of a company when you are not yet employed yet. Before you get to get big in life, you should always start small. It is in starting small that you get to be aware of every nook and corner of the company you wish to lead and manage in the future. If you what you aspire is to become your own boss, then go ahead and start little steps to be your own boss. The old mindset is that you can never make a name unless you are educated. But in this modern times, all you have to do is maximize your talents and skills. It does not mean that you will become a starving artist because a lot of people now are willing to pay thousands and even millions for art and other forms of art like literature and music. You can make a name and you can always be someone you have always aspired for as long as you set a realistic and doable action plan.
Life Goal Idea # 7: Attitude and Personality Development
Some people, no matter how successful they are in their career and personal lives, there is always something that will hold them down. Oftentimes, it is the attitude and personality of each person that affects the other aspects of their lives. Now think about this: what good will your position as CEO do if you are a boss or a business owner who treats his or her employees as lowly beings you can just treat however you want to treat them? What good will your achievement and successes in life contribute if you do not give back and show gratitude for all the things you have received in your life? Sometimes, having a negative attitude and personality will hold you back from achieving your dreams and aspirations in life. But this does not mean you have to fake your attitude and put up a facade of your real personality just so you can achieve something. If you find the need to change your bad attitude and negative personality, you have to accept your flaws first and then you can finally change genuinely. This goal setting usually is the most important of all because this affects your entire goals. If you want to turn your ship’s path to the right one, be the right person to do so.
Life Goal Idea # 8: Education
Career may be a prerequisite to other goals but you cannot have a successful career if you do not have a strong foundation. Sure, you can always start and have a career without masters degree if you only have sufficient talents and skills. But no matter how good you are with a skill, there will always be a room for improvement and growth. Who knows you can create a new craft and add it to your list of products that you sell online? Education does not always mean having to enroll for a master’s degree; education could also mean learning a new skill or learning a new language. Learning is never-ending and a quote by Aristotle will perfectly describe this: “The more you know, the more you know you don’t know”.
Life Goal Idea # 9: Financial
Do not just say you want to save a million by thirty if your lifestyle includes a daily night out, splurging, and random overseas travel. Your career can usually affect your financial goals. Again, do not expect saving up a million by thirty if you’re only earning a minimum wage a day plus you have mouths to feed and bills to pay. Aside from knowing what amount you want to achieve at a certain point in your life, also make sure that you are not only thinking of the amount of money you want to have but think of how you can sustain and even increase the amount of savings you have. And savings does not only mean cash. It could also mean your assets. You can always secure a pension, or invest in jewelry since you can always pawn them. Own lands, a car, or a house.
Creatig Your Self-Directed Life Plan
Life Goals Profile
Organize Your Life and Goals
Why Set Life Goals?
Having no goals will make you feel like a vagabond in this world. The feeling is like going around in circles at an empty, dry field. You will feel like you do not have a purpose in your life. Life goals are one of the factors that keep you going in life. If you want to take the wheel and control your life to the road you want to take, then make life goals and make that as your fuel to keep on driving.
10+ Life Goals Examples
There comes a point when you really do not have any idea what you really want in life. Sure, there are some things you want, like getting a car, getting married before thirty, or saving at least a million as soon as you reach thirty. But despite waiting for all those, you don’t feel motivated at all. You feel like it’s not a real goal at all. You have been asking your friends and family about their life goals and all you get is the feeling of envy because they seem to have their goals already figured out and you are just sitting there feeling listless, aimless, and goalless.
In this article, we give you twelve different life goal examples and nine different life goal ideas. You can focus on one or two goals if you already have achieved the other ones and if you have achieved none of it at all, you can always focus every idea suggested here. It really depends on your willpower. You can use these ideas to help you in figuring out and setting your life goals.
A Fresh Perspective on Goal Setting
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The Health Benefits of Writing About Life Goals
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What Are Life Goals?
Before going to the list, let us know what life goals are.
Life goals, from the term itself, are the goals, aspirations, and dreams that you want to achieve in your life. We may be familiar with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s quote that goes: “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. Sure, we have a lot of wishes in our lives. We wish to be like this and like that, we always wish for something we do not have, but if we do not act on it and do not make an effort to make it come true, it remains just as it is—a wish. Life goals are different from wises because it is achievable if you make it so. setting up plans to achieve it, it remains in the realm of dreams. Life goals are sensible and achievable. Life goals make you motivated to strive hard and to take on whatever challenges that may come on your way. Although life goals take a lot of time and effort to achieve, people stick to their life goals because it gives them a purpose in their life. It improves their lives and makes it wholesome. People have become successful because they stick and focus on their life goals and even if they would experience setbacks, their dedication and commitment to their goals have always brought them back on track.
Motivated Goal Setting
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10 Steps to Setting Life Goals
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Life Goal Setting Workbook
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Life Goal Ideas
Here are nine ideas, in no particular order or priority, that will help you in figuring out your life goals in life.
Life Goal Idea # 1: Health Goals
There are six dimensions of wellness, namely: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, financial, and spiritual. Most of the dimensions are also other ideas of life goals but for this first life goal idea, let’s focus only one dimension and that is the physical health. We may be familiar with the body goals we often see on the internet. We see perfectly sculpted bodies as an image of a healthy life. But the real deal here is that you need not have perfectly toned arms and abs to be healthy. If you need to gain weight, make sure you go for the healthy way of gaining like eating protein-rich food. If you need to lose weight, you can always start eating less of unhealthy food and improve your diet and maintain daily exercise. If your goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can make it a goal to consistently do your healthy habits.
Life Goal Idea # 2: Intellectual or Creative Goals
Aside from your work, you want to do something like pursuing your hobbies. For example, you want to have an updated blog, you can have at least one blog post for a week. If you are into crafting, you can always have at least two projects for a week and you can even have a sideline by selling your crafts online. If you want to learn a new language but do not have enough time to enroll in real classes, you can always browse the internet for free lessons or buy a book.
Life Goal Idea # 3: Spiritual Goals
If your relationship with the higher being you believe in is dwindling due to busy life schedule and that you want to improve the kind of relationship you have with your god, there is always a way. You can start with praying for at least fifteen minutes a day or dedicate your worship days for service in your church. Being busy at work is not a valid excuse to forget about your spiritual needs. You just need to improve your time management skills.
Life Goal Idea # 4: Societal Goals
If you feel like your life is already consumed a lot by work, you might start losing touch with your friends. If there are reunions, make time for it. You might think that your friends at work are just enough to mingle with, but soon you’ll realize that talking to friends who are not associated with your work can be a whiff of fresh air. Have a work-life balance. Do not allow your time to be consumed by your work. Societal needs can also include fulfilling your duties as a citizen of your country more often. If you have observed yourself paying taxes on the day of the deadline, you can always make it as a goal to pay days or months before the deadline.
Life Goal Ideas # 5: Familial Goals
If you are living away with your parents and siblings, make it a point to contact them every day or at least twice a week. With the advancements in technology we have right now, saying you have no means of contact is just a petty excuse for not actually wanting to contact. You obviously have an access to the internet and a phone in possession. Also strive to go home at least once a month. Sue, we can always communicate via technology but nothing beats your physical presence at home. If you are living with your parents and siblings or that you already have a family on your own, at eat make dinners your daily meeting time where you are always complete and can update and check how each of your family members’ day went. You can also plan for holidays where you will have a longer quality time together.
10 Steps to Achieving Your Life Dreams
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Attitude, Goal Setting, and Life Management
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Life Goal Setting
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Life Goal Idea # 6: Career Goals
Some people would like to focus on this goal because it is the prerequisite of almost kind of goal. But it really depends on you. If you feel fulfillment and success in achieving your dream career path, then go ahead and pave the way for that path. Set realistic goals; do not just say you want to become the CEO of a company when you are not yet employed yet. Before you get to get big in life, you should always start small. It is in starting small that you get to be aware of every nook and corner of the company you wish to lead and manage in the future. If you what you aspire is to become your own boss, then go ahead and start little steps to be your own boss. The old mindset is that you can never make a name unless you are educated. But in this modern times, all you have to do is maximize your talents and skills. It does not mean that you will become a starving artist because a lot of people now are willing to pay thousands and even millions for art and other forms of art like literature and music. You can make a name and you can always be someone you have always aspired for as long as you set a realistic and doable action plan.
Life Goal Idea # 7: Attitude and Personality Development
Some people, no matter how successful they are in their career and personal lives, there is always something that will hold them down. Oftentimes, it is the attitude and personality of each person that affects the other aspects of their lives. Now think about this: what good will your position as CEO do if you are a boss or a business owner who treats his or her employees as lowly beings you can just treat however you want to treat them? What good will your achievement and successes in life contribute if you do not give back and show gratitude for all the things you have received in your life? Sometimes, having a negative attitude and personality will hold you back from achieving your dreams and aspirations in life. But this does not mean you have to fake your attitude and put up a facade of your real personality just so you can achieve something. If you find the need to change your bad attitude and negative personality, you have to accept your flaws first and then you can finally change genuinely. This goal setting usually is the most important of all because this affects your entire goals. If you want to turn your ship’s path to the right one, be the right person to do so.
Life Goal Idea # 8: Education
Career may be a prerequisite to other goals but you cannot have a successful career if you do not have a strong foundation. Sure, you can always start and have a career without masters degree if you only have sufficient talents and skills. But no matter how good you are with a skill, there will always be a room for improvement and growth. Who knows you can create a new craft and add it to your list of products that you sell online? Education does not always mean having to enroll for a master’s degree; education could also mean learning a new skill or learning a new language. Learning is never-ending and a quote by Aristotle will perfectly describe this: “The more you know, the more you know you don’t know”.
Life Goal Idea # 9: Financial
Do not just say you want to save a million by thirty if your lifestyle includes a daily night out, splurging, and random overseas travel. Your career can usually affect your financial goals. Again, do not expect saving up a million by thirty if you’re only earning a minimum wage a day plus you have mouths to feed and bills to pay. Aside from knowing what amount you want to achieve at a certain point in your life, also make sure that you are not only thinking of the amount of money you want to have but think of how you can sustain and even increase the amount of savings you have. And savings does not only mean cash. It could also mean your assets. You can always secure a pension, or invest in jewelry since you can always pawn them. Own lands, a car, or a house.
Creatig Your Self-Directed Life Plan
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Life Goals Profile
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Organize Your Life and Goals
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Why Set Life Goals?
Having no goals will make you feel like a vagabond in this world. The feeling is like going around in circles at an empty, dry field. You will feel like you do not have a purpose in your life. Life goals are one of the factors that keep you going in life. If you want to take the wheel and control your life to the road you want to take, then make life goals and make that as your fuel to keep on driving.